11 Former Sipson Garden, West Drayton 67666/APP/2023/3721 PDF 15 MB
The development of a Centre of Excellence for servicing and repair of Airside Support Vehicles (Use Class B2), consisting of a service building with 7no. service bays and 1no. storage bay, an ancillary two storey office building, with associated hardstanding, parking, a wash bay, plant, solar PVs, landscaping and drainage.
Recommendation: Approve + Sec 106
RESOLVED: That the application be approved.
The development of a Centre of Excellence for servicing and repair of Airside Support Vehicles (Use Class B2), consisting of a service building with 7no. service bays and 1no. storage bay, an ancillary two storey office building, with associated hardstanding, parking, a wash bay, plant, solar PVs, landscaping and drainage.
The current application sought permission for a centre of excellence for the servicing and repair of electric airside support vehicles falling under use class B2.
Officers highlighted the addendum which amended references to starting hours of operation from 07:30 to 07:00.
Members asked if it would be possible to condition that only electric vehicles be serviced at the site, and if it was possible to condition the route taken to Heathrow. Officers further referred to the apprentice scheme and no Sunday opening.
Officers noted that routing would form part of the operational management plan. This was listed under Condition 28 and would direct vehicle movements to the north. There was also Condition 17 which would restrict access to the site. On a condition on electric vehicles, officers noted that conditions needed a demonstrable harm to mitigate against. The scheme had been reviewed from an air quality perspective, and there was an air quality contribution that had been agreed. Head of Term 5 was the employment strategy which would encompass an apprentice scheme.
The landscape scheme condition did secure the provision of both active and passive electric vehicle charging provision.
It was noted that four alternative sites had been identified in the appendix to the applicants’ planning statement. None of those sites were deemed to be adequate in terms of operation or location. This had been scrutinised by officers, planning policy and the GLA.
Officer’s recommendations were moved, seconded and when put to a vote, agree.
RESOLVED: That the application be approved