Agenda and minutes

Standards Committee - Thursday, 10th September, 2009 7.00 pm

Venue: Committee Room 4 - Civic Centre, High Street, Uxbridge UB8 1UW. View directions

Contact: Lloyd White 

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Were received from the Vice Chairman (Malcolm Ellis) and Councillor Yarrow


Minutes pdf icon PDF 136 KB

To approve the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 3 June 2009


The minutes of the meeting held on 3 June 2009 were agreed as a correct record. The Borough Solicitor confirmed that all action points had been addressed.


Declarations of Interest

To note any declarations of interest in any matter before the Committee


There were no declarations of interest received.


Confirmation that all items marked Part I will be considered in public and those marked Part II, in private


It was confirmed that the business of the meeting would be conducted in public with the exception of item 8 on the agenda.


Standards Board For England Bulletin No.44 pdf icon PDF 133 KB

To note the latest publication from the Standards Board (attached)


The latest edition of ‘The Bulletin’ was noted and in particular the new regulations that had recently come into force and which were the subject of a separate report on the agenda. Members noted that the Standards Board had responded to the CPSL inquiry and the link to the submission would be circulated. A summary of complaints made nationally was included with the Bulletin and it was noted that, although 54% of all complaints made were from members of the public, in Hillingdon no public complaints about the conduct of Members had been received since the revised system had come into operation. Members were assured that everything possible was done to ensure that advice and guidance was given to the public about how to make a complaint should they so wish.


Standards Committee Regulations pdf icon PDF 62 KB

To note that the Government has recently made regulations to implement some of the outstanding provisions relating to standards introduced by the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007. (details attached)


The Government had recently made regulations to implement some of the outstanding provisions relating to standards introduced in the Local Government and Public Involvement In Health Act 2007. The three main areas were summarised for Members as follows:


·        The initial assessment of complaints where provision had been made for Standards for England to suspend the local assessment of complaints in certain circumstances

·        Provision to allow Councils to establish Joint Standards Committees – something that this Committee had previously considered and decided against. Members confirmed their previous decision on this matter.

·        Dispensations – the provisions for granting dispensations had been altered and the new provisions were summarised. It was noted that the Committee would need to establish some criteria by which it would initially judge applications for dispensation and these would then be circulated to all Members for information. It was suggested that the Borough Solicitor draw up a draft set of criteria for consultation with the Committee and agreement with the Chairman.




a)     the report be noted and the Borough Solicitor be authorised to draft a set of criteria, based on the Standards for England guidance, by which the Committee would consider applications for dispensations from Members; circulate the draft criteria to Members of the Committee for comment and agree the final criteria with the Chairman.

b)     once agreed, the Borough Solicitor be authorised to circulate the criteria to all Members along with guidance on how to make an application for dispensation.


Audit - Complaints against Members

To note that internal audit are currently carrying out an audit of complaints about Members the objectives of which are to ensure that:-

o        All complaints against Members are accounted for and recorded.

o        All complaints and actions taken comply with the deadlines set out in the Standards Committee Procedure Rules.

o        Correct procedures are followed in dealing with each complaint, as set out in the Standards Committee Procedure Rules.

o        The procedures governing complaints are regularly reviewed and updated when necessary.


The audit will be conducted in August 2009 and the anticipated date of the draft report is the beginning of September 2009.


It was noted that the internal audit section were currently carrying out an audit of complaints about Members to ensure that all the correct processes and procedures were being followed. The draft report was expected shortly and it was confirmed that any significant final recommendations arising from the audit would be brought back to this committee.


Complaints Monitoring


This item was discussed in Part II without the press or public present as it contained confidential information as defined in the local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985.


A summary of complaints made to date was noted.