Agenda and minutes

Corporate Services, Commerce and Communities Policy Overview Committee - Wednesday, 10th February, 2010 7.30 pm

Venue: Committee Room 3a - Civic Centre, High Street, Uxbridge UB8 1UW. View directions

Contact: Khalid Ahmed 

No. Item


Declarations of Interest




Minutes of the meeting held on 20 January 2010 pdf icon PDF 165 KB


Agreed as an accurate record.


Exclusion of the Press and Public

To confirm the items of business marked Part I will be considered in public and that the items marked Part II will be considered in private.


It was agreed that all items of business were considered in public.


Budget Proposals 2010/11- Comments from POCs pdf icon PDF 66 KB


Members were reminded that as part of the Council’s Constitution, Policy Overview Committee had a role to review the Cabinet’s budget proposals which had been agreed at Cabinet on 17 December 2009. Each Policy Overview Committee had given consideration to budget proposals relating to the service areas within their remit and their comments were submitted to this Committee for comment and to be referred to Cabinet.


Members considered the following comments:


Residents’ & Environmental Services POC  


“That members noted the Budget Proposals Report and asked for their concerns at the part year saving by the reduction of 1 post from the Local Development Framework Team to be noted.”


Education and Children’s Services POC


“1. The Education and Children’s Services Policy Overview Committee would like Cabinet to note that the Committee welcome the 0% increase of specific fees and charges in some schools in the Borough.


2.  The Committee would like to highlight their concerns over the significant issue of the availability of additional funding of the Asylum Service through the government’s grant regime and hope the Cabinet note the Committee’s concerns.”


Resolved –


1. That the comments made by Residents’ and Environmental Services Policy Overview Committee and Education and Children’s Services Policy Overview Committee be submitted to Cabinet for their meeting to be held on 18 February 2010.


Draft Scoping Report for Second Major Review - "To Review the Impact of Public Funded Business Support and the Success of New Business Start Up within Hillingdon pdf icon PDF 13 MB


Members were reminded that at their last meeting on 20 January 2010 discussion took place on the scope for this Committee’s second major review. Comments made by Members covered a wide ranging number of issues which could be linked into linked and overlapping areas namely:

·        Town Centres and their role in the local economy

·        The role of the Local Authority and

·        Business support to Small and Medium Enterprises


Officers informed Members that it would be difficult to do justice to such a wide-ranging review and Members were asked to consider narrowing the scope of their review to focussing on the impact of public funded business support and the success of new business start up in the Borough. Particular reference was made to micro businesses at Hayes Business Studios.


Hayes Business Studios, located on Uxbridge College Hayes Campus was built from funding secured from the London Development Agency and Hillingdon Community Trust. The Studios consisted of a £1m ten unit facility for new start up businesses, and was a great success story during these difficult economic times.


Members referred to the importance of engaging with Banks to help businesses and officers informed Members that the Business Studios had received support from the Nat West Bank.


It was hoped to replicate the Hayes Business Studios model on the RAF Uxbridge site.


Members were provided with background information on the different public sector business support schemes. Previously there had been some 3,000 different public sector business support schemes available, all with different eligibility criteria. Solutions for Business had streamlined these schemes into a core offer of 30 “products”.


The primary route to access business support within London was Business Link and this organisation would be helpful for the review.


Reference was made to Industrial Estates and it was agreed that the review would focus on this area at the second witness session. The Council did not have good links with the businesses on the estates and a review could look at how this could be improved. In addition the review could look at how larger organisations could help smaller businesses in terms of business to business support, the possibility of mentoring, creation of websites for industrial estates, business clubs etc.


Members agreed that the review should concentrate on the North Uxbridge Industrial area which was owned by Slough Estates. The site consisted of mixed sized businesses and there was an estimated employment figure of 2,196.    




1.      That the scoping report be amended to include reference to North Uxbridge Industrial Estate and how business to business support could be encouraged.


2.      That the next meeting of this Committee take place at Hayes Business Studios where Members of the Committee can meet with some of the businesses to hear of their experiences of business start ups.


3.      That the following witnesses be invited to the next meeting to enable Members to gather evidence as part of the review: Martin Blandy from Hayes Business Studios, Rob Grover, Business Link, a representative from Uxbridge College, representatives  ...  view the full minutes text for item 55.


Work Programme 2009/10 pdf icon PDF 68 KB


Members noted the work programme for the remainder of 2009/10 and agreed that an extra meeting of this Committee be set up to enable this Committee’s second major review, to be completed this Municipal Year.


Cabinet Forward Plan pdf icon PDF 38 KB

Additional documents:

