Decision details

Carers' Strategy Delivery Plan Update

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No




That Cabinet notes highlights against the Carers’ Strategy delivery plan activity for 2023/24 and the priorities for 2024/25.


Reasons for decision


The Cabinet Member for Health & Social Care presented a report, which Cabinet noted, highlighting key developments in the Carers Strategy Delivery Plan, which also supported the joint Health and Well-Being Strategy and the Better Care Fund Plan. A draft of the report had been discussed with the Health and Social Care Committee and the Cabinet Member thanked their comments. The Cabinet Member noted that the 2021 census showed 22,465 people identified as carers in the Borough, a number believed to have risen. Furthermore, in March, 563 adult carers were surveyed with a 30% return rate, showing 34% could take a break from caring for more than 24 hours, up from 20% in 2021/22 and higher than the England average of 16.7%.


The Cabinet Member explained that the main support for carers was through the Carer Support Service contract between the Council and Carers Trust Hillingdon. In respect of the work done to support carers over the last year, the Cabinet Member pointed out this had included 2,596 short breaks, 56 residential weekends for young carers, 144 family members attending trips, 29 holiday activity sessions, 91 carers receiving crisis counselling and 207 receiving family support.


Additionally, it was welcomed that a new information pack had been produced for carers and that carer leads were now re-established in all 41 GP practices across the Borough. In respect of carer assessments, the Cabinet Member noted that the Council had conducted 875 assessments, including 244 by the Carers Trust. In 2023/24, 4,789 carers in the Borough received respite or care services, with an increase in direct payments from 170 to 204, along with carer benefits secured for 233 families - the highest since the contract had begun.


The Cabinet Member welcomed that the Carers Strategy Delivery Plan demonstrated a shared commitment to supporting carers across the Council, NHS and its other partners. Cabinet noted the report.


Alternative options considered / risk management


None were considered by the Cabinet.


Relevant Select Committee

Health & Social Care

Expiry date for any scrutiny call-in / date decision can be implemented (if no call-in)

N/A – report for noting only

Officer(s) to action

Gary Collier


Adult Social Care and Health



The report and any background papers relating to this decision by the Cabinet are available to view on the Council's website or by visiting the Civic Centre, Uxbridge.


Publication date: 13/09/2024

Date of decision: 12/09/2024

Decided at meeting: 12/09/2024 - CABINET

Accompanying Documents: