Agenda and minutes

External Services Select Committee - Thursday, 18th September, 2014 6.00 pm

Venue: Committee Room 5 - Civic Centre. View directions

Contact: Nikki O'Halloran  01895 250472

No. Item


Apologies for absence and to report the presence of any substitute Members


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Michael White.  Councillor Teji Barnes was present as a substitute. 


Declarations of Interest in matters coming before this meeting


Councillor Michael Markham declared a non pecuniary interest in Agenda Item 5 - The Role Of The "Crime and Disorder Scrutiny Committee" In Relation To The Safer Hillingdon Partnership's Performance And Plans, as he had relatives that worked for the London Fire Brigade and the London Ambulance Service, and stayed in the room during consideration thereof. 


Minutes of the previous meeting - 15 July 2014 pdf icon PDF 172 KB


It was noted that the following information requested from witnesses at the last meeting had been circulated to Committee Members:

·         Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust - a breakdown of the numbers and demographics associated with each of the services provided to Hillingdon Service users;

·         Royal Brompton and Harefield NHS Foundation Trust - an activity summary of the total number of patients from Hillingdon; and

·         The Hillingdon Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust - a breakdown of the Trust's mortality figures by numbers, days and causes.


The Democratic Services Manager would contact the relevant officers to request the following information which had not yet been provided:

·         Hillingdon Clinical Commissioning Group - a breakdown of the costs and patient numbers using the services provided to help them stay at home; and

·         Public Health - to provide statistical information and analysis in relation to the work of the Public Health Team.


RESOLVED:  That the minutes of the meeting held on 15 July 2014 be agreed as a correct record. 


Exclusion of Press and Public

To confirm that all items marked Part I will be considered in public and that any items marked Part II will be considered in private


RESOLVED:  That all items of business be considered in public. 


The Role Of The "Crime And Disorder Scrutiny Committee" In Relation To The Safer Hillingdon Partnership's Performance And Plans pdf icon PDF 459 KB

Additional documents:


The Chairman thanked those present for attending the meeting.


Mr Ed Shaylor, the Council's Anti Social Behaviour and Investigations Team - Service Manager, advised that the Safer Hillingdon Partnership (SHP) held four meetings each year.  Updates on progress against each of four priority areas for action was reported to these quarterly meetings.  Mr Shaylor agreed that, as Members were requesting more detailed information about progress, this information would be reported to the Committee on a bi-monthly basis. 


Members requested that future reports include benchmarks to give the Committee an idea of how much progress had been made by the SHP in achieving its objectives.  Mr Shaylor welcomed feedback from the Committee and guidance in relation to what information Members wanted reported at its meetings. 


As the list of objectives was quite lengthy, Mr Shaylor requested that Members look at identifying specific areas of interest.  Rather than providing a light touch report, officers would then be able to put together more detailed information and give Members a fuller picture of the issues that they had identified.  Possible areas of interest to the Committee might include:


·         Hate crime - To what extent was this a problem in Hillingdon?  Who were the main victims and perpetrators of hate crime? 

·         Hoarders - How many hoarders were there in the Borough? Where were they located? What action had been taken to address the issue and how effective had this been?

·         Safe Drive, Stay Alive - How many people attended the event held at the Winston Churchill Hall?  What feedback was received from the event?


Mr Shaylor advised that the objective to deliver support to residents who were hoarders had been included following consultation with residents.  Concerns regarding the number of hoarders and their safety had led to a Working Group being set up by the SHP to establish what help could be provided to them and their neighbours. 


Members were advised that, as legislation did not enable SHP partners to gain access to hoarders' properties just because they were hoarders, the Working Group was looking at a more creative interpretation of existing legislation (e.g., Public Health Act, Housing Act, etc) to enable the provision of support to these vulnerable residents. 


Although it was likely that hoarders would only be included as an objective for one year, it was noted that there were some topics which would be included on a more regular basis.  Members requested that future reports to the Committee identify which of the objectives were short term and which were longer term. 



Metropolitan Police Service (MPS)


With regard to the breakdown of information by Ward, Detective Chief Superintendent Nick Downing advised that the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) collected vast amounts of data in relation to crime types, perpetrators, victims, detection, prosecution and monitoring.  As such, he asked that Members provide him with guidance as to what they would specifically like to look at. 


Members noted that top level information in relation to the number of burglaries (and other crimes) in a Ward were  ...  view the full minutes text for item 20.


Work Programme 2014/2015 pdf icon PDF 27 KB

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to the Committee's Work Programme for 2014/2015.  It was noted that, as there was currently a lot of work being undertaken by officers in relation to children's mental health services, it would not be timely to start a review into these services at present.  As such, it was agreed that the review would be put on hold and the situation reassessed at the end of the municipal year.  


As the postponement of this review meant that two of the Committee's meetings were now vacant, it was agreed that consideration be given at the meeting on 9 October 2014 to the Prevent (counterterrorism) work being undertaken by the Council and the substance misuse services. 


It was suggested that the meeting on 13 January 2015 be used to undertake a fact finding review into the capacity and response to Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE).  If agreed, as well as extending invitations to representatives from the relevant agencies, the Chairman of the Children, Young People and Learning Policy Overview Committee would be consulted to establish whether this should be held as a joint meeting with the External Services Scrutiny Committee, given the over arching nature of the subject.  It was proposed that thought be given to drawing up a list of questions well in advance of the meeting. 


It was noted that the Working Group to review 'Mental health and its impact on the Borough's Metropolitan Police Service' would comprise Councillors Burles, Denys, Edwards, Lavery and Jarjussey.  Members approved the scoping report and were advised that the Working Group Members would be contacted by Democratic Services in due course to set up the meetings.



1.    the review into children's mental health be postponed and the situation reviewed at the end of the municipal year;

2.    the Chairman of the Children, Young People and Learning POC be contacted to establish whether or not to hold a joint meeting in relation to CSE;

3.    the scoping report and Working Group membership for the review into 'Mental health and its impact on the Borough's Metropolitan Police Service' be agreed; and

4.    the amended Work Programme be noted.