9 140 Fairholme Crescent, Hayes - 57533/APP/2023/3146 PDF 1 MB
Creation of an extra unit in 6 unit HMO (Class C4).
Recommendation: Approval
RESOLVED: That the application be approved.
Creation of an extra unit in 6 unit HMO (Class C4).
Officers introduced the application and made a recommendation for approval.
The lead petitioner had submitted a written representation and photos on behalf of petitioners objecting to the proposal. The statement was read out to the Committee Members. Key points highlighted included:
The applicant and agent were not in attendance and no written submissions had been received.
Members enquired what action had been taken by the Council’s licencing team regarding the complaints raised by residents. Officers explained that the planning process for HMOs differed from the licensing process. However, officers had conducted a search but had been unable to locate any reports of antisocial behaviour.
Members were informed that the certificate in place was a Certificate of Lawful Development hence there were limits to the planning controls that could be deployed. However, the development brought forward a site plan that included a location for rubbish bins. Officers had enforcement powers to undertake enforcement action should the bins not be placed in that location. Details of waste and cycle storage and EV charging points had been requested and officers had everything in their power in terms of proposing conditions on the development.
In response to questions from the Committee regarding fire safety, it was confirmed that the fire brigade regularly inspected the site. Members expressed concern regarding potential misuse of the units but were advised that a management plan would not be justified in this case.
Councillors referred to the Case Officer’s visit to the site in February 2023 and enquired whether notice would have been given. Officers confirmed that they were not required to give notice but generally did to ensure they were able to gain access. The Planning Officer had undertaken more than two visits but had not checked numbers of occupants. However, a condition was included to restrict the number of people residing in ... view the full minutes text for item 9