Venue: Committee Room 6 - Civic Centre, High Street, Uxbridge UB8 1UW. View directions
Contact: Nikki O'Halloran / Nav Johal
No. | Item |
Apologies for absence and to report the presence of any substitute Members Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors’ Phoday Jarjussey and John Major. Councillors’ Dave Allam and Anita MacDonald were present as substitutes. |
Declarations of Interest in matters coming before this meeting Minutes: Councillor Neil Fyfe declared a personal interest as he was a governor of Hillingdon Hospital Foundation Trust, and stayed in the room during the consideration thereof. |
Exclusion of Press and Public To confirm that all items marked Part 1 will be considered in public and that any items marked Part 2 will be considered in private Minutes: RESOLVED: That all items of business be considered in public. |
Shaping a healthier future update Verbal update from NHS North West London. Minutes: Ms Susan La Brooy, North West London NHS advised that a lot of work was being carried out with regard to ‘shaping a healthier future’. The public, OSC, LA’s and other organisations were involved in the consultation of strategic re-configuration.
Health and clinical standards had been agreed and it was noted there was a large out of hospital component that needed to be considered. There were 2 large events with clinicians and the public which evaluated various options and combinations of the emergency services at hospitals in North West London.
The organisation was not looking to close any hospitals but was looking at the emergencies services in North West London hospitals and possible pairings. Northwick Park and Hillingdon Hospital emergency services would remain unaffected. The distance between the two hospitals was quite far, whereas as the other hospital were quite close together.
An evaluation criteria had been used to produce at least three combination plans, and included every hospital having an option on whether to stay as an acute hospital. A consultation was going out at the end of June/beginning of July 2012; this would end in October 2012. This consultation would then go to the Secretary of State, before the possible implementation through new CCG’s.
There was a large communication element to this. Ms Brooy reminded Members that although Hillingdon Hospital services were not threatened that they will be affected by the changes. As hospitals around North West London changed then this would cause a shift of change. Ms Brooy stressed that out of hospital care was important to consider. In addition the quality of services needed to be maintained.
Members asked what management was being used for the placement of patients. Ms Brooy advised that any changes would take 3 – 5 years and that if there was change then capacity would need to increase. North West London NHS had a grant of £12million for emergency care. Changes would be built into a financial model.
Members commented it was important to increase the amount of care to patients at home, in the right setting and with value for money. Members noted that three A & E’s will close but urgent care centres would be in place of those A & E’s that close. An urgent care centre run by GP’s will deal with injury and illness which was severe. It was expected around 50% of patients would go to an urgent care centre instead of A & E.
Members spoke about emergency need in a large scale if required, for example for emergencies on the motorway or at the airport. Ms Brooy explained that there were Pan London plans to deal with this and would be used if there was a need.
Members asked for clarification on urgent and minor centres, how will patients know which to attend or will they be advised. Ms Brooy explained that it was most important that patients got the best care and were not messed about. At hospital the person who ... view the full minutes text for item 5. |
Minutes: Consideration was given to the Committee’s Work Programme. Members discussed the possible review topics for the year. The following issues had been discussed since the last Committee meeting: the role of Special Constables, Dentists, Diabetes care and Prescription Services.
Dr Friedman gave his advice on the review topics and felt that both dentists and diabetes care had areas of concerns which could be reviewed. It was noted that the commonest reason for a child to go to hospital was most likely an issue with the child’s teeth. The number of diabetes patients was increasing. There were many care pathways and was a meaty topic with much to discuss. It was noted that there were many things that Hillingdon did well. Dr Friedman felt that a prescription service review could be quickly covered and it was difficult to assess whether there was a problem with the service.
Members discussed the possible review topics and in detail dentists and diabetes care. Both were considered important possible review topics. It was suggested that a report on prescription services be presented to Committee at a further meeting to see if there was any issues that needed to be resolved.
Members discussed the terms of reference of the Committee and highlighted that this included crime and disorder and therefore wished to complete one review on health and another on crime and disorder.
Members agreed to carry out a review on the role of Special Constables in the Borough as the first major review, and the second review to be on Diabetes care. The Committee Chairman and Whips would discuss Members for the Working Groups.
Members agreed to change the next meeting which was scheduled on 24 July 2012 to Tuesday 17 July as Corporate Services POC was on 24 July.
Members agreed that Utilities companies be invited to the Committee meeting on 10 January 2013 as many were unable to attend this meeting.
Members agreed to include a report on prescription services at the Committee meeting on 20 November 2012.
Minutes of the meeting - 25 April 2012 Minutes: RESOLVED: That:
Minutes of the meeting - 10 May 2012 Minutes: RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting held on 10 May 2012 be agreed as a correct record. |