Decision Maker: CABINET
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: Yes
The Chairman of the Residents’ & Environmental Services Policy Overview Committee presented a report on approach to CCTV in the Borough. Cabinet thanked the Committee for their in-depth report and agreed to refine the Committee’s recommendations slightly to better reflect the views of residents, improved Member accountability and the administration’s priorities.
That Cabinet:
a) To re-launch the CCTV Steering Group with a clear Member lead, with the aim of bringing the Council and local private and public sector agencies together, to renew its terms of reference and to set out the CCTV Strategy and policy for the borough as a whole.
b) To endorse the work of the Joint Council / Police Prioritisation Panel, which decides the detailed location of new cameras with local agencies using demographic crime statistics under Terms of Reference to be set by the CCTV Steering Group;
c) To improve communication and consultation between the partners to ensure the best use of the CCTV system;
d) To develop a co-ordinated approach to ensure that all new permanent installations of CCTV cameras around the borough are compatible with the council CCTV control room;
e) To explore the extent to which the CCTV cameras could be used to detect ‘enviro-crimes’ including parking offences, fly tipping, littering, and other environmental issues;
f) That the CCTV Strategy produced by the Steering Group is kept under regular review by the Cabinet Member for Improvement, Partnerships and Community Safety and endorsed periodically by the Executive.
g) The Cabinet Member for Improvement, Partnerships and Community Safety will be responsible for the strategic development, the implementation of CCTV policy and the budget for development of CCTV in the borough. The Cabinet Member for Environment should retain responsibility for the operation of the CCTV Service and for the use of CCTV for parking, traffic and environmental issues.
h) With regard to recommendations to expand and modernise a multi-function CCTV control room in the Civic Centre to create additional capacity for adding more cameras; and to investigate and develop wireless technology in relation to CCTV; Cabinet should delegate Officers to investigate the feasibility of these proposals, report back to the Cabinet Member.
Reasons for the decision
The recommendations are aimed at building upon Hillingdon’s approach to the delivery of a comprehensive CCTV strategy. Improved CCTV services will contribute to residents’ satisfaction and the aim of making Hillingdon a safer borough for all. These will also benefit from improved Control Room infrastructure and technology.
Alternative options considered and rejected.
The Cabinet could decide to reject all the Committee’s recommendations.
Officers to Action:
Directors of Planning & Community Services & Environment and Consumer Protection
Publication date: 29/05/2009
Date of decision: 28/05/2009
Decided at meeting: 28/05/2009 - CABINET
Effective from: 06/06/2009
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