Venue: Committee Room 6 - Civic Centre, High Street, Uxbridge UB8 1UW. View directions
Contact: Jon Pitt 01895 277655
No. | Item |
To confirm that the items of business marked Part I will be considered in Public and items marked Part II will be considered in Private Minutes: It was confirmed that all items were Part I and would be heard in public. |
Additional documents:
Minutes: Introduction by Licensing Officer
Charlene Ellis, Licensing Officer, introduced the application for the variation of a Premises Licence for 'Re Bar', 163 Field End Road, Pinner, HA5 1QL. The variation proposed to extend the terminal hour for the sale of alcohol, live music, recorded music and late night refreshment until 02.00 hours and operating hours until 02.30 hours on Fridays and Saturdays (all other licensable activities, permitted hours and opening hours to remain as existing).
Reference was made to the Premises Licence having the provision to extend the licensable activity hours and the opening times by one extra hour and also two extra hours on a number of specified named days of the year.
The Sub-Committee was informed that a consultation had been undertaken with both Ward Members and Responsible Authorities; four Responsible Authorities and seven interested parties responded to the consultation.
The Sub-Committee was informed that a number of visits had been made by Licensing Officers to the premises, with the most recent visit having taken place on 8 September 2015. No major issues had been found, however a training issue had been identified in respect of staff being able to use the CCTV system and access recordings.
Reference was made to the complaints which had been received and the Licensing Officer reported that these could be addressed through conditions.
Representation made by the Applicant
The applicant's representative, Ms Hanson reported that the application for the variation had been made for an extra hour trading to enable the premises trading hours to be brought in line with other similar establishments in the area.
The Sub-Committee was informed that the applicant would be willing to employ extra bar and security staff, with one member of security staff being deployed specifically at the rear entrance of the premises.
The applicant informed the Sub-Committee that subject to approval of the variation application, the pre-existing special day extensions currently authorised on the premises licence would not be taken up as extra hours if those days fell on a Friday and Saturday.
Representations made by Responsible Authorities
Dr Steve Hajioff, Director of Public Health addressed the Sub-Committee on the impact of noise associated with the general health of people. Reference was made to the effects of noise and the long term affect of sleep deprivation potentially causing stress and depression. Public Health voiced a general concern with noise emanating from such premises, being that it was in close proximity to residential dwellings.
Dr Hajioff commented that given the history of the premises in question, the view was that an extension of hours should not be granted without measures being secured to mitigate noise.
Ms Jo Smith, from the Environmental Protection Unit reported that noise mitigation measures should be introduced at the premises if the application for variation was to be granted. Reference was made to previous discussions which had taken place with the applicant on alleviating the noise from the premises. These included proposing to install anti-vibration mounts for speakers and self closing ... view the full minutes text for item 2. |