Agenda and minutes
Venue: Council Chamber - Civic Centre, High Street, Uxbridge UB8 1UW. View directions
Contact: Lloyd White, Head of Democratic Services
Link: Watch a LIVE or archived broadcast of this meeting here
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Allen, Denys, Kelly, Khatra, Money and Sansarpuri. |
Election of Mayor 2017/2018 To elect a Mayor of the London Borough of Hillingdon to hold office from 11 May 2017 until his or her successor becomes entitled to act as Mayor.
i) The retiring Mayor, Councillor John Hensley, to provide a summary of his year in office. ii) Nominations for Mayor invited by the retiring Mayor - election (if necessary). iii) Retiring Mayor declares the result. Minutes: The Mayor gave a summary of his year in office and advised that it had been an honour and privilege to serve as Mayor of the London Borough of Hillingdon. He thanked the Mayoress for her support carrying out numerous functions and in visiting schools, hospitals, care homes, retail outlets and voluntary organisations at local and national events.
The Mayor thanked the past and present office staff for ensuring the smooth running of the mayoralty throughout the year. He also thanked those who had supported his charity fundraising during his term in office with particular thanks to Jam 2000 for the £6,000 that they had raised at the New Years Day Parade and London Heathrow Marriott Hotel, Brunel University and Uxbridge College who had raised £20,000 at a Gala dinner held at the hotel.
Nominations were invited for a Mayor to hold office for the 2017/2018 municipal year. Councillor Melvin was nominated by Councillor Seaman-Digby and seconded by Councillor Lewis. There were no further nominations.
RESOLVED: That Councillor Carol Melvin be elected as Mayor for the 2017/2018 municipal year.
The Council adjourned for the robing of the new Mayor at 7.45pm and reconvened at 7.58pm. |
Acceptance of Office by the Mayor i) The newly elected Mayor to make and sign the Declaration of Acceptance of Office. ii) The Head of Democratic Services to declare the election of the new Mayor to be complete. Minutes: The newly elected Mayor signed the declaration of acceptance of office. |
Appointment of the Deputy Mayor To receive the Mayor's appointment in writing of a Councillor of the Borough to be the Deputy Mayor for the coming year. Minutes: The Mayor informed the Council that she had appointed Councillor John Morgan as Deputy Mayor and that the Deputy Mayoress would be his wife, Mrs Fiona Morgan, and his consort would be Mrs Pauline Bianco.
RESOLVED: That the Deputy Mayor, the Deputy Mayoress and Consort for the year be noted. |
New Mayor's Announcements To receive announcements from the new Mayor. Minutes: The new Mayor thanked those present for electing her and advised that Reverend Johnny Douglas, Associate Vicar of Emmanuel Church, Northwood, would act as the Mayor's Chaplain. During her Mayoral year, the Mayor would be raising money for the following charities: · Lynda Jackson MacMillan Centre at Mount Vernon Hospital; · Halo Children's Foundation; and · 1st Northwood Scouting Centre.
The Mayor thanked the staff in the Mayor's Office for the advice and support that they had provided during the past year. She also thanked her escort, Mr Andrew Melvin, for his patience and support and her friends and family for the love and support that they had given over the years. |
Vote of thanks to the outgoing Mayor i) Vote of thanks to the outgoing Mayor to be moved and seconded. ii) Presentation of Past Mayor's and Past Mayoress' badges. Minutes: Councillor Puddifoot moved a vote of thanks to the retired Mayor, Councillor Hensley, and his Mayoress, Mrs Diane Hensley. This was seconded by Councillor Curling. Councillors Birah, Gilham, Lakhmana and Simmonds spoke in support.
The Mayor (Councillor Melvin) presented a Past Mayor’s badge to Councillor Hensley and Past Mayoress' badge to Mrs Diane Hensley.
