Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber - Civic Centre, High Street, Uxbridge UB8 1UW. View directions

Contact: Lloyd White, Head of Democratic Services 

Link: Watch a LIVE or archived broadcast of this meeting here

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Ahmad-Wallana, Gardner, Khatra and Nelson. 


Election of Mayor 2016 / 2017

To elect a Mayor of the London Borough of Hillingdon to hold office from 12 May 2016 until his or her successor becomes entitled to act as Mayor.


i)          The retiring Mayor, Councillor George Cooper, to provide a summary of his year in office.

ii)         Nominations for Mayor invited by the retiring Mayor - election (if necessary).

iii)        Retiring Mayor declares the result.


The Mayor advised that it has been a unique and wonderful experience to be Mayor of the London Borough of Hillingdon.  He provided the Council with some highlights of his Mayoral year, during which he had attended over 700 events. 


The Mayor's Charity had been registered with the Charity Commission so that Gift Aid could now be claimed and the Mayor announced that over £102k had been raised for his 'Healthy and Happy in Hillingdon' charities (Hillingdon Autistic Care and Support, Life Education Centres of Hillingdon, Hillingdon Brain Tumour and Injury Group, Uxbridge Child Contact Centre and Hillingdon South Society for Mentally Handicapped Children).  He thanked everyone who had helped to raise this sum including the Borough's residents, volunteers, fellow Councillors and officers, and paid particular thanks to his son, Ms Judy McPhee (Jam2000), Councillor Singh, Councillor Seaman-Digby and Father Nicholas Schofield.  The Mayor also thanked his Mayoress for the support that she had given him throughout his Mayoral year. 


Nominations were invited for a Mayor to hold office for the 2016/2017 municipal year.  Councillor Hensley was nominated by Councillor Puddifoot and seconded by Councillor Simmonds.  There were no further nominations. 


RESOLVED: That Councillor John Hensley be elected as Mayor for the 2016/2017 municipal year.


The Council adjourned for the robing of the new Mayor at 7.56pm and reconvened at 8.10pm.


Acceptance of Office by the Mayor

i)              The newly elected Mayor to make and sign the declaration of acceptance of office.

ii)             The Head of Democratic Services to declare the election of the Mayor to be complete.


The newly elected Mayor signed the declaration of acceptance of office.


Appointment of the Deputy Mayor

To receive the Mayor's appointment in writing of a Councillor of the Borough to be Deputy Mayor for the coming year.


The Mayor informed the Council that he had appointed Councillor Carol Melvin as Deputy Mayor and that her Escort would be her husband, Mr Andrew Melvin.


RESOLVED: That the Deputy Mayor and the Deputy Mayor's Escort for the year be noted.


New Mayor's Announcements

To receive announcements from the new Mayor.


The new Mayor thanked those present for electing him and advised that Reverend Felicity Davies from St Giles' Church, Ickenham would act as the Mayor's Chaplain.  During his Mayoral year, the Mayor would be raising money for the following charities under the theme 'Journey Through Life':

·         Pield Heath House Special Needs School;

·         Paul Strickland Scanner Appeal;

·         Royal Bromption and Harefield Hospitals Charity; and

·         Harlington Hospice. 


The Mayor welcomed his guests to the meeting (who included family members, representatives from Brunel University and organisations with whom he had worked) and thanked them all for the work that they had done to support and improve the community to help make Hillingdon a place that people wanted to live. 


Vote of thanks to the Outgoing Mayor

i)              Vote of thanks to the outgoing Mayor to be moved and seconded.

ii)             Presentation of Past Mayor's and Past Mayoress' badges.


Councillor Puddifoot moved a vote of thanks to the retired Mayor, Councillor G Cooper, and his Mayoress, Councillor J Cooper.  This was seconded by Councillor Khursheed.  Councillors Corthorne, Birah and Gilham spoke in support.


The Mayor (Councillor Hensley) presented a Past Mayor’s badge to Councillor G Cooper and Past Mayoress' badge to Councillor J Cooper.


RESOLVED: That the vote of thanks to the outgoing Mayor, Councillor G Cooper, be agreed.


