Issue - meetings

Grangewood School, Fore Street, Eastcote, Pinner - 2145/APP/2022/3534


Meeting: 18/01/2023 - Major Applications Planning Committee (Item 186)

186 Grangewood School, Fore Street, Eastcote, Pinner - 2145/APP/2022/3534 pdf icon PDF 11 MB

Demolition of existing school building and construction of part one storey, part two storey Special Education Needs and Disability School (SEND) (Use Class F), together with associated landscaping, play space, access, refuse and recycling storage, car and cycle parking and associated works.


Recommendation: Approval


RESOLVED: That the application be approved.


Demolition of existing school building and construction of part one storey, part two storey Special Education Needs and Disability School (SEND) (Use Class F), together with associated landscaping, play space, access, refuse and recycling storage, car and cycle parking and associated works.


The application was presented by officers, who noted the addendum which referenced an amendment to Condition 12 – that a Parking Design and Management Plan shall be submitted prior to any ground works excluding demolition for the development.


Members questioned how the ‘bio-diversity net gain’ referenced in the report would be measured. Officers clarified that the bio-diversity net gain calculator was currently in its draft form and that the London Plan ensured bio-diversity net gain through the Urban Greening Factor but noted that this did not apply to schools. Officers further clarified that trees would be removed but would be replaced on a 1:1 basis. A verbal update was then given to Condition 17 to amend the condition from ‘at least a 1:1 basis’ to ‘more than a 1:1 basis’. Further to this, Members questioned if the Committee could include a condition that the replacement trees be mature trees, to which officers clarified that as mature trees were more susceptible to early failure, higher numbers would have to be planted to offset this. Based on this, officers clarified that mature trees would usually not be planted as they often also required more maintenance. Members questioned the possibility of protecting the newly planted trees and officers clarified that the Landscape Plan was required to be held in perpetuity and so any failed trees would have to be replaced.


Members referenced the Scheduled Ancient Monument noted within the report, and Historic England having had some concerns regarding a fence and questioned why these concerns were not listed as a sustainable objection to the application. Officers noted that the fence in question would be replaced by the applicant, and that there was a condition that the applicant use the same fence poles to avoid underground disturbance.


Members referenced report section 7.08 – Impact on neighbours, which stated a minimum separation distance requirement of 21 meters between facing habitable room windows of habitable rooms. Officers clarified that in this case the separation distance was significantly further than 21 meters (88 meters), but that this normally does not apply to schools and applied to residential properties.


Members questioned the construction management plan and referenced wheel washing and access times. Officers gave a verbal update to Condition 3 – to add a consultation with the headteacher; to add wheel washing to this condition; and to control hours of operation. Also, a new management plan was added to secure staggered pick up and drop off from the site.


A further verbal update was given to amend Condition 8 to refer to 2021 regulations.


Officer’s recommendation was moved, seconded and, when put to a vote, unanimously approved with the amended conditions.


RESOLVED: That the application be approved subject to the amended conditions