Agenda and minutes

Central & South Planning Committee - Thursday, 28th January, 2016 7.00 pm

Venue: Committee Room 5 - Civic Centre. View directions

Contact: Kiran Grover  01895 250693

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


There were no apologies for absence.



Declarations of Interest in matters coming before this meeting


There were no declarations of interest.



Matters that have been notified in advance or urgent


The Chairman advised that Item number 5 had been withdrawn. Item 11 had a Petition and was moved to earlier in the meeting.



To confirm that the items of business marked Part I will be considered in Public and that the items marked Part 2 will be considered in private


It was confirmed that items 6 - 13 were Part I and would be heard in public. Item 14 and 15 were Part II Members only and would be heard in private.



11A Woodstock Gardens, Hayes - 6670/APP/2015/1036 pdf icon PDF 854 KB

Erection of a two storey building to provide 1 x 3-bed, 2 x 1-bed and 1 x studio self contained flats with associated parking and amenity space involving demolition of existing bungalow


Recommendation: Approval




6 Churchill Avenue, Hillingdon - 71202/APP/2015/3325 pdf icon PDF 3 MB

Single storey detached outbuilding to rear for use as a granny annex involving demolition of existing shed


Recommendation: Approval


6 Churchill Avenue, 71202/APP/2015/3325


A single storey detached outbuilding to the rear for use as a granny annex involving demolition of an existing shed.


Officers introduced the report and provided an overview of the application:


That the application site comprised of a two storey mid-terrace dwelling along Churchill Avenue, Hillingdon. That the property was characterised by a pebble dash render to the front elevation with a two storey bay window. The house benefited from a front garden which was made up of soft landscaping and trees along its common boundary, and two off road parking spaces. The rear garden had an existing garage sited at the end with access from a rear service road. The application dwelling fell within a residential area of Hillingdon and was characterised mainly by two storey terrace dwellings that was set back from the main highway and benefited from some form of front amenity area.


The rear garden which was stated would be used as an annexe. The proposed building would be positioned at the bottom of the rear garden in place of the existing garage and would be characterised by a flat roof with a maximum height of 3m and floor area of 27.5m2. The annexe would be benefited from a bedroom, lounge, bathroom and W.C.


The application was initially recommended for refusal. Following the deferral at committee on the 15.12.2015, the Councillors requested the Local Planning Authority work with the applicant to come to a positive conclusion regarding the proposed granny annexe following the special circumstances cited by the applicant. This had resulted in the submission of revised plans.


The two adjoining neighbours at Nos. 4 and 8 Churchill Avenue were consulted via letter on 10.09.15. A site notice was attached to the front of the premises on 07.09.15 with an expiry date of 01.10.15. No comments were received. A petition in support containing 23 signatures has been received.


The Petitioner in support of the proposal made the following points:


·         That the applicants had cited special circumstances for seeking this particular development and stated that it is to provide ancillary accommodation for the applicant's father, who had recently had a stroke and the annexe would allow the father to have peace of mind and enable the family to provide the care needed.


·         That the Applicant had been working with Planning Officers.


Resolved -


That the application be approved as per the Officer's report.




Brunel University Kingston Lane, Hillingdon - 532/ADV/2015/93 pdf icon PDF 418 KB

Installation of 2 non-illuminated fascia signs, 3 non-illuminated door number vinyl's and 10 LED strip tube lights


Recommendation: Approval


Brunel University Kingston Lane, 532/ADV/2015/93

Installation of 2 non-illuminated fascia signs, 3 non-illuminated door number vinyl's and 10 LED strip tube lights


Officers introduced the report.


The application related to a research building located at the far south east corner of Brunel University's Science Park at site 2 of the Uxbridge Campus. It was adjoined by Kingston Lane to the east, Nursery Lane to the south and existing University Science Park buildings to the north and west. The building had been recently constructed.

532/APP/2014/30-Construction of a research building, together with associated substation, stores, car parking access and landscaping. The application sought advertisement consent for the Installation of 2 non-illuminated fascia signs, 3 non-illuminated door number vinyls and 10 LED strip tube lights.


Resolved -

That the application be approved subject to the additional condition added requiring the erection of the advertising in strict accordance with the approved plans.




