Issue - meetings

Property disposal - industrial sites at Arundel Road & Wallingford Road, Uxbridge (Cllr Jonathan Bianco)


Meeting: 14/09/2023 - CABINET (Item 15)

Property at Arundel Road & Wallingford Road, Uxbridge




That the Cabinet:  


Arundel Road:


1)    Declares that the land at Arundel Road Uxbridge UB8 2RP is surplus to requirements, the Property is shown shaded orange on Plan A.

2)    Authorises the sale of the freehold interest in the land at Arundel Road.

3)    Authorises the sale of the Property on the open market.


Wallingford Road:


4)    Declares that the land at Wallingford Road Uxbridge UB8 2FG is surplus to        requirements, the Property is shown shaded red on Plan B.

5)    Authorises the sale of the freehold interest in the land at Wallingford Road.

6)    Authorises the sale of the Property on the open market.


For both sites


7)    Delegates all future decisions regarding this disposal to the Cabinet Member for Property, Highways & Transport, in conjunction with the Corporate Director of Place.


Reasons for decision


Cabinet agreed the disposal and sale of two sites at Arundel Road and Wallingford Road in Uxbridge, which were both are on industrial estate land and semi-redundant in use.


Alternative options considered and rejected


Cabinet considered the alternative options as set out in the confidential report.


Relevant Select Committee

Property, Highways and Transport

Expiry date for any scrutiny call-in / date decision can be implemented (if no call-in)

5pm, Friday 22 September 2023

Officer(s) to action

James Raven




Private - Whilst the Cabinet's decisions above are always made public, the officer report relating to this matter is not because it was considered in the private part of the meeting and contained information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the Authority holding that information) and the public interest in withholding the information outweighed the public interest in disclosing it in accordance with Section 100(A) and paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12 (A) to the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended).