30 Atlas Lodge - 585/APP/2024/1558 PDF 2 MB
Change of use of site containing 72 assisted living units (Use Class C2) with ancillary communal facilities, parking, and landscaped areas, to residential accommodation for primary occupiers aged over 55 (Use Class C3)
Recommendations: Approve + s106
RESOLVED: That the item be approved
Officers introduced the application.
Members highlighted the need for affordable housing.
Members asked about the legal definition of primary occupants, and whether the development would be restricted to over 55s only or just be primarily for over 55s. It was noted that the previous scheme had a similar arrangement whereby the primary occupier was restricted to being a person needing assisted living. The current arrangement would work in a similar way.
Officers’ recommendations were moved, seconded and when put to a vote, unanimously agreed.
RESOLVED: That the application be approved