Chambers Business Park Sipson Road, West Drayton - 70376/APP/2015/3764 pdf icon PDF 116 KB

7 x two storey, 3-bed, semi-detached dwellings with habitable roof space with associated parking and amenity space involving demolition of existing warehouse



Recommendation: Approval


Chambers Business Park Sipson Road, West Drayton, 70376/APP/2015/3764

7 x two storey, 3-bed, semi-detached dwellings with habitable roof space with associated parking and amenity space involving demolition of existing warehouse


Officers introduced the report and highlighted the changes set out in the addendum.


The application sought full planning permission for the erection of 7 x two storey, 3 bed dwellings with habitable roof space with associated parking and amenity space involving demolition of existing warehouse.


The proposal was considered acceptable in principle, it would not detract from the openness of the Green Belt, it would have an acceptable impact upon the street scene, it would not detract from highway safety and it would not unacceptably detract from the residential amenities of occupants of nearby dwellings. Furthermore, the future occupants of the properties would enjoy a satisfactory level of residential amenity and, subject to conditions; the proposal would be unlikely to have either a significant or widespread archaeological impact on the significant heritage asset. The revised application was considered to have overcome the previous reasons for refusal and as such, was recommended for approval.


Councillors enquired about hard and soft landscaping. They wished to know that the allocated residential parking was to only be used by the residents and not to be sub-let. They also enquired about a children's play area and who would maintain it as the development would include family dwellings.


Resolved -

That the application was resolved to grant with authority for the Head of Planning to add a bespoke landscaping and parking management condition (to include allocated parking and prevent airport parking) wording to be agreed by the Chairman and the Labour Lead.




Land at 186 Grosvenor Crescent, Hillingdon - 70396/APP/2015/3385 pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Two storey, 2-bed, end-terrace dwelling with associated parking and amenity space and installation of vehicular crossover to front


Recommendation: Refusal


Land at 186 Grosvenor Crescent, 70396/APP/2015/3385


Two storey, 2-bed, end-terrace dwelling with associated parking and amenity space and installation of vehicular crossover to front.


The proposal sought planning permission for a two storey, two bedroom attached house. The proposal had been assessed against current policies and guidance for new housing development in terms of the potential effects of the design, scale and site layout on the character of the surrounding area, the potential impact on the residential amenities of adjoining and nearby occupiers, and on highways related matters such as access for all vehicles, traffic/pedestrian safety and parking in Grosvenor Crescent. The amenities of the future occupants of the proposed and donor dwellings had also been considered.


The proposal had been submitted in order to overcome the sole reason for refusal of the previous application on inadequate car parking grounds. Six car park spaces have been provided on site, two at the front and four at the rear served via an existing car parking area. In all other material aspects the application remained the same as previously refused.


The application had been assessed against current policies and guidance for new housing development in terms of the potential effects of the design, scale and site layout on the character of the surrounding area, the potential impacts on the residential amenities of adjoining and nearby occupiers, and on highways related matters such as access for all vehicles, traffic/pedestrian safety and parking in Grosvenor Crescent. The amenities of the future occupants of the proposed and donor dwellings had also been considered.

It was considered that whilst the proposal overcomes the previous reason for refusal, there had been a change in policy and the proposal failed to meet the current requirements in terms of the overall internal size of the dwelling and thus failed to provide an adequate standard of accommodation for future residents and was, thus, recommended for refusal.


RESOLVED: That the item is withdrawn by the Head of Planning to research the full planning history of the site including the highways / access issues to the rear of the site.




39 Pole Hill Road , Hillingdon - 69286/APP/2015/3673 pdf icon PDF 116 KB

Conversion of two storey dwelling into 3 studio flats with associated parking and amenity space, installation of vehicular crossover to front and erection of a porch.


Recommendation: Approval


39 Pole Hill Road, 69286/APP/2015/3673

Conversion of two storey dwelling into 3 studio flats with associated parking and amenity space, installation of vehicular crossover to front and erection of a porch.


The application sought planning permission for the conversion of a two storey dwelling into 3 x studio flats with associated parking and amenity space and installation of vehicular crossover to front.


The proposal was not considered to have a negative impact upon the visual amenity of the site or the surrounding area, and would not result in a loss of residential amenity to neighbouring occupiers and would provide a satisfactory level of residential amenity to future occupiers. It was considered that the provision of 3 off street parking spaces was acceptable in this location and the proposed extension of the crossover was not considered to detract from pedestrian or highway safety.


