10 Tesco, Glencoe Road, Hayes 36999/APP/2023/3455 PDF 3 MB
Variation of condition 3 (re. deliveries) of planning permission ref. 36999/T/93/0878 (allowed at appeal under ref. 94/236865) and dated 10 May 1995 for the removal of condition 12 (re. opening hours) of planning permission ref. 36999E/89/1214 and dated 1 May 1990 for the erection of a District Shopping Centre incorporating a retail store of 6228sqm gross floorspace with 725 car parking spaces, 12 small shop units with residential accommodation over, a covered mall, a doctor's surgery, a public house, a restaurant, changing facilities, a meeting hall, public convenience, a petrol filling station, a children's play area, an associated car parking area, a service yard and landscaping on land at Willow Tree Lane/Glencoe Road/Jolly's Lane, Hayes.
Recommendation: Approval
RESOLVED: That the application be approved.
Variation of condition 3 (re. deliveries) of planning permission ref. 36999/T/93/0878 (allowed at appeal under ref. 94/236865) and dated 10 May 1995 for the removal of condition 12 (re. opening hours) of planning permission ref. 36999E/89/1214 and dated 1 May 1990 for the erection of a District Shopping Centre incorporating a retail store of 6228sqm gross floorspace with 725 car parking spaces, 12 small shop units with residential accommodation over, a covered mall, a doctor's surgery, a public house, a restaurant, changing facilities, a meeting hall, public convenience, a petrol filling station, a children's play area, an associated car parking area, a service yard and landscaping on land at Willow Tree Lane/Glencoe Road/Jolly's Lane, Hayes.
The application proposed to amend the condition wording to allow for one delivery to take place between the hours of 09:00 and 10:00 on a Sunday, which the current wording of the condition prohibited.
The applicant was proposing to deliver to the front of the store prior to the store opening and delivering to the front of the store would make it quicker to unload perishable goods. This would also reduce the potential noise impacts upon neighbouring residents.
The proposal for one delivery between 09:00 and 10:00 on a Sunday was not considered to result in a significant increase in noise, given that this was one delivery and it was set in a location which was at least 34 metres from a neighbouring property. Unlike the existing service and delivery yard there would be a negligible impact upon air quality and the highways network. The application was recommended for approval.
The lead petitioner addressed the Committee and made the following points:
· The petitioner lived on Telford Way
· There was a longstanding issue with pollution, noise and diesel fumes coming into the garden
· There had been a previous application in 2018 which was refused
· Tesco were currently allowing people into the store at 09:00 before the tills opened at 10:00. Therefore, there could be cars in the car park when the lorry attempted to deliver
· The lorries were noisy and cannot reverse so they would have to drive nearer to the flats in order to exit the car park
· The petitioner could not use their garden whilst deliveries took place
· The petitioner stated that they had evidence of Tesco making a delivery on a Sunday and on a Bank Holiday, and this had been submitted to officers
· Permission for one delivery would lead to more deliveries
· As this application sought to deliver to the front of the store, the petitioner questioned how a delivery vehicle would manoeuvre around the mini roundabout
· The petitioner had emailed the manager of Tesco on numerous occasions
· Some local residents had moved away from the area as a result of this
· The local MP, John McDonnell, had been engaged on this issue
Members asked the petitioner if Tesco had engaged with residents over this proposal. The petitioner confirmed that they had initiated some engagement along with John McDonnell MP.
Members asked ... view the full minutes text for item 10