Agenda and minutes

North Planning Committee - Thursday, 19th July, 2012 7.00 pm

Venue: Committee Room 5 - Civic Centre. View directions

Contact: Charles Francis  Democratic Services Officer

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor John Morgan.  Councillor Tim Barker attended as a substitute


Declarations of Interest in matters coming before this meeting


Councillor Carol Melvin declared a personal interest in Item 6 – Former Reindeer Public House, Maxwell road, Northwood as she had been involved in the consultation process with both the applicant and the objectors. Cllr Melvin left the Committee Room and did not participate in the item.


Councillor David Payne declared a personal interest in Item 8– Eastcote House and Gardens, High Road, Eastcote as he was a member of the Eastcote Conservation Panel and Friends of Eastcote House Gardens. Cllr Payne left the Committee Room and did not participate in the item.



To sign and receive the minutes of the meeting held on 7 June 2012 pdf icon PDF 191 KB


Matters that have been notified in advance or urgent




To confirm that the items of business marked Part 1 will be considered in public and that the items marked Part 2 will be considered in private


All items were considered in Part 1.


Former Reindeer Public House, Maxwell Road, Northwood 18958/APP/2012/1035 pdf icon PDF 527 KB

Minor Material Amendment to planning permission 18958/APP/2011/873 dated 13/07/2011 seeking amendments to balconies of flats 2 & 6, amendments to the internal layouts of flats 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 & 11; amendments of roof and introduction of roof terraces to flats 11 and 12; provision of front doors for flat 4; increase in depth of bays by 460mm provision of doors to front gardens for flat 5 (south east elevation); and amendments to fenestration on south west elevation. (S73 Application for amendment to approved plans under condition 4).


Recommendation : Approval subject to a Section 106 Agreement.



Minor Material Amendment to planning permission 18958/APP/2011/873 dated 13/07/2011 seeking amendments to balconies of flats 2 & 6, amendments to the internal layouts of flats 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 & 11; amendments of roof and introduction of roof terraces to flats 11 and 12; provision of front doors for flat 4; increase in depth of bays by 460mm provision of doors to front gardens for flat 5 (south east elevation); and amendments to fenestration on south west elevation. (S73 Application for amendment to approved plans under condition 4).


In discussing the report, Members sought further clarification about the roof gardens and whether or not there were any weight restrictions. In response, officers explained that these would be situated on concrete roofs and the size of the gardens would prohibit the use of large pots.


The recommendation for approval was moved, seconded and on being

put to the vote was agreed.



Resolved –


That the application be Approved subject to a Section 106 agreement.


81 Shenley Avenue, Ruislip 64555/APP/2012/14 pdf icon PDF 457 KB

Erection of 2 x three bedroom semi-detached dwellings with associated amenity space, parking and alterations to vehicular access, involving demolition of existing detached bungalow.


Recommendation : Approval



Erection of 2 x three bedroom semi-detached dwellings with associated amenity space, parking and alterations to vehicular access, involving demolition of existing detached bungalow.


Officers introduced the report and drew the Committee’s attention to the changes set out in the Addendum.


In accordance with the Council’s constitution, a representative of the petition received in objection to the application was invited to address the meeting.


The petitioner made the following points:

  • Proposed houses were large and would extend far beyond rear building line of the two storey houses, including the adjacent properties in Shenley Avenue,
  • Proposal was an overdevelopment, would be out of character with Shenley Avenue and detrimental to the street scene.
  • The rear projection would result in loss of sunlight to adjoining gardens, including to rear of No. 79 and cast shadows on rear patios.
  • Proposal would create problems for adjoining properties whilst under construction.
  • The revised proposal meant that there would be a further increase to the existing footprint with single storey side extensions towards both adjoining properties which would overpower adjoining properties.
  • The proposed design suggests there would be an element of garden grabbing.
  • Most local properties incorporated semi-circular bay windows and the design of the bays for this application would be out of character with the surrounding properties
  • The proposed design should be amended (to address the above concerns).


No Ward Councillors attended the meeting.


The Committee sought clarification on a number of points including the size and scale of the development, the bay window element of the design and further details about the overshadowing diagrams shown in the officer presentation.


In response, officers confirmed that the proposed design would project back 3 metres from the first floors of neighbouring properties and the first floor bulk would be set back 1.8m from the side boundaries. Officers confirmed the proposal would not encroach upon a 45 degree line of sight taken from any adjoining first floor rear facing windows and was therefore compliant with Hillingdon’s Unitary Development Plan.


In relation to the bay window design, officers confirmed these were smaller in the size (and different in style?) to the bay windows of surrounding properties. With regards to right to light issues and the shadow diagrams, officers provided further clarification about the extent of shadowing at different times of the day and confirmed that the impact was deemed to be acceptable to neighbouring properties


It was moved and seconded that the recommendation for approval be overturned and the application refused.



 Resolved –


That the application be Approved as per agenda and addendum and the deletion of "Proposed Perspective" from plan list. 



Eastcote House and Gardens, High Road, Eastcote 23846/APP/2012/1133 pdf icon PDF 388 KB

Repair works to garden wall, installation of new gate to eastern side of wall and repair of stable block and installation of 2 micro CCTV cameras and burglar alarm to eaves of stable block (Application for Listed Building Consent).


Recommendation : Approval


Repair works to garden wall, installation of new gate to eastern side of wall and repair of stable block and installation of 2 micro CCTV cameras and burglar alarm to eaves of stable block (Application for Listed Building Consent).


Officers provided a comprehensive presentation which illustrated the extent of the works which were necessary to restore the site to full public access. The Committee agreed that significant work was required and acknowledged that the new gate would be located at the site of the existing gate.


Resolved –


That the application be Approved as per the agenda and addendum.  


Sacred Heart RC Primary School, Herlwyn Avenue, Ruislip 386/APP/2012/750 pdf icon PDF 404 KB

Formation of a multi-use games area (MUGA) to the southern boundary of the site to provide all weather play area for pupils of the school.


Recommendation : Approval


Formation of a multi-use games area (MUGA) to the southern boundary of the site to provide all weather play area for pupils of the school.


Officers introduced the item which concerned an application for the installation of a Multi Use Games Area. As there was no provision for flood lighting and the mesh fencing was conditioned to be dark green to match the existing fencing, Members agreed that there would be minimal impact to the surrounding area from the proposal.


The recommendation for approval was moved, seconded and on being

put to the vote was agreed.


Resolved – That the application be approved for the reasons set

out in the officer’s report and an amendment to Condition 7, to delete subsections 2a, b, c, d, f and g.


S106 Quarterly Monitoring Report - up to 31st March 2012 pdf icon PDF 89 KB


S106 Quarterly Monitoring Report - Up to 31st March 2012


Members received a report updating them on the current position in

relation to S106 agreements.


Resolved – That the report be noted