Agenda and minutes

Residents, Education and Environmental Services Policy Overview Committee - Thursday, 6th December, 2012 5.30 pm

Venue: Committee Room 3a - Civic Centre, High Street, Uxbridge UB8 1UW. View directions

Contact: Nadia Williams 

No. Item


Apologies for Absence




Declaration of Interest in matters coming before this meeting


here were no declarations of interests notified.




To confirm that all items marked Part 1 will be considered in Public and that any items marked Part 2 will be considered in Private


It was confirmed that all items on the agenda marked as Part 1 would be considered in public.




To agree the Minutes of the meeting held on 15 November 2012 pdf icon PDF 185 KB


The minutes of the meeting held on 15 November 2012 were agreed as an accurate record.


Review 1: Review of Regulations and Byelaws relating to Cemeteries and Burial Grounds within Hillingdon pdf icon PDF 168 KB

Discussion on possible conclusions and recommendations.


The Committee discussed the revised draft regulations that had been circulated electronically prior to the meeting. Members welcomed the document and thanked officers for producing a worthwhile document.


During discussion, members highlighted the fact that the maximum period for the grant of exclusive right of burial had been decided/ set at 30 years, which could be extended in 10 year blocks for up to 100 years from the date it was granted.


Members also welcomed the fact that the 30 years of exclusive right of burial had been tied in with the requirement for works on grave space to be carried out only by a Memorial Mason accredited to the British Registration of Approved Monumental Masons Scheme (BRAMM) or National Association of Memorial Masons (NAMM) and subject to a “Guarantee of Conformity” granted by the mason for a minimum of 30 years.


The Committee indicated that residents must have the option of selecting the type of graves that was preferable to them. However, it was noted that there would be additional cost implications to those preferring to opt for the full ‘traditional’ grave, due to higher maintenance costs involved.


The Committee considered that the following recommendations:


1.                  Officers to support Friends Groups

2.                  Maintenance of Cemeteries and Burial grounds to be brought back in-house

3.                  Give consideration to the purchase of machinery to break down clay soil which could be used to fill up graves

4.                  Re-instate the supply of leaflets setting out regulations to funeral directors for distribution to bereaved families

5.                  Winter rolling programme to be publicised to residents (so that residents can be made aware that works where works could not be completed imminently, they had be scheduled to be completed at some time)

6.                   Consider the provision of toilet facilities

7.                  Consider the provision of shelter for families to congregate at Cherry Lane in the absence of a Chapel

8.                  Give consideration to what actions could be taken to address the issue of the state of disrepair of the arch at the entrance of Hillingdon cemetery

9.                  That the officers continue to work closely with the Safer Neighbourhood Team (SNT)

10.             Officers in consultation with the SNT to agree a protocol of how to deal with anti-social behaviour at cemeteries

11.             Conduct safety inspection of memorials every as recommended by the Health & Safety Executive and notify grant owners of the outcome


Officers advised that the grass cutting season commenced in March and announced that the Winter Working Programme began at the end of September/early October 2012. It was noted that vast improvement could already be seen at Hillingdon and at West Drayton cemetery where shrubs had been cleared and new trees had been planted.


The Chairman of the Committee informed Members that Officers would compile a draft final report and would circulate this to Members for comment. The Chairman of the Committee requested Members to send any comments or amendments to Nadia Williams in Democratic Services.


Resolved that:       


1)     The above proposed list of recommendations form  ...  view the full minutes text for item 48.


Selection of Second Review Topic - Briefing note/Verbal Presentation pdf icon PDF 36 KB


The Committee considered the possible review topics for their second review.


Members were provided with a briefing report on the Control and Enforcement of Noise Nuisance which contained information on the current arrangements for dealing with noise nuisance.


Control and Enforcement of Noise Nuisance


Ed Shaylor, ASB & Investigations Service Manager introduced the briefing report which provided a brief outline of the Council’s arrangements for the Control of Enforcement and Noise Nuisance. He highlighted the following points:


  • There were three categories of noise/nuisance and were namely; commercial based, domestic and non-statutory
  • Commercial noise such as licensed premises or construction sites were dealt with by the Environmental Protection Unit
  • Noise arising from domestic premises were dealt with by the Anti-Social Behaviour Investigations Team (ASBIT)
  • Noise nuisance which occurred during office hours on weekdays were responded to on an as needed basis by EPU and Calls relating to this issue would usually be reported via the Customer Contact Centre where staff would also try to established whether the reported noise nuisance was persistent
  • There was a distinction between one off noise such as noise from parties (loud music), which may be investigated immediately
  • The volume of calls tended to be higher (as shown in the graph in Annex A attached to the report) during the summer months, mainly relating to parities and loud music, than in the winter months were issues related mainly to dogs barking, domestic noise and shouting
  • Many noise nuisance occurred in the evenings or at weekends and initial out of hours inspections of noise from commercial as well as domestic premises were carried out by ASBIT
  • Two officers worked four evenings per week as follows:

-          Thursday 5pm to 2am (responding to calls from 8pm)

-          Friday and Saturday 6pm to 3am (responding to calls from 9pm)

-          Sunday 4pm to 1am (responding to calls from 7pm)

  • Suggested consideration be given to the issues of meeting residents’ expectations of responding to one-off noise nuisance and managing the expectations were noise was persistent (including daytime noise nuisance).


During discussions the following points were raised:


  • That although the Temporary law had changed (where the temp notice period had been reduced from …), the control of noise had not been weakened. Noise nuisance emanating at weeks, residents would first call the police before calling the Council to report. Need to be on-call arrangements. Ed
  • Further clarification was needed regarding the change in the Law on TEMP Notices
  • Although no out of hours routine coverage was in place for Bank Holidays, arrangements were usually put in place on  an ad hoc basis


Pest Infestation/Waste Management


Nigel Dicker, Deputy Director, Public Safety and Environment presented a verbal outline of the Councils arrangements for Pest Infestation/Waste Management as follows:


  • Pest control and waste management were covered by different departments in the Council
  • Recognised the need for the different units to work as a team to solve problems
  • Suggested that the approach had been fragmented in dealing with issues relating to Commercial waste and issues relating  ...  view the full minutes text for item 49.


2011/2012 Review: Mitigating the Environmental Effects of Telecommunication Masts and Cabinets in the London Borough of Hillingdon and beyond - Verbal Update.


Officers gave a verbal update on the recommendations. The update on the progress of the recommendations will be listed and circulated for information separately. 





Work Programme 2012/13 pdf icon PDF 57 KB


The Committee agreed the Work Programme for 2012/13.





Forward Plan pdf icon PDF 49 KB


The Committee agreed the Forward Plan.




2011/2012 Review: Mitigating the Environmental Effects of Telecommunication Masts and Cabinets in the London Borough of Hillingdon and beyond - Update pdf icon PDF 77 KB