Officers recommended the application to be approved.


RESOLVED: That the application be approved as per the officer recommendation with an allocated parking condition.



76 Snowden Avenue, Hillingdon - 17008/APP/2015/3992 pdf icon PDF 3 MB

2-bed, detached chalet bungalow with habitable roofspace with associated parking and amenity space and installation of vehicular crossover to front


Recommendation: Refusal


76 Snowden Avenue, 17008/APP/2015/3992

2-bed, detached chalet bungalow with habitable roof space with associated parking and amenity space and installation of vehicular crossover to front


Officers introduced the report and highlighted the changes set out in the addendum.


The application sought planning permission for a 2-bed, detached chalet bungalow with habitable roof space, private amenity space and parking to the rear of 76 Snowden Avenue. Taking account of the strong policy justification in place at both a local and national level to control back land tandem development, it was concluded by Officers that the introduction of a dwelling house to the rear of 76 Snowden Avenue would be detrimental to the character and quality of the surrounding area and street scene.   


The loss of significant garden space to the rear of no.76 Snowden Avenue would not relate satisfactorily to the established character of the surrounding area. It was considered that the impact upon the residential amenity of the current and future occupiers of 76 Snowden Avenue, by reason of the material loss of privacy and undue disturbance which would result was also unacceptable. It was recommended by Officers that this application was refused.


Before the Petitioner spoke the Chairman explained that anything stated would be part of the public record and therefore caution should be exercised when expressing personal detail.


The petitioner supporting the proposal made the following points:


·         He had lived in Hillingdon for over forty years.

·         That the proposed bungalow would help his daughter in developing her independence whilst still being near her family and their support.

·         That neighbours supported the development and expressed this by signing the petition in support.

·         That the proposed development had been designed with the character of the local area in mind.

·         That the mature trees would be retained.

·         That there were similar developments at other local houses


Councillors expressed their sympathy to the family but stated that their decisions needed to be consistent and in line with policy. It was suggested that the applicant discussed with Planning Officers new ways forward.



- That the application be refused as set out in the officer report.



37 Dellfield Crescent, Cowley - 71261/APP/2015/3611 pdf icon PDF 2 MB

First floor side extension and single storey rear extension


Recommendation: Approval


37 Dellfield Crescent Cowley, 71261/APP/2015/3611

First floor side extension and single storey rear extension


Officers introduced the report. The application site comprised of a two storey semi-detached dwelling along Dellfield Crescent. The property was set back from the main highway and was characterised by a hipped roof with pebble dash render and a two storey bay window. The house also benefited from an attached garage with off road parking to the front for up to 2 cars as well as ample garden space to the rear of the property. The property fell within an existing residential area of Cowley and was characterised mainly by 2 storey semi-detached dwellings with terraced blocks also found within the wider context.


Resolved -

That the application be approved.



S106 Quarterly Monitoring Report pdf icon PDF 352 KB

This report provides financial information on s106 and s278 agreements in the Central and South Planning Committee area up to 30 September 2015 where the Council has received and holds funds.



The Report was noted.




1. That the enforcement action as recommended in the officer’s report was agreed.


2. That the Committee resolved to release their decision and the reasons for it outlined in this report into the public domain, solely for the purposes of issuing the formal breach of condition notice to the individual concerned.


This item is included in Part II as it contains information which a) is likely to reveal the identity of an individual and b) contains information which reveals that the authority proposes to give, under an enactment, a notice under or by virtue of which requirements are imposed on a person. The authority believes that the public interest in withholding the Information outweighs the public interest in disclosing it (exempt information under paragraphs 2 and 6 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985 as amended).





1. That the enforcement action as recommended in the officer’s report was agreed.


2. That the Committee resolved to release their decision and the reasons for it outlined in this report into the public domain, solely for the purposes of issuing the formal breach of condition notice to the individual concerned.


This item is included in Part II as it contains information which a) is likely to reveal the identity of an individual and b) contains information which reveals that the authority proposes to give, under an enactment, a notice under or by virtue of which requirements are imposed on a person. The authority believes that the public interest in withholding the Information outweighs the public interest in disclosing it (exempt information under paragraphs 2 and 6 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985 as amended).



Addendum pdf icon PDF 132 KB