Venue: Committee Room 5 - Civic Centre. View directions
Contact: Gill Oswell Democratic Services Officer - 01895 250693
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies had been received from Councillor Neil Fyfe and Councillor Janet Duncan with Councillor Eddie Lavery substituting for Councillor Fyfe.
Declarations of Interest in matters coming before this meeting Minutes: Councillor John Hensley declared a pecuniary interest in Item 6 – Brunel University as an Ex Don and adviser to Brunel and left the room whilst the item was discussed.
Councillor Brian Stead declared a non-pecuniary interest in Item 6 – Brunel University as it was in his ward and remained in the room to discuss and vote on the item.
Councillor Judith Cooper declared a non-pecuniary interest in Item 11 – 7 High Street, Uxbridge and Items 16 & 17 - Enforcement Reports and remained in the room to discuss and vote on the items.
Councillor Wayne Bridges declared a pecuniary interest in Item 9 – 34 Lynhurst Road, Hillingdon and a non-pecuniary interest in Item 10 – 161 Ryefield Avenue, Hillingdon. He remained in the meeting for Item 10 to discuss and vote on the application and left the room for Item 9 as he had spoken to the applicant.
To sign and receive the minutes of the meeting held on 3 July 2012 Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 3 July 2012 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. |
Matters that have been notified in advance or urgent Minutes: There were no matters notified in advance or urgent. |
To confirm that the items of business marked Part I will be considered in Public and that the items marked Part 2 will be considered in private Minutes: It was confirmed that all items marked Part 1 would be considered in public and all items marked Part 2 would be heard in private. |
Brunel University, Site 3, Kingston Lane, Hillingdon - 532/APP/2010/2614 Variation of condition 7 (to extend opening hours until 22:00 Monday to Saturday for an 18 month period commencing 04/01/2011) of planning permission ref: 532/APP/2001/1858 dated 15/10/2002: Provision of replacement sports pitches (including new synthetic playing surfaces), erection of floodlighting, boundary fences and storage building, together with associated parking and access improvements (Site 3).
Recommendation: Approval
Minutes: Variation of condition 7 (to extend opening hours until 22:00 Monday to Saturday for an 18 month period commencing 04/01/2011) of planning permission ref: 532/APP/2001/1858 dated 15/10/2002: Provision of replacement sports pitches (including new synthetic playing surfaces), erection of floodlighting, boundary fences and storage building, together with associated parking and access improvements (Site 3).
A member stated that in the presentation officers advised that the nearest residential properties to the site was those in Robinwood Grove. The most complaints received in relation to Brunel were from residents in Grove Lane, can officers comment on this.
Officers advised the committee that 134 properties had been consulted on the application with only one objection received from the Robinwood Grove Residents Association.
In answer to a question raised in relation to how many complaints had been received by the Environmental Protection Unit, officers advised that EPU had advised that there had been no recent complaints from residents.
The committee asked whether officers could ensure that residents were aware of how to make any complaints in relation to noise that they encounter.
Officers suggested and it was agreed by the committee that Brunel University provide details to residents of how they can make complaints regarding noise. This would also be followed up through the Brunel University Liaison Group.
The recommendation for approval was moved, seconded and on being put to the vote was agreed.
Resolved – That the application be approved, subject to the conditions and informatives set out on the addendum sheet. |
121 Moorfield Road, Uxbridge 11498/APP/2012/953 Change of use from Use Class A1 (Shops) to Use Class A5 (Hot Food Takeaway) to include installation of extractor outlet to rear.
Recommendation: Refusal Minutes: Change of use from Use Class A1 (Shops) to Use Class A5 (Hot Food Takeaway) to include installation of extractor outlet to rear.
This application was withdrawn by the Head of Planning as amended plans had been received. |
16 Craneswater, Harlington - 25651/APP/2012/1126 Extension of habitable roofspace to include 1 rear dormer, conversion of roof from hip to gable end and alterations to roof.
Recommendation: Refusal
Minutes: Extension of habitable roofspace to include 1 rear dormer, conversion of roof from hip to gable end and alterations to roof.
This application was withdrawn by the applicant.
34 Lynhurst Road, Hillingdon, 21125/APP/2012/979 Single storey attached outbuilding to rear for use as utility/ store and raised patio (Part Retrospective).
Recommendation: Refusal
Minutes: Single storey attached outbuilding to rear for use as utility/ store and raised patio (Part Retrospective)
In answer to an issue raised in relation to the original building that had been demolished officers advised the committee that the application was part retrospective as the raised platform and extension had been partially built.
There were 2 issues of concern on this application the first being the impact the raised platform had on the neighbouring property and the extension currently under construction was approximately 1 metre higher than the original out building that had been demolished.
A member asked whether there would be any merit in deferring the application to enable negotiations to take place.
Officers advised the committee that the refusal of planning permission does not prevent negotiations being undertaken to try and reach an acceptable form of development on the site but it allowed enforcement action to be taken if no agreement could be reached.
The recommendation for refusal was moved, seconded and on being put to the vote was agreed.
Resolved – That the application be Refused for the reasons set out in the officer’s report. |
161 Ryefield Avenue, Hillingdon - 4084/APP/2012/243 Change of Use from Use Class A1 (Shops) to Use Class A3 (Restaurants and Cafes).
