Additional documents:
That the Cabinet:
1) Considers the public consultation responses and summary information on the draft Public Spaces Protection Order;
2) Has regard to the contents of the Equalities Impact Assessment and;
3) Approves the finalised Public Spaces Protection Order in Appendix 1 for publication and implementation on 1st February 2025.
Reasons for decision
Following Cabinet’s approval of the matter for public consultation in 2024, Cabinet considered the outcome of that consultation on a proposed new Public Space Protection Order prohibition in relation to private hire vehicles and taxis in the wards around Heathrow Airport.
The Cabinet Member for Community & Environment stated that this would address a long-standing issue related to anti-social behaviour by some private hire vehicle drivers and taxis near the airport. It was advised that the report presented the results of a public consultation, which showed strong support for implementing the controls. Unlike previous measures, the Cabinet Member indicated that the new prohibition would make it an offense for such vehicles to be in the area without a fare to pick up or without being a resident. Enforcement would be carried out using various types of camera technology, targeting the registered owners of the vehicles.
The Cabinet Member advised that the primary goal was to address the anti-social behaviour and related issues, not to generate fine income and that, if approved, a short period of intense publicity was planned to encourage compliance.
The Leader of the Council highlighted the extent of the problem, noting that private hire drivers were causing obstructions and littering, and that some had used private gardens as toilets. The Leader expressed his support for the new measures.
Following consideration of the consultation and the equalities impact assessment, Cabinet agreed to implement the Order.
Alternative options considered and rejected
Cabinet could have decided to do nothing, further engage with the private hire and taxi community but considered these would not sufficiently tackle the matter. Cabinet could have also introduced further legal restrictions on all vehicles but discounted this due to the impact directly on residents.
Relevant Select Committee |
Residents’ Services Select Committee |
Expiry date for any scrutiny call-in / date decision can be implemented (if no call-in) |
This matter can be called in by the relevant select committee by 5pm, Friday 17 January 2025. If not called-in, Cabinet’s decisions can then be implemented. |
Officer(s) to action |
Richard Webb / Stephanie Waterford / Jo Howells |
Directorate |
Homes and Communities |
Classification |
Public - The report and any background papers relating to this decision by the Cabinet are available to view on the Council's website or by visiting the Civic Centre, Uxbridge. |