Agenda and minutes

Appointments Committee - Tuesday, 23rd January, 2018 2.00 pm

Venue: Leader's Office - Civic Centre. View directions

Contact: Lloyd White 

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


An apology for absence was received from Councillor D.Mills


Declarations of Interest


There were no declarations of interest.


Protocol on Senior Management Appointments and Remuneration pdf icon PDF 82 KB


The Committee considered a protocol to clarify the approvals process in relation to changes linked to senior managers' pay and appointments, following restructures and changes in responsibilities. The procedure provided additional guidance to both supplement and be consistent with the Officer Employment Procedure Rules and Terms of Reference of the Appointments Committee and Appointments Sub-Committee set out in the Council Constitution.


REsolved: That the Protocol as set out below, be approved:


1.         The proposed procedures set out below apply to roles that fall under the constitutional definition of Chief Officer and Deputy Chief Officer. These definitions are:


A.     Chief Officer

§   A  person for who the Council’s Chief Executive is directly responsible– this includes all statutory Chief Officers;

§   A person who, as respects all or most of the duties of the post, is required to report directly or is directly accountable to the Council’s Chief Executive;

§   Any person who, as respects all or most of the duties of the post, is required to report directly, or is directly accountable to, the Council itself or any Committee or Sub-Committee of the Council.


These are, currently;

§   Chief Executive (Head of Paid Service)

§   Deputy Chief Executive & Corporate Director Residents Services

§   Corporate Director of Finance (Chief Finance Officer)

§   Corporate Director of Social Care (Statutory Director of Adult Social Services and Statutory Director of Children’s Services)

§   Director of Public health (Statutory Director of Public Health)

§   Borough Solicitor (Monitoring Officer)

§   Head of Democratic Services (reports to Chief Executive)

§   Head of Human Resources (reports to Chief Executive)


B.    Deputy Chief Officer

§   A person who, as respects of all or most of the duties of the post, is required to report directly, or is directly accountable to, one or more of the statutory or non-statutory Chief Officers


For the purpose of this protocol, these are those that deputise in full for a Chief Officer in their absence, currently;

§   Deputy Director Infrastructure, Procurement, Waste Services and ICT

§   Deputy Director - Housing, Environment, Education and Health & Wellbeing

§   Deputy Director - Planning, Transportation and Regeneration

§   Head of HR, Performance Improvement and Communications

§   Head of Administrative, Technical and Business Support

§   Deputy Director of Public Health (reports to Statutory Chief Officer)

§   Deputy Director - Corporate Finance & Head of Operational Finance

§   Deputy Director - Strategic Finance

§   Head of Business Assurance

§   Head of Revenues and Benefits

§   Human Resources & Organisational Development Service Manager

§   Legal Services Managing Partner (reports to Statutory Chief Officer)

§   Deputy Director - Children's Services

§   Assistant Director - Early Intervention Prevention and Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

§   Assistant Director - Adults and Physical Disabilities

§   Assistant Director - Mental Health and Learning Difficulties

§   Assistant Director - Provider and Commissioned Care


2.         This procedure does not apply to Chief Officer graded posts on JNC National Conditions of Service, which do not fall within the constitutional definitions outlined above. These officers’ pay will be determined  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.


Confirmation that the items below will be considered in Part II


It was confirmed that the following items would be considered in Part II.


Annual Salaries Report 2017; Chief Executive, Deputy Chief Executive and Corporate Directors


Members gave consideration to the annual review of salary for the Chief Executive, Deputy Chief Executive and Corporate Director posts. The review was based on performance for the 2016-17 financial year.




a)     The whole job rating for each officer be noted.


b)     The incremental movement from 1 April 2016 to 31 March 2017, for each officer be approved.


Ratification of Salary Changes for Chief Officers Resulting from Restructure of Operational Finance


The recent Operational Finance Management restructure had resulted in the deletion of the post of Deputy Director of Strategic Finance, and a distribution of the functions of this post to other parts of the service. This had resulted in a subsequent expansion in responsibility for certain posts. The Committee considered details of the current and recommended grade and salary for these posts.


RESOLVED: That the recommended grades and salaries for the posts shown below, be approved.

·      Deputy Director, Corporate Finance

·      Head of Revenues and Benefits

·      Head of Pensions, Treasury and Statutory Accounting.


Head of Legal Services Remuneration


The Committee considered a proposal for the re-grading of the post of Head of Legal Services (Borough Solicitor).


RESOLVED: That the recommended re-grading of the post of Head of Legal Services (Borough Solicitor), be approved.



Head of Planning, Transportation and Re-generation


Following the deletion of the post of Deputy Director Planning, Transportation & Regeneration, the responsibilities of the role had been distributed to a number of other officers within Residents Services. Responsibility for a number of teams had been allocated to the Head of Development Management whose job title had changed to Head of Planning, Transportation & Regeneration. A job evaluation review had been conducted which indicated that the additional responsibilities would have the impact of increasing the grade of the role.


RESOLVED: That, w.e.f 15 January 2017, the role of Head of Planning, Transportation & Regeneration be graded at CO4 in acknowledgement of the additional responsibilities that have been permanently allocated and the recommended salary point be approved.