Recommendation: Approval
Minutes: Change of Use from Use Class A1 (Shops) to Use Class A3 (Restaurants and Cafes)
Officers introduced the report and asked that Condition 2 be amended to add after details ‘including the removal of existing extension and fencing shown on the submitted plans . An additional two informatives were also to be added that this permissions does not authorise the display of advertisements or signs and that the use was for A3 restaurant and not a takeaway.
The committee asked for a further informative to be added to require the flue to provide for a fat trap, the addition of this informative was agreed by the committee.
The recommendation for approval with the amendments on the addendum sheet and those put forward at the meeting was moved, seconded and on being put to the vote was agreed.
Resolved – That the application be approved, subject to the conditions and informatives set out in the officer’s report and addendum sheet circulated at the meeting and the following amended condition 2 and three informatives added at the meeting.
Condition 2 amended
On second line of condition add after‘details ‘including the removal of existing extension and fencing shown on the submitted plans’.
Additional Informatives
Advertisement Consent:
This permission does not authorise the display of advertisements or signs, separate consent for which may be required under the Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisements) Regulations 1992. To display an advertisement without the necessary consent is an offence that can lead to prosecution. For further information and advice, contact - Planning & Community Services, 3N/04, Civic Centre, High Street, Uxbridge, UB8 1UW (Tel. 01895 250574).
Fat Traps
You are encouraged to ensure that appropriate fat traps are installed to drainage facilities serving the development hereby approved.
No takeaway services
You are advised that the planning permission hereby approved is for a restuarant/cafe falling within Use Class A3 which does not permit the operation of the unit for the sale of hot food takeaway services. Should you wish to operate a takeaway service you are advised that you would require to obtain planning permission for a change of use to Use Class A5. |
7 High Street, Uxbridge - 26196/APP/2011/2763 Change of use from Class A1 (Shops) to Class A3 (Restaurants and Cafes) (Retrospective) (Resubmission)
Deferred from Central & South Committee 22/05/2012
Recommendation: Approval Minutes: Change of use from Class A1 (Shops) to Class A3 (Restaurants and Cafes) (Retrospective) (Resubmission) Deferred from Central & South Committee 22/05/2012.
Officers asked the committee to delegate approval to officers to enable the conditions and informatives to be the conditions and informatives to be consistent with those on the previous item considered by the committee.
Delegated approval to officers was moved, seconded and on being put to the vote was agreed.
Resolved – That the application be delegated for approval to the Head of Planning, to enable the conditions and informatives to be consistent with those on the previous item considered by the committee.
Packet Boat Marina, Packler Boat Lane, Cowley - 53216/APP/2012/604 The installation of eight railway sleeper walled gardens with gravel floors and a viewing platform.
Recommendation: Approval Minutes: The installation of eight railway sleeper walled gardens with gravel floors and a viewing platform.
The recommendation fro approval was moved seconded and on being put to the vote was agreed.
Resolved – That the application be approved, subject to the conditions and informatives set out in the officer’s report.
S106 Quarterly Monitoring Report Minutes: The committee received a report on the S106/278 planning agreements quarterly financial Monitoring report
Resolved: The Quarterly Section 106/278 Monitoring Report was noted by the Committee. |
Enforcement Report Minutes: This application was withdrawn form the agenda as it had been previously agreed at the meeting held on 3 July 2012. |
Enforcement Report Minutes: The recommendation set out in the officer’s report was moved, seconded and on being put to the vote was agreed.
1. That the enforcement actions as recommended n the officer’s report be agreed.
2. That the Committee resolved to release their decision and the reasons for it outlined in this report into the public domain, solely for the purposes of issuing the formal breach of condition notice to the individual concerned.
The report relating to this decision is not available to the public because it contains information which reveals that the authority proposes (a) to give under any enactment a notice under or by virtue of which requirements are imposed on a person; and (b) to make an order or direction under any enactment and the public interest in withholding the information outweighs the public interest in disclosing it (exempt information under paragraph 6 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985 as amended). |
Enforcement Report Minutes: The recommendation set out in the officer’s report was moved, seconded and on being put to the vote was agreed.
1. That the enforcement actions as recommended n the officer’s report be agreed.
2. That the Committee resolved to release their decision and the reasons for it outlined in this report into the public domain, solely for the purposes of issuing the formal breach of condition notice to the individual concerned.
The report relating to this decision is not available to the public because it contains information which reveals that the authority proposes (a) to give under any enactment a notice under or by virtue of which requirements are imposed on a person; and (b) to make an order or direction under any enactment and the public interest in withholding the information outweighs the public interest in disclosing it (exempt information under paragraph 6 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985 as amended). |
Enforcement Report Minutes: The recommendation set out in the officer’s report was moved, seconded and on being put to the vote was agreed.
1. That the enforcement actions as recommended in the officer’s report be agreed.
2. That the Committee resolved to release their decision and the reasons for it outlined in this report into the public domain, solely for the purposes of issuing the formal breach of condition notice to the individual concerned.
The report relating to this decision is not available to the public because it contains information which reveals that the authority proposes (a) to give under any enactment a notice under or by virtue of which requirements are imposed on a person; and (b) to make an order or direction under any enactment and the public interest in withholding the information outweighs the public interest in disclosing it (exempt information under paragraph 6 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985 as amended). |