Agenda and minutes
Venue: Council Chamber - Civic Centre, High Street, Uxbridge UB8 1UW. View directions
Contact: Lloyd White, Head of Democratic Services
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillors Brar, Dhillon, Fyfe, Gardner, Jarjussey, Kemp, Lavery, MacDonald, Payne, Routledge, Seaman-Digby and White. |
To receive the minutes of the meeting held on 4 July 2013 (attached) Minutes: RESOLVED: That, subject to the amendment of the Mayor’s Announcements to read: “The Mayor announced that the Deputy Mayoress would be Ms Rita Kilroy”, the minutes of the meeting held on 04 July 2013 be agreed as a correct record. |
Declarations of Interest To note any declarations of interest in any matter before the Council Minutes: Councillor D. Mills declared a non-pecuniary interest in item 8, Motions. He remained in the room and took part in discussions on the item. |
Mayor's Announcements Minutes: The Mayor welcomed Tony Zaman, the recently appointed Director of Adult Services, to his first meeting of the Council.
The Mayor congratulated Councillor Mary O’Connor who had recently been given the accolade of Honorary Fellow of Brunel University. The University had recognised her work as a Senior Nursing Manager at Ealing Hospital and her work campaigning for Hillingdon MIND.
The Mayor announced that a quiz night would be held on 18 September and a Macmillan Coffee Morning on 27 September. All proceeds would go to local cancer support. |
Report of the Head of Democratic Services Minutes: Councillor Puddifoot moved the recommendations as set out on the Order of Business. This was seconded by Councillor Simmonds. The motion was then put to the vote and, following debate (Councillor Curling), it was:
RESOLVED: That: a) the Urgency decisions detailed in the report be noted. b) the Basic Allowance paid to Members as a part of the current Members’ Allowances Scheme be increased by 1% as of 1 April 2013 and the Head of Democratic Services be authorised to amend the Scheme accordingly. c) subject to confirmation that the date of the local elections will be moved to 22 May 2014: § The Annual Council meeting (and associated Whips’ Committee) be re-scheduled to 5 (and 3) June 2014 § The Whips Committee be asked to consider the re-scheduling of the remaining meetings in May 2014 as a part of the Programme of Meetings 2014/15 to be considered by Council in January 2014. d) subject to the necessary staff consultations being concluded in favour of the changes to the Constitution as outlined in Annex A of these minutes, the Head of Democratic Services, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, be authorised to amend the appropriate sections of the Constitution including: § the Officer Employment Procedure Rules (Schedule F); § the Terms of Reference of the Appointments Committee and Sub-Committee (Article 8); § the Terms of Reference of the Registration & Appeals Committee (Article 8); e) the Members of the Registration & Appeals Committee authorise the Head of Democratic Services, in consultation with the Leader of the Council and the Chairman of the Committee, to make the necessary changes to the Terms of References of the Investigating and Disciplinary, Grievance and Appeals Sub-Committees. f) following consultation with the Health & Wellbeing Board: § the revised membership arrangements, as set out in Annex B to the report be approved; § the amended Terms of Reference, as set out in Annex C to the report be approved; and § the Head of Democratic Services, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, be authorised to agree the names of any substitutes on the Board upon nomination from the relevant organisation. |
Audit Committee Annual Report 2012/2013 To receive the annual report detailing the work of the Audit Committee (attached) Minutes: Councillor G. Cooper moved that the annual report be noted. This was seconded by Councillor Graham and, following debate (Councillor Harmsworth), it was:
RESOLVED: That the annual report be noted. |
To take questions submitted by Members in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 11 Minutes: 7.1 QUESTION SUBMITTED BY COUNCILLOR ALLEN TO THE CABINET MEMBER FOR EDUCATION AND CHILDREN’S SERVICES – COUNCILLOR SIMMONDS
“Due to the shortage of available social housing, there are many families (our residents) with children being placed in B&B accommodation in Hillingdon and other parts of the Country.
It is often the case that these children have to travel greater distances to attend their school and this is having a detrimental effect on their education and well-being.
Could the Cabinet Member responsible for Education and Children’s Services please inform the Council what support is being offered to these children in this stressful situation?”
The Cabinet Member for Education & Children’s Services noted that the shortage of social housing was the legacy of the previous Labour Government and the slump in building that had taken place during their term in office. Labour had left the country without adequate social housing and in debt and the current Coalition Administration was trying to resolve the problems caused by this past under investment.
He advised that vulnerable children were supported by the Council through regular visits by officers from Outreach Services. At these visits officers assessed the often complex needs of children and families and provided whatever support that was required.
By way of supplementary question, Councillor Allen asked what specific support was being offered to families who were forced to live within one or two rooms and had children undertaking their GCSEs?
The Cabinet Member for Education and Children’s Services noted that this problem was one faced by many families across the Borough and that it was not specific to those in social housing.
“With all of us being aware of the acute shortage of social housing in Hillingdon, can the Cabinet Member for Social Services, Health and Housing please inform the Council how many empty properties it has under its ownership and the reason for the delay of offering these to those in greatest need?”
