Agenda and minutes
Venue: Committee Room 5 - Civic Centre. View directions
Contact: Natasha Dogra
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence |
Declarations of Interest in matters coming before this meeting |
To sign and receive the minutes of 17 September 2009 meeting |
Matters that have been notified in advance or urgent |
To confirm that the items of business marked Part 1 will be considered in public and that the items marked Part 2 will be considered in private |
Southbourne Day Centre, 161 Elliott Avenue, Ruislip 66033/APP/2009/1060 Erection of a two storey building to provide 23 one and two-bedroom apartments, together with associated parking, involving the demolition of existing day centre building (Outline application)
Deferred from North Committee 6/10/09
Recommendation: Approval subject to a Section 106 agreement
23 Lime Grove, Ruislip 4065/APP/2009/1639 Two storey four-bedroom dwelling with habitable basement level and single storey detached garage to rear, involving demolition of existing dwelling and garage
Recommendation: Approval |
53 Pinn Way, Ruislip 1244/APP/2009/1132 Two storey rear and single storey side extensions, involving part demolition of existing dwelling and outbuildings
Recommendation: Refusal
Land west of Woodfield Terrace & Dovedale Close, Harefield 66148/APP/2009/1453 Outline application with all matters reserved for 9 dwelling development
Recommendation: Refusal |
76 & 78 Victoria Road, Ruislip 43997/APP/2009/1404 Change of use from Class A1 (Shops) to Class D2 (Assembly and Leisure) for use as a gymnasium
Recommendation: Refusal
76 High Street, Northwood 17829/APP/2009/683 Erection of a three-storey building comprising ground floor community hall and 6 studio and 2 one-bedroom self contained flats at first and second floor levels, with associated car parking (involving the demolition of the existing Northwood (Community) Hall) (Outline Application)
Recommendation: Had an appeal for non-determination not been lodged, the application would have been refused for the following reasons:
The Dairy Farm, Breakspear Road, Northwood 27314/APP/2009/2021 Erection of sections of 1.8m high close boarded fencing (to match existing) to Nos. 6, 9 and 10 Burbery Close, and Nos. 4, 5 and 6 Dairy Farm Lane, and replacement of existing 5 Bar gate between Nos. 5 and 6 Dairy Farm with 1.8m solid wooden gates
Recommendation: Approval
41 Green Lane, Northwood 12112/APP/2009/1591 Change of use of basement and ground floor from Class A1 Retail to Class A3/A4 Restaurants/Cafes and Drinking Establishments, to include new door and ventilation duct to rear
Deferred from North Committee 6/10/09
Recommendation: Approval of conditions
76 High Street, Northwood 17829/APP/2007/2861 Erection of three storey building with ground floor community dining hall, 4 one-bedroom flats at first floor level and 4 one-bedroom flats at second floor level with associated parking (involving demolition of existing building)
Recommendation: Refusal
43 Salisbury Road, Eastcote 33427/APP/2009/1680 Change of use from Class A1 (Retail) to Class A2 (Financial and Professional Services)
Recommendation: Approval
1 Long Drive, Ruislip 40940/APP/2009/1752 Change of use from Retail (Class A1) to Restaurants, cafe/hot food takeaways (Class A3/A5) with new shop front and outside seating area to front and front boundary wall
Recommendation: Approval
Priors Farm, West End Road, Ruislip 14699/APP/2009/1599 Dutch Barn and Cattle Yard to site
Recommendation: Approval |
S106 & S278 Quarterly Monitoring Report - up to 30 June 2009 Recommendation: To note the report |
Enforcement Report |