Agenda and minutes

Annual Council, Council - Thursday, 14th May, 2020 7.00 pm

Venue: VIRTUAL - Live on the Council's YouTube channel: Hillingdon London. View directions

Contact: Lloyd White, Head of Democratic Services 

Link: Watch the LIVE or on demand broadcast here

No. Item


Apologies for Absence

Please notify the Head of Democratic Services as soon as possible if you are unable to attend the virtual meeting.


There were no apologies for absence.


Roll Call and Declarations of Interest

The Head of Democratic Services will ask each Member in alphabetical order to declare that they are present and whether they have any declarations of interest in any matter before the Council.


Please wait to be called then:

a)    unmute your microphone on your PC / tablet etc (if you are joining the meeting by telephone only, then please either locate the mute button or remain as quiet as possible until called upon to speak),

b)    state your name and if you have any declarations of interest to make,

c)    then please remember to, once again, mute your microphone or telephone.


The Head of Democratic Services asked each Member in alphabetical order to declare that they were present and whether they had any declarations of interest in any matter before the Council.  There were no declarations of interest.


Mayor's Announcement - 1 Minute Silence

The Mayor, Councillor David Yarrow, will ask for a one minute silence to be observed in honour of:

Ø  - Jill Rhodes, Councillor 1998 – 2010 and Mayor 2005-06

Ø  - Kathy Langley, Mayoress 1992 - 93, 1998 - 99 and 2003 - 04


The Mayor, Councillor David Yarrow, asked for a one minute silence to be observed in honour of:

·         Jill Rhodes, who had been a Councillor from 1998 to 2010 and Mayor from 2005 to 2006;

·         Kathy Langley, who had been Mayoress from 1992 to 1993, from 1998 to 1999 and from 2003 to 2004; and

·         All those residents in Hillingdon that had died to date as a result of COVID-19.


Election of Mayor 2020/2021

To elect a Mayor of the London Borough of Hillingdon to hold office from 14 May 2020 until his or her successor becomes entitled to act as Mayor.


i)          The retiring Mayor, Councillor Yarrow, will provide a summary of his year in office.


ii)         The retiring Mayor, Councillor Yarrow, will call for nominations for the Mayor.

·                Councillor Lavery will nominate Councillor Barnes;

·                Councillor Makwana will second the nomination;

·                The Mayor will ask if there are any other nominations – election if necessary.


NB: a) Please inform the Head of Democratic Services prior to the meeting if you wish to speak on this item to enable a speaking list to be compiled.


b) Please note that the Mayor will not ask for all Members to indicate their approval or otherwise but, rather, will declare the motion carried and only ask if any Member wishes to vote against.


iii)        The retiring Mayor, Councillor Yarrow, will declare the result.


Please note that there will be no adjournment for the robing of the new Mayor. The meeting will continue with the new Mayor in the ‘Chair’.


The Mayor had not anticipated ending his mayoral year at a virtual meeting.  He thanked his Mayoress and provided the Council with examples of events that he had attended in the first none months of his mayoralty.  The Mayor thanked all Members for their support over the last year as well as those people and organisations that had supported his charities, particularly Councillor Jagjit Singh who had raised £4,000 for his charities through his marathon running.  In addition, the Mayor was grateful to the Leader of the Council for agreeing to donate the £14k raised from textile recycling in the Borough to his charities which brought the total amount raised during the year to £50k. 


Nominations were invited for a Mayor to hold office for the 2020/21 municipal year.  Councillor Barnes was nominated by Councillor Lavery and seconded by Councillor Makwana.  There were no further nominations.


RESOLVED: That Councillor Teji Barnes be elected as Mayor for the 2020/2021 municipal year.


Acceptance of Office by the Mayor

i)             The newly elected Mayor will make and sign the Declaration of Acceptance of Office.


ii)            The Head of Democratic Services will show the book to the meeting and declare the election of the Mayor to be complete.


The newly elected Mayor signed the declaration of acceptance of office.


Appointment of Deputy Mayor

The new Mayor will confirm in writing and announce to the meeting the appointment of a Councillor of the Borough to serve as Deputy Mayor for the forthcoming municipal year.


The Mayor informed the Council that she had appointed Councillor Roy Chamdal as Deputy Mayor.


RESOLVED: That the Deputy Mayor for 2020/2021 be noted.


New Mayor's Announcements

To receive announcements from the new Mayor.


The new Mayor noted that this was an unusual start to her mayoralty with a virtual meeting, a near empty Council Chamber, social distancing and a need to master muting and unmuting microphones.  Although there were currently very few appointments in the mayoral calendar, the Mayor was aware that things would pick up at some point and that there would be a return to a norm.  In the meantime, the Mayor would be looking to become more involved in virtual engagements rather than physical.  These were times of new and unpredictable beginnings where adaptability would be key.


The Mayor advised that her Mayoresses for the year would be Miss Roma Bell and Miss Elouisa Bell and her Escort would be Mr Cameron Swaran Bell.  The Mayor stated that her nominated charity for the year would be the Centre for ADHD and Autism Support.


Vote of Thanks to the Retiring Mayor

The Leader of the Council, Councillor Puddifoot will move and the Leader of the Opposition, Councillor Curling will second a vote of thanks to the outgoing Mayor.


NB: a) Please inform the Head of Democratic Services prior to the meeting if you wish to speak on this item to enable a speaking list to be compiled.


b) Please note that the Mayor will not ask for all Members to indicate their approval or otherwise but, rather, will declare the motion carried and only ask if any Member wishes to vote against.