Report of the Head of Democratic Services pdf icon PDF 81 KB

Additional documents:




i)       New changes to Cabinet Member Portfolios and Responsibilities


Councillor Puddifoot moved the motion, which was seconded by Councillor Simmonds and it was:


RESOLVED: That the revised Article 7 (attached at Minute Annex A) of the Council's Constitution with updated Cabinet Member portfolios and responsibilities and the related updates to Part 3 - Officer Scheme of Delegations and other parts of the Constitution, be approved.


ii)      Past changes to Cabinet Member Portfolios and Responsibilities


Members noted the changes to the Cabinet Scheme of Delegations made during the 2015/16 Municipal Year.


iii)     Article 10 - Area Committees


Councillor Puddifoot moved the motion, which was seconded by Councillor Simmonds.  Following debate (Councillors Curling, Eginton, D Mills, Morse, Sansarpuri and Sweeting), it was:


ReSOLVED: That Article 10 on Area Committees be removed from the Council's Constitution and the remaining Articles renumbered accordingly.




Members noted the appointment by the Leader of the Council of the Deputy Leader and Cabinet for 2016/2017 as follows:




Deputy Leader and Education & Children’s Services

Councillor Simmonds

Central Services, Culture & Heritage

Councillor Lewis

Finance, Property and Business Services

Councillor Bianco

Community, Commerce and Regeneration

Councillor D Mills

Planning, Transportation and Recycling

Councillor Burrows

Social Services, Housing, Health & Wellbeing

Councillor Corthorne




Councillor Puddifoot moved the motion, which was seconded by Councillor Simmonds, and it was:


RESOLVED: That Mr David Smith be re-appointed as Independent Person for a further three year period, to June 2019.


Committee Allocations and Membership 2016 / 2017 pdf icon PDF 84 KB

To determine the number and size of Council committees and allocate Members to serve on those Committees based on the political balance of the Council, where required.


The Committee Allocations and Membership 2016/2017 was moved by Councillor O'Brien, seconded by Councillor Morgan, and it was:


ReSOLVED: That the appointment of Committees, Sub-Committees and their memberships, as set out at Minute Annex B, be approved.


Policy Overview and Scrutiny Committees Annual Report pdf icon PDF 642 KB

To receive the annual report.


The Council received a report of the work covered by the Policy Overview and Scrutiny Committees in 2015/2016.  It was moved by Councillor Lewis, seconded by Councillor Riley, and:


RESOLVED:  That the Policy Overview and Scrutiny Committees’ Annual Report 2015/2016 be endorsed.


Statement by the Leader of the Council

In accordance with the provisions of the Constitution, to receive, without comment, a statement by the Leader of the Council.


The Leader of the Council congratulated Mr Sadiq Khan on his election as the new Mayor of London.  Although their views and policies differed, ultimately the residents had made their decision, thanks to the democracy that the UK enjoyed.  He noted that Mr Khan would have a hard act to follow but that he should be judged on his performance over the next four years. 


Councillor Puddifoot paid tribute to the Leader of the opposition, Councillor Khursheed, who had suffered from ill health over the last year but had still served the Borough well and was an honest man who was well respected.  He noted that Councillor Oswell had shouldered responsibility with honesty and professionalism in Councillor Khursheed's absence.  He thanked Councillor Simmonds for being a first class Deputy Leader, his competent Cabinet and Councillor Group who had made a great team. 


The Leader advised that Hillingdon had a remarkable record of achievement in the provision of services, facilities and financial management which was the envy of many councils.  This included outstanding leisure facilities, more Green Flags for Hillingdon's parks and green spaces than any other council in the UK, one of the largest schools building programmes in London, a free to use refuse and recycling programme and the only council in the country to have rebuilt or refurbished every one of its libraries and kept them all open.  In addition, the Council had recently taken ownership of the Battle of Britain Bunker and would be building a visitor and education centre to preserve that part of our national heritage; a Borough museum and a new theatre would also be built. 


Whilst freezing Council tax year on year, Hillingdon had also built up record levels of cash reserves to assist the authority in dealing with the financial challenges that still lay ahead. 


The Leader was proud that Hillingdon was one of the best run councils in the country.  As he approached his 17th year as Leader of the Council, he noted that he had not set out to be a Leader but believed that it was about making a difference and about the good that could be achieved for the residents of the Borough.  As such, it was the ability to work together as a team that was important. 


The Leader believed that what had been achieved in Hillingdon was amazing.  He noted that the administration would not only be measured on its achievements to date, but also on its potential to do even better in the future.  An ambitious programme would continue to be delivered for the residents of Hillingdon during the difficult years ahead. 


Councillor Puddifoot noted that the Council existed to serve and protect its people, its environment and its heritage and he thanked all Members of the Council for the part that they played in doing so. 

Article 7 of the Council's Constitution pdf icon PDF 272 KB

Membership of Committees 2016/2017 pdf icon PDF 84 KB


Councillors and meetings