Agenda and minutes
Venue: Council Chamber - Civic Centre, High Street, Uxbridge UB8 1UW. View directions
Contact: Lloyd White, Head of Democratic Services
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Prayers |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Seaman-Digby. |
Declarations of Interest To note any declarations of interest in any matter before the Council Minutes: A briefing note regarding Declarations of Interest had been circulated to new Members. |
Election Results 2010 To note the results of the election of Councillors for the London Borough of Hillingdon held on 6 May 2010 and the political balance of the Council based on Group Declarations received Minutes: RESOLVED: That the report and the political balance of the Council be noted. |
Election of Mayor 2010/2011 To elect a Mayor of the London Borough of Hillingdon to hold office from 13 May 2010 until his or her successor becomes entitled to act as Mayor. Minutes: The Mayor thanked the Council for the opportunity that she had been afforded over the last 12 months. During her term of office, the Mayor had attended a variety of functions and identified her trip to Holland with the Normandy veterans as one of the highlights of the year. The Mayor stated that she had learnt so much and it had been a delight to meet so many people from all age groups.
She went on to thank everyone that had been involved in fundraising for the Mayor’s charities. The Mayor also thanked Council officers, her two Escorts, Councillor Stead and Mr Les Drussell, and their wives.
Nominations were invited for a Mayor to hold office for the 2010/11 municipal year. Councillor Yarrow was nominated by Councillor D Mills and seconded by Councillor Barratt. There were no further nominations.
RESOLVED: That Councillor David Yarrow be elected as Mayor for the municipal year 2010/11.
The Council adjourned for robing of the new Mayor at 7.50pm and reconvened at 8.05pm. |
Acceptance of Office by the Mayor The Mayor to make the Declaration of Acceptance of office Minutes: |
Appointment of Deputy Mayor To receive the Mayor’s appointment in writing of a Councillor of the Borough to be Deputy Mayor for the coming year Minutes: The Mayor informed the Council that he had appointed Councillor O’Connor as Deputy Mayor and that her Escorts would be Miss Claire Moore and Mr Tim McCarthy.
RESOLVED: That the Deputy Mayor and the Deputy Mayor’s Escorts for the year be noted. |
New Mayor's Announcements To receive announcements from the new Mayor Minutes: The Mayor thanked the Council for the honour of being appointed Mayor and advised Members that his charities for the year would be Hillingdon Autistic Care and Support and Hillingdon Food Bank. With regard to restricted speaking times at Council meetings, the Mayor advised that, in future, Members would not be given warning that their speaking time had almost ended. |
Vote of thanks to outgoing Mayor Presentations of Past Mayor and Past Mayor’s Escort badges Minutes: Councillor Puddifoot moved a vote of thanks to the retired Mayor, Councillor Harper-O’Neill and her Escorts, Councillor Stead and Mr Les Drussell. This was seconded by Councillor Khursheed. Councillors Barnes and Kauffman spoke in support.
The Mayor (Councillor Yarrow) presented a Past Mayor’s badge to Councillor Harper-O’Neill and Past Escorts badges to Councillor Stead and Mr Les Drussell. The Escorts’ wives were presented with flowers.
RESOLVED: That the vote of thanks to the Outgoing Mayor, Councillor Harper-O’Neill, be agreed. |
Election of Leader of the Council To elect a Leader of the Council for the next four year period Minutes: Nominations were invited for the position of Leader of the Council for the next four years. Councillor Puddifoot was nominated by Councillor Simmonds and this was seconded by Councillor Burrows. There were no further nominations.
RESOLVED: That Councillor Puddifoot be elected as Leader of the Council. |
Appointment of Deputy Leader and Cabinet To note the appointment by the Leader of the Council of the Deputy Leader and Cabinet Minutes: Councillor Puddifoot advised Members that the Deputy Leader and Cabinet positions would be filled as follows:
Annual Review of the Constitution To consider proposed amendments to the Constitution Minutes: Councillor Puddifoot moved that the proposed changes to the Council’s Constitution as set out on the main agenda be approved and include the following amendments to paragraph 6 (b) of the report in respect of the Cabinet and Officer Scheme of Delegations:
These amendments were seconded by Councillor Simmonds and it was:
RESOLVED: That the changes be incorporated into the Council’s Constitution. |
Committee Allocations and Membership 2010/2011 To decide the number and size of Council committees and allocate Members to serve on those committees based on the political balance of the Council where required Minutes: Councillor G Cooper moved that the proposals on memberships, as set out in Agenda Item 12 on the lilac coloured sheets, be agreed. This was seconded by Councillor Markham.
RESOLVED: That the Members be appointed to Committees as set out in Appendix A attached to the minutes. |
Membership of Other Bodies To make any changes in membership as recommended by the Chief Whip Minutes: Councillor G Cooper moved and Councillor Markham seconded the recommendations for membership of statutory outside bodies and internal bodies with the following amendments:
RESOLVED: That: 1. the changes in Membership to the statutory and other outside and internal bodies, as set out in Appendix B, be approved; and 2. additional changes to the Membership be made by the relevant Whip in consultation with the Head of Democratic Services. |
Policy Overview and Scrutiny Committees Annual report To receive the annual report Minutes: The Council received a report of the work covered by the Policy Overview and Scrutiny Committees in 2009/10. It was commended by Councillor Lewis and seconded by Councillor Dann.
It was noted that the Committees had effectively undertaken numerous successful reviews during the year and Cabinet was thanked for its endorsements of the recommendations considered during this period.
Thanks were also given to the Members on the Committees and Working Groups, officers, the public, outside experts and partner organisations who participated so effectively in the reviews undertaken.
Resolved: That the Policy Overview and Scrutiny Annual Report 2009/10 be endorsed. |
Statement of the Leader of the Council In accordance with the provisions of the Constitution to receive, without comment, a statement by the Leader of the Council. Minutes: The Leader of the Council pledged to continue the Council’s record of delivery for residents under four main themes:
Our People
Our Natural Environment
Our Built Environment
Financial Management
The Leader stated that the future for Hillingdon was bright in that a formal announcement had been made regarding the cancellation of plans for a third runway at Heathrow airport. He congratulated and thanked residents, all Councillors and officers for their commitment to fighting the proposals. |
Appendix A - Committee Allocations & Membership 2010-2011 |