Venue: Committee Room 4 - Civic Centre, High Street, Uxbridge UB8 1UW. View directions
Contact: Luke Taylor 01895 250833
No. | Item |
Apologies for absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Garg; Councillor Dhillon attended the meeting as a substitute.
Declarations of Interest Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Minutes of the meeting held on 9 March 2017 PDF 125 KB Minutes: The minutes of the meeting dated 9 March 2017 were agreed. |
Exclusion of Press and Public Minutes: It was agreed that all items of business would be considered in public. |
Consideration of Future Review Topics PDF 55 KB Minutes: As the Committee is responsible for undertaking the ‘policy overview’ function in relation to the Administration and Finance are of the Council, it also undertakes a major and minor review each year and suggestions for these review topic are necessary before a scoping report can be produced ahead of the review.
Following on from this year’s review into Recruitment in Hillingdon, the Labour Group suggested that a review into staff induction and retention would be a logical step, and the rest of the Committee agreed.
Other potential review topics that were discussed were:
· Council IT equipment - how modern equipment is, can staff work remotely, and is IT up to date and fit for purpose; · School bullying; · Homophobic bullying; · Politics in social media – bullying of Councillors on social media; · Political safeguarding – the safety of members and officers, and security at the Civic Centre. Members noted that this was reviewed in 2010/11, but commented that a minor review might be appropriate; · How to better encourage resident feedback; · The best use of space within the Civic Centre; · Lighting in the Civic Centre (including potential moves to LED lighting); · Apprenticeships in Hillingdon; and, · Volunteer work in Hillingdon.
- RESOLVED: That the suggested future review topics were noted for further consideration.
Update on Previous Review - Reducing our Carbon Footprint PDF 97 KB Minutes: The Council’s Energy Efficiency Officer was in attendance to introduce the report which examined the outcome of the 2013/14 major review into reducing the Council’s carbon footprint.
The Committee heard that four recommendations were agreed as part of the review, focussing on the Council’s energy strategy, a balance sheet regarding the Council’s carbon footprint, a heat network delivery unit and an anaerobic digestion project.
The Energy Efficiency Officer informed Members that there was not a signed-off energy strategy in place following a period of restructuring, but proposals from a consultant are being reviewed, along with the associated costs. The use of a balance sheet has allowed the Council to focus on gas and electricity emissions which has also proved beneficial as it allowed energy consumption to be better monitored. The focus on electricity has led to a project to replace of all street lights with LED lights, which will lead to annual savings of £590,000. The project is due to complete in 18 months. It was confirmed that further schemes are dependent on a business case and payback period and that this is influenced by future energy costs. In response to a Members question, the Energy Officer confirmed that generally a payback period of five years or less was acceptable.
Councillors were advised that the completed LED lighting projects at Grainges and Cedars Cark Parks had reduced consumption by 60%. Members stated that they had received positive feedback on these schemes. Members were also advised of an LED lighting project in the Civic Centre that will cost £151,000 and save at least £30,000 per annum in electricity.
Responding to Councillors’ questions, the Energy Efficiency Officer confirmed that the proposed anaerobic digestion project was too small scale to be considered financially viable, and could have impacted negatively on the collection of green waste.
The Committee sought clarification on what the Council is doing to combat energy waste in Council houses and to ensure new buildings in the Borough are energy efficient. In respect of housing, Members were advised that a project communal lighting at Fitzgerald House had been completed, and this would reduce tenants' service charges. Further LED schemes were planned too. Further information on housing energy efficiency measures would be provided in an email update. The Energy Efficiency Officer informed the Committee that new build schemes would comply with energy efficiency requirements of building regulations and the London Plan, and the new supported Housing Schemes at Grassy Meadow Court and Parkview Court were cited as examples. In response to a question on a new build theatre, further information would need to be provided by the Capital Programme Construction Team.
Councillors questioned whether the Solar PV (photo-voltaic) installation at the Civic Centre would generate enough savings to be cost-effective, and were informed that a small number of solar panels are used at the Civic Centre, but the contribution to savings is small.
The Committee heard that the Council is continuing to look for ways to improve energy efficiency, and doing more ... view the full minutes text for item 60. |
Additional documents: Minutes: Members asked for further details on how the award of contract for the “Care and Wellbeing Service in Extra Care” was being conducted, with details of the price and service balance. This information would be requested for the next meeting. (TO BE COMPLETED –Melissa Sage).
- RESOLVED: That the forward plan was noted.
Work Programme 2017/2018 PDF 73 KB Minutes: Officers introduced the draft work programme for 2017/18 to Members.
- RESOLVED: That the work programme was noted. |