Decision details

HR Temporary Recruitment Contract Extensions

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes




That the Cabinet:


1.    Authorise a 1-year extension with Matrix SCM for the provision of Temporary Agency Workers, from 21 June 2024 to 20 June 2025, with associated costs estimated to be £11.24m (within the 12-month period) depending on the needs of individual Directorates for Corporate and Non-Qualified Social Care requirements to be funded from Service revenue budgets in line with the source of expenditure.


2.    Authorise an extension of approximately 18 months with Sanctuary Personnel for the provision of Temporary Agency Workers, from 11 January 2024 to 20 June 2025, with estimated costs of £7.5m (within the 18-month period) depending on the needs of individual Directorates for Qualified Social Care requirements.


3.    Notwithstanding the decisions above,

a.    to instruct officers to assess market options and prepare arrangements to consolidate agency worker contracts.

b.    to instruct officers to agree a process for engaging consultants outside of current temporary worker supplier agreements, recommending that a panel comprising of the Chief Executive, Corporate Director of Finance, Director of Procurement & Commissioning, and Head of HR, is established to review and approve requests should there be a need to go ‘off-contract’ for temporary agency workers.


Reasons for decision


Cabinet agreed an extension of the current agency workforce contracts which cover Administration, Clerical, Professional, Education, Technical, non-qualified and qualified social care roles.


Alternative options considered and rejected


Alternative options were considered as set out in the confidential report.


Relevant Select Committee

Finance & Corporate Services

Expiry date for any scrutiny call-in / date decision can be implemented (if no call-in)

These decisions can be called-in by a majority of Members on the Select Committee by 5pm, 17 November 2023

Officer(s) to action

Irvin Luchowa


Central Services


Private - Whilst the Cabinet's decisions above are always made public, the officer report relating to this matter is not because it was considered in the private part of the meeting and contained information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the Authority holding that information) and the public interest in withholding the information outweighed the public interest in disclosing it in accordance with Section 100(A) and paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12 (A) to the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended).


Publication date: 10/11/2023

Date of decision: 09/11/2023

Decided at meeting: 09/11/2023 - CABINET

Effective from: 18/11/2023

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