Councillor Puddifoot moved a vote of thanks to the retired Mayor, Councillor Yarrow, and his Mayoress, Mrs Mary O’Connor.  This was seconded by Councillor Curling. 


Councillor Puddifoot advised that, as the Council had come in under budget during the previous year, he would be recommending that Cabinet double the funds raised by Councillor Yarrow for his charities to £100k.


Councillor Goddard spoke in support of the vote of thanks to the outgoing Mayor, Councillor David Yarrow.


RESOLVED: That the vote of thanks to the Outgoing Mayor, Councillor Yarrow, be agreed.


Report of the Head of Democratic Services pdf icon PDF 47 KB

Please note that, as there are only two items – both for noting – in this report the Mayor not be calling for a vote but will, instead, assume that both are noted.


NB: Please inform the Head of Democratic Services prior to the meeting if you wish to speak on this item to enable a speaking list to be compiled.




It was noted that Councillor Puddifoot had made the following appointments:




Deputy Leader of the Council and Finance, Property and Business Services

Councillor Bianco

Planning and Transportation

Councillor Burrows

Housing and the Environment

Councillor Corthorne

Central Services, Culture and Heritage

Councillor Lewis

Community, Commerce and Regeneration

Councillor D. Mills

Education, Children and Youth Services

Councillor O’Brien

Social Care, Health and Wellbeing

Councillor Palmer


9.2      Result of By-Election.


Members noted the following results of the Hillingdon East by-election held on 27 February 2020 where Colleen Sullivan of the Conservative Party had been elected a new Borough Councillor as follows:




SULLIVAN Colleen Margaret Ann

The Conservative Party Candidate


ROBERTS, Annelise Mary Gabrielle

Labour Party



Liberal Democrats


KEIR, Mark Alan

Green Party



UK Independence Party



There had been no change to the overall political balance of the Council as a result of the by-election.


Committee Allocations and Membership 2020/2021 pdf icon PDF 80 KB

Councillor Flynn to move and Councillor Radia to second, approval of the number and size of Council committees and the allocation of Members to serve on those committees based on the political balance of the Council, where required.


NB: a) Please inform the Head of Democratic Services prior to the meeting if you wish to speak on this item to enable a speaking list to be compiled.


b) Please note that the Mayor will not ask for all Members to indicate their approval or otherwise but, rather, will declare the motion carried and only ask if any Member wishes to vote against.


Members were advised that an updated Health and Wellbeing Board membership had been circulated to Members.  It was moved by Councillor Flynn, seconded by Councillor Radia, and:


ReSOLVED: That the appointment of Committees, Sub-Committees and their memberships, as set out in Minute Annex A, be approved.


Policy Overview and Scrutiny Committees' Annual Report 2019/20 pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Councillor R.Mills to move and Councillor Edwards to second to commendation of the annual report to Council.


NB: a) Please inform the Head of Democratic Services prior to the meeting if you wish to speak on this item to enable a speaking list to be compiled.


b) Please note that, as this item is only for noting, the Mayor will not ask Members to indicate their approval or otherwise.


The Council received a report of the work covered by the Policy Overview and Scrutiny Committees in 2019/20.  It was moved by Councillor R Mills, seconded by Councillor Edwards, and:


RESOLVED:  That the Policy Overview and Scrutiny Committees’ Annual Report 2019/2020 be endorsed.


Statement by the Leader of the Council

In accordance with the provisions of the Constitution, to receive, without comment, a statement from the Leader of the Council, Councillor Puddifoot.


The Leader confirmed that the Council remained financially sound and continued to deliver services that were the envy of residents living in other local authorities.  He believed that Hillingdon had some of the best local government staff and that this had been demonstrated over the last two months; these included staff in social care, refuse and recycling, green spaces, contact centre, housing, IT and finance.  The Council had received many favourable communications and thanks from residents who appreciated the services being provided. 


113 Council staff who were unable to perform their normal duties had volunteered to use their skills to run the community hub.  They had provided coordination and management, call handling and food delivery services as well as making onward referrals to H4All.  Many Councillors from both political parties had also volunteered to assist with food and prescription deliveries.


At a senior staff level, the Leader had continued to work closely with the Council’s Director of Finance who, with his colleagues, had dealt efficiently with the financial aspects of the lockdown.  On a daily basis, he also saw or spoke to the Council’s Deputy Chief Executive who had been in the Civic Centre every day competently dealing with issues arising in all services at all levels.  


It had been said that difficult times could bring out the best in people.  Across Hillingdon, very many residents had provided so many forms of voluntary services to those in need of help or protection.  On behalf of all Members, the Leader was proud of all that they had done and continued to do. 


As he approached his 21st year as Leader of the Council, Councillor Puddifoot noted that Hillingdon was recognised as one of the best run councils in the country.  Many years of strong financial and operational controls has meant that Hillingdon had been well placed to deal with the current challenges. 


The administration had been made up of Councillors with a range of skills who were also able to work together as a team.  The Leader thanked them all for their service to the Borough. 


Councillor Puddifoot also thanked the opposition for the part that they had played at a Committee and Council level as well as the practical and common sense approach that they had taken over the past two months.  He spoke regularly to the Leader of the opposition and was grateful for his support in these difficult times. 


All Elected Members were there to serve and protect “our people, our environment and our heritage”.  In these challenging times, Members remained committed to this objective.  Whilst the national directive was to stay apart, Hillingdon Council would stay together and would continue to support and deliver for its residents.  Stay alert.  Stay safe.