The Cabinet Member for Social Services, Health and Housing advised that this was a residual problem that dated back to Hillingdon Homes. He advised that the Housing Repairs Team was working with the Housing Management Team to support the needs of families in temporary accommodation and that they were focussing particularly on those houses that had been vacant for a significant period. The issue was made more difficult by the large number of houses being returned to the Council which currently averaged at twelve properties per week. However, on the basis of the current void progress, the backlog of properties would be reduced to 20-25 by the end of October 2013.
Councillor Corthorne acknowledged that officers were faced with a very difficult task in reducing the number of void properties and he complemented them for their hard work.
By way of supplementary question, Councillor Bliss asked what the average turnarounds for houses and flats were?
Councillor Corthorne advised that he was not aware of the average turnarounds for different properties but would research the issue and provide an answer for Councillor Bliss in due course.
“Has the Leader of the Council had the opportunity to gauge the level of support from leaders of other London Councils for the lobbying of Government to revert back to the original Council Tax Reduction Scheme for 2014/15?”
Prior to answering the question, the Leader stated his intention, God and the electorate willing, of continuing to lead the Council for the foreseeable future.
The Leader of the Council advised that, at a previous meeting of Full Council, the Labour Group had proposed an amendment to the Council Tax Reduction Scheme motion asking the Council to lobby the Government on concerns raised about changes to the benefits system. The Leader had agreed to gauge the support of other Leaders of London Councils on this matter before proceeding. He advised that, since this issue had been raised, he had attended numerous Leaders’ Committees and that neither Labour nor Conservative members had raised this as an issue. Based on this, he had determined that there was not sufficient support to proceed with any lobbying on the matter.
There was no supplementary question. |
To consider Motions submitted by Members in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 12 Minutes: 8.1 MOTION FROM COUNCILLOR RILEY
Councillor Riley moved the following motion:
‘Council notes and supports the July Cabinet decision with regard to the latest HS2 consultation and that, as well as the environmental devastation it will cause, the stated rising cost of the proposed HS2 route lacks, as it always has, economic credibility. The Institute of Economic Affairs has stated it “…defies economic logic…”, and the Institute of Directors describe the scheme as a “…grand folly…”.
Council further notes that Lord Mandelson, the former business Secretary, now refers to HS2 as an “…expensive mistake…”, a “…politically driven…” decision intended to “…paint an upbeat view of the future following the financial crash…”. The former Transport Secretary and Chancellor of the Exchequer, Alistair Darling, now declares himself an “…HS2 sceptic…” as “…there’s an awful lot of things in there that are wrong…”. Also, former Chancellor of the exchequer, Lord Lawson, correctly describes the HS2 scheme as “…madness…” and “…simply a prestige project which makes no economic sense at all and is extraordinarily expensive and totally cost ineffective…”.
Council welcomes the fact that leading organisations and former prominent politicians have come to the same conclusions as Hillingdon and many other Local Authorities concerning this project. HS2 has no credible business case and will be an environmental disaster. Accordingly we reaffirm our commitment to continue to put our Residents first by providing on-going financial and practical support to the Hillingdon Against HS2 Group and the 51M Group of Councils.’
The motion was seconded by Councillor Crowe.
Councillor Harmsworth proposed, and Councillor Curling seconded, an amendment to the motion adding the following sentence at the end of the existing motion:
"Council is also of the opinion that such a vast sum of capital money would be better spent on improving the existing transport infrastructure and other necessary infrastructure projects."
The amendment was put to the vote and agreed and, following debate (Councillors Higgins, Gilham, Barnes, D. Mills, Corthorne and Puddifoot), it was:
RESOLVED: That Council notes and supports the July Cabinet decision with regard to the latest HS2 consultation and that, as well as the environmental devastation it will cause, the stated rising cost of the proposed HS2 route lacks, as it always has, economic credibility. The Institute of Economic Affairs has stated it “…defies economic logic…”, and the Institute of Directors describe the scheme as a “…grand folly…”.
Council further notes that Lord Mandelson, the former business Secretary, now refers to HS2 as an “…expensive mistake…”, a “…politically driven…” decision intended to “…paint an upbeat view of the future following the financial crash…”. The former Transport Secretary and Chancellor of the Exchequer, Alistair Darling, now declares himself an “…HS2 sceptic…” as “…there’s an awful lot of things in there that are wrong…”. Also, former Chancellor of the exchequer, Lord Lawson, correctly describes the HS2 scheme as “…madness…” and “…simply a prestige project which makes no economic sense at all and is extraordinarily expensive and totally cost ineffective…”.
Council welcomes the fact that leading organisations and former prominent politicians have come to the same conclusions as Hillingdon and many other Local Authorities concerning this project. HS2 has no credible business case and will be an environmental disaster. Accordingly we reaffirm our commitment to continue to put our Residents first by providing on-going financial and practical support to the Hillingdon Against HS2 Group and the 51M Group of Councils.
Council is also of the opinion that such a vast sum of capital money would be better spent on improving the existing transport infrastructure and other necessary infrastructure projects. |
Annex C: Health and Wellbeing Board Terms of Reference |
Annex D: Supplementary Question from Councillor Bliss - Written Response |