Venue: Committee Room 3 - Civic Centre, High Street, Uxbridge UB8 1UW. View directions
Contact: Nikki O'Halloran 01895 250472
No. | Item |
Exclusion of Press and Public To confirm that all items marked Part I will be considered in public and that any items marked Part II will be considered in private Minutes: RESOLVED: That all items of business be considered in public. |
Minutes of the meeting on 14 April 2016 Minutes: RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting held on 14 April 2016 be agreed as a correct record. |
Minutes of the meeting on 26 April 2016 Minutes: Councillor Jarjussey advised that he disagreed with the suggestion to hold two meetings on successive dates in April 2017 for the Committee to consider the Trusts' Quality Account reports as he did not believe that there had been any issues with regard Members being limited with the amount of time that they had to ask questions. He felt that splitting the meeting would fragment the process and would not enhance the scrutiny of the Trusts. By having all of the Trusts present, they were able to identify areas where they could work together to resolve issues, share information and make improvements.
The Chairman advised that the proposal was to trial discussing the Quality Accounts over two meetings held on two consecutive evenings. It was anticipated that this would enable Members to question each of the Trusts in equal depth and would enable those present to maintain focus.
It was acknowledged that representatives from some of the Trusts left the meeting before the last Trust had presented its Quality Account. As there were other specifically health related meetings scheduled during the municipal year, it was agreed by most Members that there was ample opportunity for the Committee to scrutinise the Trusts and hold them to account. Furthermore, these other meetings also allowed the Trusts to learn from each other and share information.
The majority of Members agreed that the scrutiny of the 2016/2017 Quality Accounts be split over two consecutive days in April 2017. It was also agreed that Healthwatch Hillingdon would be invited to attend both meetings.
RESOLVED: That: 1. the scrutiny of the 2016/2017 Quality Accounts be split over two consecutive days in April 2017 and that Healthwatch Hillingdon be invited to attend both dates; and 2. the minutes of the meeting held on 26 April 2016 be agreed as a correct record. |
Minutes of the meeting on 12 May 2016 Minutes: RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting held on 12 May 2016 be agreed as a correct record. |
Strategic Service Delivery Plan Update Minutes: The Chairman welcomed Ms Caroline Morison, the new Chief Operating Officer at Hillingdon Clinical Commissioning Group (HCCG), to the meeting.
Ms Morison advised that the Strategic Service Delivery Plan (SSDP) aimed to transform care and had outlined a number of challenges that the HCCG would need to address. These challenges included shifts in models of care and improvements in the use of the existing estate. Since the SSDP had been produced, NHS England (NHSE) had launched various other initiatives, some of which fit with the SSDP's aim to provide the right care in the right setting at the right time.
Ms Sue Hardy, Head of Strategic Estates for HCCG, advised that a key directive from the Department of Health had been to produce an Estates Strategy. To this end, officers from NHSE, HCCG, the Council, Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust (CNWL) and The Hillingdon Hospitals NHS Foundation trust (THH) had been meeting on a regular basis and would be looking to identify joint opportunities.
Members were advised that, with regard to the St Andrews Park development, there had been a time when engagement with the developer had ceased. However, over the last 4-5 months this situation had improved. Whilst some of the associated s106 money had been used to fund additional capacity at the Uxbridge Health Centre, the remainder would be used to create a new hub (there would be three hubs in the Borough). It was noted that, although commercial terms were still being discussed, the St Andrews developer planned to submit a planning application in the new year.
Consideration was being given to a hub at Mount Vernon Hospital (MVH) which was the preferred location within that part of the Borough. To this end, HCCG was currently in consultation with The Hillingdon Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.
