Decision details

Changes to the Housing Allocation Policy (Cllr Corthorne)

Decision Maker: CABINET

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes




That Cabinet approve the following changes to the allocation policy:


  1. Award additional priority to couples aged over 21 without children.


  1. Award additional priority to those who have lived in the borough for a minimum of ten years continuously at the time of applying for re-housing.


  1. Create a local lettings policy for ex-service personnel.


  1. Allocate a fixed number of social housing units to the identified groups.


  1. Designate additional blocks to those aged over 55.


  1. Delegate authority to the Director of Adult Social Care, Health & Housing in conjunction with the Cabinet Member for Social Services, Health & Housing to review the properties designated as blocks for over 55s and amend the blocks so designated based on the principles agreed in the December 2008 report.


Reasons for decision


One of the ways the Council can drive up aspirations and create a true borough of opportunity is through carefully thought out improvements to the Housing Allocations Scheme. The Council is proposing the three changes in order to encourage greater social responsibility within the community. As a result, officers have developed proposals to allocate a proportion of social housing to be targeted at specific client groups.


Alternative options considered or rejected


Not to approve the changes to the allocations policy as detailed within the body of the report. To change some of the proposals detailed within the body of the report.


Officers to Action:


Neil Stubbings & Beatrice Cingtho, Adult Social Care, Health and Housing


Publication date: 29/05/2009

Date of decision: 28/05/2009

Decided at meeting: 28/05/2009 - CABINET

Effective from: 06/06/2009

Accompanying Documents: