Agenda and minutes

Licensing Sub-Committee - Friday, 19th June, 2015 2.30 pm, NEW

Venue: Committee Room 5 - Civic Centre. View directions

Contact: Charles Francis  01895 556454

No. Item


Apologies for Absence




Declarations of interest in matters coming before this meeting




To confirm that the items of business marked Part I will be considered in Public and items marked Part II will be considered in Private


All items were considered in Public.


Matters that have been notified in advance or urgent




Application for a New Premises Licence - Hard Eight, 1 Eastbury Road, Northwood pdf icon PDF 53 KB

Additional documents:


The Licensing Officer introduced the report informing the Sub-Committee that the application was for a new licence for Hard Eight, 1 Eastbury Road, Northwood. There were no representations from the Police but two representations had been received from local residents. For clarification, the  Licensing Officer confirmed that the application was for the sale of alcohol, on and off sales and the provision of late night refreshments indoors only. It was noted that the applicant had not applied for the provision of regulated entertainment.


The applicant's representative provided background information on Hard Eight and confirmed that the intention was for the premises to sell freshly prepared gourmet burgers in an upmarket setting. Although no draft menus were available at the meeting, the Committee were informed that optional side dishes would also be sold along with a choice of decent quality wines.


It was noted that Hard Eight was currently undergoing an extensive refurbishment.  At the meeting, the applicant's representative put forward a solitary change to the application to alleviate the concerns of local residents. This was as follows:-


·         That alcohol be sold from 11:00 am, instead of 9:00 am as requested on the licence application.


The applicant's representative then provided an overview of how it was envisaged Hard Eight would operate. It was confirmed that alcohol would only be sold with a meal or whilst customers were waiting to be seated. The applicant's representative confirmed that the Applicant currently had applications submitted for a street trading licence and a personal licence, and therefore was aware that he would not be able to trade from the outdoors areas or undertake licensable activities respectively without those two additional licences in place. He also noted that the Police were aware of the street trading licence application and had no objections.


In answer to a question in relation to how the outside areas would be managed, the Sub-Committee was informed that noise would be monitored and regulated by waiting staff. Notices and signage would also be erected to provide advice and guidance to customers.


The interested party in attendance made the following points:-


  • Concerns were expressed about the off and on sales of alcohol and patrons leaving the premises with alcohol and a request was made that this should be restricted.
  • Questions were asked about the time in the evening when last meals would be served and when the drinking up time would be?
  • Concerns were expressed about late night noise and impact this might have on local residents.
  • The offer made by the applicants' representative to reduce the hours alcohol could be sold from 9 am to 11am were welcomed.
  • Concerns were also raised about the effectiveness of waiting staff monitoring outside tables and their ability to control noise.


With regards to the drinking up time, Officers explained that this would be incorporated into the closing time.


All the parties were asked to leave the room whilst the Sub-Committee considered their decision.  Members felt that the additional condition put forward by the applicant  ...  view the full minutes text for item 43.