Current ePetitions


Hillingdon Council has a well-established petitions process which enables residents to put their views straight to Council decision-makers, such as the relevant Cabinet Member or a planning committee. An electronic or ePetition can be a more convenient alternative to a paper petition and the council provides this online facility as an option for this. Please read the rules below on what ePetitions can be submitted. Below you can submit a new petition or browse and sign existing ones.

Title Respondents Deadline to sign by
Widewater Place 1 31/07/2024
Make documentation readily available for any Council-run schemes or initiatives. 12 01/08/2024
Reduce the speed limit to 20mph on North Way, Uxbridge and beyond 12 10/08/2024
Wingfield Way residents' petition on yellow box junction issues on the West End Road 1 10/08/2024
Objection Against Planning Application - 140 Linden Avenue for Erection of 2 No. semi-detached dwellings and Basement 78323/APP/2024/968 4 23/08/2024
End Hillingdon council housing crisis by moving people to right size property as there are short of 3,4 bed houses 2 Finished
Uxbridge library relocation (Application No. 14805/APP/2024/956) 24 Finished
Traffic Calming Measures on Chiltern View Road 23 Finished
Petition against Widewater Place Change of Use 64 Finished
19149/APP/2024/1391 0 Finished


What petitions can be accepted?

The Council will treat a paper or electronic petition as valid if: 

1.    It relates to a single issue within the Council’s responsibilities, e.g. a planning application, road traffic calming, change in a policy or a new community facility. 

2.    It reaches the required number of signatories of residents in the Borough based on whether it relates to a local or borough-wide issue as set out below: 

- Local petitions (20 signatures) - those relating to a planning / licensing application or a specific issue in your street or neighbourhood. A minimum of 20 signatories required.

- Borough-wide petitions (100 signatures) - those relating to Council services, policies or Council matters that are not local and apply across Hillingdon. A minimum of 100 signatories required.

3.    That the lead petitioner also lives in the Borough. 


Valid petitions are then formally considered by the Council. Ultimately you will have the democratic right to speak to Council decision-makers about the issue raised.

What petitions cannot be accepted?

A petition will not be valid, and thereby not accepted, if it falls into one of the obvious categories set out in the Council’s Petition Scheme here, e.g. a matter not within the Council’s remit or on matter where a recent decision has just been made following due public consultation. Petitions can also not be accepted on High Speed 2 Schedule 17 applications, as these are not planning applications and the law will always override any petitions received.

Process for submitting your ePetition

You can create and submit your ePetition using the “submit a new petition” link above. Democratic Services at the Council will review it and then keep you updated and informed about its progress. Please note, that if you have an existing online services [self-service] account with the Council, you will need a different username and password upon registration, signing or logging into an ePetition.