RESOLVED: That the vote of thanks to the outgoing Mayor, Councillor Hensley, be agreed. |
Report of the Head of Democratic Services Minutes: 8.1 REVIEW OF THE COUNCIL CONSTITUTION
Councillor Puddifoot moved the recommendations as set out on the Order of Business. The motion was seconded by Councillor Simmonds and it was:
RESOLVED: That i) the Terms of Reference of the Pensions Committee be amended as set out in Appendix A of the report; ii) the Terms of Reference of the Audit Committee be amended as set out in Appendix B of the report; iii) the updated Procurement and Contract Standing Orders, as set out in Appendix C of the report, be approved for inclusion within the Council’s Constitution; iv) the changes to the tender value thresholds for Individual Cabinet Member and Cabinet decisions come into effect from 19 May 2017, after the May Cabinet meeting; v) the Terms of Reference of the Major Applications Committee be amended as set out in Appendix D of the report; vi) a Major Applications Sub-Committee be established consisting of seven Members of the Council (5 Con' & 2 Lab') to consider any matters listed in Appendix D of the report which are referred to it by the Chairman of the Major Applications Committee. All Members of the existing Planning Committees to be eligible for membership (and substitutes) of the Sub-Committee; vii) the Deputy Chief Executive and Corporate Director of Residents Services, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Planning, Transportation and Recycling be authorised to agree minor changes to planning approvals already given to HS2 Ltd; and viii) the delegations to the Deputy Chief Executive and Corporate Director of Residents Services and to the Leader of the Council be amended as set out in Appendix E of the report.
Members noted the appointment by the Leader of the Council of the Deputy Leader and Cabinet for 2017/2018 as follows:
Committee Allocations and Membership 2017 / 2018 To determine the number and size of Council committees and allocate Members to serve on those committees based on the political balance of the Council, where required. Minutes: The Committee Allocations and Membership 2017/2018 was moved by Councillor O'Brien, seconded by Councillor R Mills, and it was:
ReSOLVED: That the appointment of Committees, Sub-Committees and their memberships, as set out at Minute Annex A, be approved. |
Policy Overview and Scrutiny Committees Annual Report To receive the annual report. Minutes: The Council received a report of the work covered by the Policy Overview and Scrutiny Committees in 2016/2017. It was moved by Councillor Seaman-Digby, seconded by Councillor Riley, and:
RESOLVED: That the Policy Overview and Scrutiny Committees’ Annual Report 2016/2017 be endorsed. |
Statement by the Leader of the Council In accordance with the provisions of the Constitution, to receive, without comment, a statement by the Leader of the Council. Minutes: The Leader of the Council advised that the London Borough of Hillingdon was in a sound position and continued to provide facilities, services and a level of financial and business management that was the envy of many other councils. Hillingdon provided outstanding leisure facilities, had had more Green Flags for parks and open spaces than any other council in the UK for four consecutive years, had rebuilt or refurbished every library, had one of the largest school building programmes in London, had a free to use weekly refuse and recycling programme and provided a raft of benefits for residents aged over 65, including free burglar alarms and allotments.
Hillingdon had frozen Council Tax year on year for nine years (11 years for those aged over 65) and built up record levels of cash reserves to assist in dealing with the financial challenges that still lay ahead. Councillor Puddifoot also noted that Hillingdon had some of the best staff in local government.
Nearly all Members became Councillors because they wanted to make a difference but it was the ability to work together as a team towards a common vision that was important. The ability to direct individual skills towards common objectives was the formula that allowed a collection of individuals to produce outstanding results. The Leader believed that it was this which made the Conservative administration so strong and successful.
Councillor Puddifoot thanked the opposition for the part that they had played at Committee and Council level. He paid particular tribute to the former Leader of the Labour Group, Councillor Mo Khursheed. Despite his ill health, Councillor Khursheed had continued to serve the Borough well. Councillor Khursheed was an honest man and he was his own man who had the respect of the Leader and of the Council. His deputy, Councillor John Oswell, also had this respect and it was recognised that Councillor Oswell had shouldered the responsibility of Leader of the Opposition on occasion over the last year with honesty and professionalism. As the Leader believed that he had been a credit to his party and to the Council, he would be proposing that Councillor Khursheed be made a Freeman of the Borough in recognition of his hard work and dedication.
Councillor Puddifoot advised that he had a first class Deputy Leader in Councillor Simmonds. As he approached his eighteenth year as Leader of the Council, during which time he had experienced nine changes in the Leader of the Opposition, Councillor Puddifoot was proud that Hillingdon was now recognised as one of the best run councils in the country. The administration had delivered a great deal for the residents of the Borough which had been achieved through strong political leadership, sound business procedures and good financial management.
What had been achieved in Hillingdon had been amazing. The administration would be measured not only on its achievements to date but on its potential to do even better in the future. All Elected Members in the Chamber were there to serve and protect Hillingdon's residents, environment and heritage. The Leader thanked all Members of the Council for the part that they played in doing so. |