Agenda and minutes

Freedom of the Borough, Council - Thursday, 3rd April, 2014 6.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber - Civic Centre, High Street, Uxbridge UB8 1UW. View directions

Contact: Lloyd White, Head of Democratic Services 

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from The Mayor (Councillor Kauffman) and Councillors Allam, Baker, Barker, Benson, Gardner, Garg and Kemp.


Declarations of Interest

To note any declarations of interest in any matter before the Council


Councillors Barrett, Harmsworth, Harper-O'Neill, Major, Payne and Routledge declared non-pecuniary interests in Item 3 - Motions, as they were being granted Honorary Freedom of the London Borough of Hillingdon, and remained in the room during the consideration thereof. 


Councillor Duncan declared a non-pecuniary interest in Item 3 - Motions, as Councillor Harmsworth was being granted Honorary Freedom of the London Borough of Hillingdon, and remained in the room during the consideration thereof. 



Prior to the consideration of this item, Councillor O’Brien will move and Councillor G.Cooper will second, the suspension of Council procedure rules 14.4 to allow unlimited speaking time for the mover of the motion and 14.6 with the effect that no amendments to the motion may be moved.


To consider the following Motion submitted by Councillor Puddifoot in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 12:


‘That, under the provisions of Section 249(5) of the Local Government Act 1972, the following persons be granted Honorary Freedom of the London Borough of Hillingdon, being the highest distinction in the power of the Council to bestow and that those persons so named be admitted to the Roll of Honorary Freemen of the Borough:

·         Josephine Mary Barrett of Uxbridge Road, Hillingdon, in recognition of her outstanding service to the people of Hillingdon and contribution to public life as an elected Member of the Borough.

·         Paul Kenneth Harmsworth of Montague Road, Uxbridge, in recognition of his outstanding service to the people of Hillingdon and contribution to public life as an elected Member of the Borough.

·         Shirley Ann Harper-O’Neill of Crosier Way, Ruislip, in recognition of her outstanding service to the people of Hillingdon and contribution to public life as an elected Member of the Borough.

·         John Robert Major of Kingshill Avenue, Hayes, in recognition of his outstanding service to the people of Hillingdon and contribution to public life as an elected Member of the Borough.

·         Edna Felicity Partridge of Bury Lane, Rickmansworth, in recognition of her outstanding public service as Representative Deputy Lieutenant representing her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II within the London Borough of Hillingdon.

·         David William Payne of Barnhill, Pinner, in recognition of his outstanding service to the people of Hillingdon and contribution to public life as an elected Member of the Borough.

·         Jill Rhodes of The Close, Court Drive, Hillingdon, in recognition of her outstanding service to the people of Hillingdon and contribution to public life as an elected Member of the Borough.

·         David Walton Routledge of Belmont Road, Uxbridge, in recognition of his outstanding service to the people of Hillingdon and contribution to public life as an elected Member of the Borough.’


To be seconded by:

·         Councillor Simmonds (for Josephine Mary Barrett).

·         Councillor Duncan (for Paul Kenneth Harmsworth).

·         His Worship the Mayor (for Shirley Ann Harper-O’Neill).

·         Councillor Curling (for John Robert Major).

·         Councillor Markham (for Edna Felicity Partridge).

·         The Deputy Mayor (for David William Payne).

·         Councillor Corthorne (for Jill Rhodes).

·         Councillor Seaman-Digby (for David Walton Routledge)



Councillor O’Brien moved, and Councillor G Cooper seconded, the suspension of Council procedure rules 14.4 to allow unlimited speaking time for the mover of the motion and 14.6 with the effect that no amendments to the motion may be moved.


The Deputy Mayor advised that, due to time constraints, she would only permit the mover and seconders of the motion to speak on this item. 


In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 12, Councillor Puddifoot moved the following motion:


"That, under the provisions of Section 249(5) of the Local Government Act 1972, the following persons be granted Honorary Freedom of the London Borough of Hillingdon, being the highest distinction in the power of the Council to bestow and that those persons so named be admitted to the Roll of Honorary Freemen of the Borough:

·         Josephine Mary Barrett of Uxbridge Road, Hillingdon, in recognition of her outstanding service to the people of Hillingdon and contribution to public life as an elected Member of the Borough.

·         Paul Kenneth Harmsworth of Montague Road, Uxbridge, in recognition of his outstanding service to the people of Hillingdon and contribution to public life as an elected Member of the Borough.

·         Shirley Ann Harper-O’Neill of Crosier Way, Ruislip, in recognition of her outstanding service to the people of Hillingdon and contribution to public life as an elected Member of the Borough.

·         John Robert Major of Kingshill Avenue, Hayes, in recognition of his outstanding service to the people of Hillingdon and contribution to public life as an elected Member of the Borough.

·         Edna Felicity Partridge of Bury Lane, Rickmansworth, in recognition of her outstanding public service as Representative Deputy Lieutenant representing her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II within the London Borough of Hillingdon.

·         David William Payne of Barnhill, Pinner, in recognition of his outstanding service to the people of Hillingdon and contribution to public life as an elected Member of the Borough.

·         Jill Rhodes of The Close, Court Drive, Hillingdon, in recognition of her outstanding service to the people of Hillingdon and contribution to public life as an elected Member of the Borough.

·         David Walton Routledge of Belmont Road, Uxbridge, in recognition of his outstanding service to the people of Hillingdon and contribution to public life as an elected Member of the Borough."


The motion was seconded by:

·         Councillor Simmonds (for Josephine Mary Barrett).

·         Councillor Duncan (for Paul Kenneth Harmsworth).

·         Councillor Yarrow (for Shirley Ann Harper-O’Neill).

·         Councillor Curling (for John Robert Major).

·         Councillor Markham (for Edna Felicity Partridge).

·         The Deputy Mayor (for David William Payne).

·         Councillor Corthorne (for Jill Rhodes).

·         Councillor Seaman-Digby (for David Walton Routledge).


RESOLVED:  That, under the provisions of Section 249(5) of the Local Government Act 1972, the following persons be granted Honorary Freedom of the London Borough of Hillingdon, being the highest distinction in the power of the Council to bestow and that those persons so named be admitted to the Roll of Honorary Freemen of the Borough:

·         Josephine Mary Barrett of Uxbridge Road, Hillingdon, in recognition of her outstanding service to the people of Hillingdon and contribution to public life as an elected Member of the Borough.

·         Paul Kenneth Harmsworth of Montague Road, Uxbridge, in recognition of his outstanding service to the people of Hillingdon and contribution to public life as an elected Member of the Borough.

·         Shirley Ann Harper-O’Neill of Crosier Way, Ruislip, in recognition of her outstanding service to the people of Hillingdon and contribution to public life as an elected Member of the Borough.

·         John Robert Major of Kingshill Avenue, Hayes, in recognition of his outstanding service to the people of Hillingdon and contribution to public life as an elected Member of the Borough.

·         Edna Felicity Partridge of Bury Lane, Rickmansworth, in recognition of her outstanding public service as Representative Deputy Lieutenant representing her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II within the London Borough of Hillingdon.

·         David William Payne of Barnhill, Pinner, in recognition of his outstanding service to the people of Hillingdon and contribution to public life as an elected Member of the Borough.

·         Jill Rhodes of The Close, Court Drive, Hillingdon, in recognition of her outstanding service to the people of Hillingdon and contribution to public life as an elected Member of the Borough.

·         David Walton Routledge of Belmont Road, Uxbridge, in recognition of his outstanding service to the people of Hillingdon and contribution to public life as an elected Member of the Borough.