Decision details

Former National Air Traffic Services Site - Draft Supplementary Planning Document (Cllr Burrows)

Decision Maker: CABINET

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes




That the Cabinet:


  1. Approves the Former National Air Traffic Services (NATS) site Draft Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) and the draft Sustainability Appraisal for consultation purposes;


  1. Instructs officers to undertake a 6-week consultation exercise with interested groups and residents in the summer of 2009, and requests the Director of Planning and Community Services to report back on the responses to the consultation to a future meeting of the Cabinet.


  1. Grants delegated authority to the Director of Planning and Community Services to approve any minor amendments or corrections of a factual nature, as required, to the draft Supplementary Planning Document before it is formally placed on public exhibition.


Reasons for decision


The purpose of the Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) is to provide planning guidance for the future use and development of the former National Air Traffic Services (NATS) site, at Porters Way, West Drayton, along with the adjoining site owned by Council. The former NATS site has recently been acquired by Inland Homes, who intend to redevelop it. The Porters Way Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) 2005, which covers the site, is considered to be out of date, given the number of legislative and policy changes since 2005, and needs to be updated. The preparation of the revised draft SPD will encourage the engagement of the local community in the planning process. This then ensures that the Council can incorporate the comments and ideas from the community into a planning document that will become a material consideration in making planning decisions. The process also engages local residents early in the preparation of ideas and plans for the site, which is important to add value to any redevelopment, and the long term success of creating sustainable communities.


For these reasons, and the fact that the London Plan requires the preparation of planning guidance for sites of this size, it is considered necessary to update the SPD.


Alternative options considered and rejected


Not to proceed with updating the SPD. It is considered that this would restrict the Council’s ability to influence redevelopment of the site and may affect the ability to achieve wider planning, community and sustainability goals. The Cabinet may make revisions to the draft SPD prior to the public consultation. This is a valid option.


Officers to action:


Stephen Timms / Jales Tippell, Planning & Community Services


Publication date: 29/05/2009

Date of decision: 28/05/2009

Decided at meeting: 28/05/2009 - CABINET

Effective from: 06/06/2009

Accompanying Documents: