ePetition details

Widewater Place

We the undersigned petition Hillingdon Council to reject the planning applications: 76641/APP/1498 76642/APP/1499 76643/APP/1497

Resident petition to Hillingdon Council:
Petition against the following 3 applications for Change of use from Offices (Use Class E(g)(i)) to 49, 36 and 46 residential flats (Use Class C3) (Application for Prior Approval under Schedule 2, Part 3, Class MA of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (as amended))

Your desired outcome:
Dear Planning department, we, the undersigned, petition the Council to refuse the following three applications and to refer the matter to the appropriate committee for further review and consideration.


Refusal Reasons/Justifications:

- Transport and highways: Harefield doesn't benefit from a good Public transport network. The development would render future occupants of flats of the site (131 flats in total) heavily reliant on the private cars and this does not present a sustainable form of development.

- Lack of information regarding Bin collection

- Noise Impact Assessment: Lack of noise report and Impacts of noise from commercial premises on the intended occupiers of the development. Lack of consideration from the impact that HS2 may have on the occupants in terms of noise being developed within close proximity.

- Fire: The applicant/agent has not included provision for a satisfactory turning space within the site for Fire Engine at 8.5mL along with a 3.7mW access from the highway for emergency vehicles

- Conservation Area: The application sites are located within the Widewater Lock Conservation
Area. And therefore, the impact of the change of use of the ground floor and first floor of
the buildings on the character or sustainability of the conservation area must be considered which the applicant/agent hasn't provided this assessment in full.

Kind regards
Harefield Tenants and Residents Association

This ePetition runs from 01/07/2024 to 31/07/2024.

One person has signed this ePetition.

Privacy of personal data in petitions: Hillingdon Council has an established petition scheme, used by local residents, where they can seek to influence decisions made in their local area. The handling of petitions falls under the “public task” legal requirement for processing personal data under the Data Protection Act 2018, necessary for activities that support or promote democratic engagement. On receipt of a petition, the Council will process the personal data within solely for the purpose of considering it as part of the Council’s Petition Scheme and our public democratic process for Councillors and Council Officers to respond to the issue(s) raised in your petition and hear your views. For more information, please read the Council’s Privacy Notice and the Petition Scheme which Democratic Services has published on the Council’s website at www.hillingdon.gov.uk/petitions