Concern was expressed regarding the provision of GP services in Yiewsley, West Drayton and Heathrow Villages. Members were advised that a bid for primary care investment funding had been submitted to NHSE to replace the portacabin at the Yiewsley Health Centre with a new, larger one to provide additional clinical capacity. Ms Joan Veysey had attended a Heathrow Villages residents' meeting regarding access to GPs in the area and the barriers faced regarding registration. A set of actions had been agreed which included the need for a discussion with GPs about catchments areas. HCCG would provide residents with feedback on outcomes. Healthwatch Hillingdon was also working closely with NHSE and HCCG as residents in some areas were having to contact NHSE to be assigned a GP. These were often difficult conversations as the individuals fell outside all GP catchment areas.
With regard to the development of an administration centre for community health services, Members were advised that a site search and feasibility study were being undertaken. However, residents still had concerns in relation to the accessibility of community services.
It was noted that the GP Pressures Working Group had looked at the ... view the full minutes text for item 7. |
Like Minded: Mental Health Strategy for North West London Additional documents: Minutes: Like Minded was a strategy for establishing joined up care that led to excellent mental health and wellbeing outcomes for people in North West London. Ms Joan Veysey, Deputy Chief Operating Officer at the Hillingdon Clinical Commissioning Group (HCCG), advised that CCG clinical leads from across North West London had met to identify opportunities for working collaboratively across the area. A local health needs assessment had been undertaken in 2014 which had aligned with key areas of concern. A public consultation event had also taken place to assess the key priorities, which were endorsed by the Health and Wellbeing Board in December 2015.
Ms Jane Wheeler, from North West London Collaboration of CCGs, advised that work had been undertaken across all ages and all levels of need to look at prevention and early intervention. However, consideration needed to be given to the timing for optimum intervention and the best ways to access services
It was noted that the Five Year Forward View for mental health had been published in March 2016. Ms Veysey advised that the investment by HCCG was matched in physical and mental health care. In 2014, the budget spent on mental health by HCCG increased by 7.6%. In 2016, this figure was 5.8% as the emerging picture identified that physical health issues could have a component of mental health issues, for example, perinatal. The HCCG Governing Body had made an explicit decision to invest on a parity basis.
Around 2,450 people in Hillingdon had been diagnosed with mental ill health. Approximately 60% of these individuals were supported in the community. It was suggested that consideration be given to who these individuals were, where they were from, etc, to provide the most appropriate treatment and enable resources to be used in the most effective way. However, it was also important to recognise that the fluidity of the system worried some patients, particularly when they were being supported in the community and were experiencing crisis. Similarly, it was important to be mindful of the needs of dual diagnosis individuals who had a substance misuse problem in addition to mental health needs. Ms Wheeler advised that, dual diagnosis had been factored into the services provided, but substance misuse had not. It was suggested that eating disorders also warranted being looked at more inclusively.
There were a number of issues and needs addressed by Like Minded which aligned with local priorities and which followed the transformation work streams: 1. Serious and long term mental health needs - ensuring that physical and mental health needs were addressed simultaneously and reduced the use of A&E/ acute hospitals; 2. Common mental health needs - worked with frail elderly and on long term conditions' needs to reflect depression and anxiety; 3. Children and young people - specialist eating disorder services were now provided across North West London and the CAMHS redesign was underway with paediatric pathway links to CAMHS; 4. Perinatal - specialist assessment, treatment and support for women in ... view the full minutes text for item 8. |
Work Programme 2016/2017 Additional documents: Minutes: Consideration was given to the Committee's Work Programme. It was agreed that the next scheduled meeting on 12 July 2016 would be cancelled. Instead, an informal meeting would be held with Members at 6pm on 12 July 2016 to discuss possible meeting and review topics. It was agreed that mental health would be included as a subject for consideration at one of the Committee's meetings.
It was noted that the GP Pressures Working Group report was currently being developed. The report would need to be considered by the Working Group before being brought back to the Committee and then passed to Cabinet for consideration.
RESOLVED: That: 1. the scheduled meeting on 12 July 2016 be cancelled; 2. an informal meeting be scheduled for 6pm on 12 July 2016 for Members to discuss possible meeting and review topics; and 3. the Work Programme 2016/2017 be agreed. |