Issue - meetings

5 & 6 Firs Walk - 30837/APP/2019/3096


Meeting: 17/06/2020 - North Planning Committee (Item 24)

24 5 & 6 Firs Walk - 30837/APP/2019/3096 pdf icon PDF 273 KB

Erection of 3 x 4-bed dwellings with associated parking and amenity space and installation of vehicular crossover (involving demolition of 5 Firs Walk (Outline Planning Application with Some Matters Reserved).


Recommendation: Refusal


RESOLVED:  That the application be refused.


Erection of 3 x 4-bed dwellings with associated parking and amenity space and installation of vehicular crossover (involving demolition of 5 Firs Walk (Outline Planning Application with Some Matters Reserved)


Officers introduced the report, and confirmed that the application was recommended for refusal.


A petitioner’s objections to the application were detailed, key points of which included:


·         The petition consists of 68 signatures from residents of Dene Road, with an additional 19 individual letters of objection, and is supported by the Dene Road Residents Association and the Northwood residents Association.

·         Dene Road is designated an Area of Outstanding Local Character.

·         The proposed development is too large for the site, and will result in a loss of local character and garden space.

·         The proposal seeks to maintain the building line with adjacent houses, though this appears at odds with the layout plan included in the design and Access Statement.

·         The forward-facing garage spurs are an alien feature owing to their depth (nearly as deep as the houses themselves).

·         The proposed large crown roofs are not supported by policy DMHD 1 (b-viii) and are not sympathetic to the traditionally designed houses in the area.

·         Approval would be contrary to planning policies DHMB 11 and 14, and would also contravene the decisions made by the Committee against the previous application, and that of the Inspector.

·         The report identifies a lack of a legal agreement for works required to connect the site to the end of Foxdell, with the legal status of the relevant section of Foxdell currently subject to a legal challenge. If upheld, this challenge could result in no right of way over that section of Foxdell, and therefore no access to the proposed development.

·         Access is also restricted from Firs Walk, which is a privately-owned narrow lane, not a public highway. The lane’s dimensions will render construction traffic impossible, and any increase in traffic will be unsafe for residents.


Members discussed the application, and were supportive of the refusal reasons set out in the report.


The officer’s recommendation was moved, seconded, and when put to a vote, unanimously agreed.


RESOLVED:  That the application be refused.