Issue - meetings

Annual Government Statement


Meeting: 12/07/2016 - Audit Committee (Item 6)

6 Draft Annual Governance Statement 2016 - 17 pdf icon PDF 448 KB


The Committee was provided with an update on the progress to date in the preparation of the Annual Governance Statement for 2015/16.


The significant governance issues from 2014-15 which had not been resolved were detailed in the report and discussed.


Reference was made to the warning notices on maintained schools and academies and a Member asked how many had been escalated to the Regional Schools Commissioner (RSC).

Subsequent to the meeting it was reported  that based on the financial year, for maintained schools two notices had been issued in 2015/16 and one to date in 2016/17, with a further two Warning Notices in the pipeline. 


Officers were working closely with schools which had been identified as to be at risk, and 'challenge' meetings had been held with head teachers and Chairs of Governors every 6 weeks/half-term for those at the highest risk.  If there were concerns about progress / outcomes, Warning Notices would be issued.


In relation to Academy Schools, there was regular dialogue with the RSC's office about a number of Academy Schools, some of which related to lower level concerns / patterns of behaviours which officers had challenged. To date there had been formal concerns raised two Academy Schools.


Reference was made to the number of recommendations raised by Internal Audit during their review in 2014/15 relating to Data Protection and Information Governance. Work was still continuing to take place to address the remaining outstanding recommendations.




1.   That the comments made by the Committee be noted and the draft AGS be noted.


2.   That the Committee noted that at this stage the AGS was in draft form and was subject to possible amendment and that the Committee would be asked to adopt the AGS one it had been signed and agreed by the Leader of the Council and the Chief Executive, for publication alongside the annual accounts in September 2016.  


Meeting: 15/03/2016 - Audit Committee (Item 35)

35 Annual Governance Statement 2015 - 16 pdf icon PDF 190 KB


The Committee was provided with an update on the process to be adopted and the approach to be taken in compiling the AGS 2015-16.


Members were reminded that under the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2011, the Council was required to review and report annually on the effectiveness of its systems of internal control.


Reference was made to the Member training programme and specifically the planned training for Audit Committee Members on Corporate Governance. Officers reported that training was provided at each meeting on specific areas and other related other training would be provided.


The significant governance issues from 2014-15 which had not been resolved were detailed in the report.




1.   That the sources of management information, together with the assurance used to provide the AGS and procedure followed be noted.