Venue: Committee Room 6 - Civic Centre, High Street, Uxbridge UB8 1UW. View directions
Contact: Khalid Ahmed 01895 250833
No. | Item |
Minutes of Meeting held on 13 November 2012 Minutes: |
Exclusion of Press and Public To confirm the items of business marked Part I will be considered in public and that the items marked Part II will be considered in private. Minutes: It was agreed that all items of business would be considered in public. |
Budget Proposals Report for Administration and Finance Services This Committee will also consider all the comments from other Policy Overview Committees on budget proposals within their remit and coordinate the response to be submitted to Cabinet on 14 February 2013.
All other Policy Overview Committee comments will be circulated to Corporate Services & Partnerships Policy Overview Committee, after the Social Services Health & Housing Policy Overview Committee have met on 30 January 2013. Additional documents: Minutes: The report set out the draft revenue budget and capital programme of the Administration and Finance Groups for 2013/14, along with indicative projections for the following two years.
Members were informed that the Council was looking to make significant savings of over £17m across the whole Council, with £1.051m of this from Administration and Finance Services. The savings proposals contained within the draft budget were being achieved through service efficiencies without impacting on the level of service provided. Reference was made to £843,000 of those proposals already implemented to ensure full year effect of savings in 2013/14.
Reference was made to the increased income which had been generated from the Election and Registration Services Review and this was welcomed.
The Chief Executive indicated that there had never been a more challenging time in which to plan the Council's finance, due to the level and complexity of the legislative programme, including the whole financing structure of local authorities, coupled with reductions in funding and the transition of new responsibilities to local government. Nonetheless, Hillingdon was in a good financial position and the level of balances has ensured that the Council has the flexibility to respond to the present circumstances in a planned and rationale way.
Discussion took place on the savings within the Groups and in particular the review of the Social Worker Development Programme and the Committee was informed that the Council was no longer giving bursaries but were investing in social workers development to enable the Council to get long term benefit. Reference was made to Graduate schemes which came with Government Grants and officers said they would investigate this and reply to Members.
Members congratulated officers for the work
which had been carried out in the preparation of the budget and
recognised the sound financial management which existed at
Hillingdon; sound financial management which was the envy of other
Budget Comments from other Policy Overview Committees
The Committee considered and agreed that the comments from this Committee and the Council’s other Policy Overview Committees on the Budget proposals be submitted to the Cabinet meeting on 14 February 2013.
1. That the budget projections contained in the report be noted.
2. That the comments made on the combined budget proposals put forward by the Administration and Finance Groups, be forwarded to the Cabinet meeting on 14 February, together with all the other Policy Overview Comments on their respective service areas.
Major Review - Community Cohesion Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee agreed to defer consideration of this item to enable the Corporate Head of Communications to attend the next meeting to help the Committee finalise its review.
Consideration of Topic for the next Major Review Additional documents: Minutes: The Council’s Anti Social Behaviour & Investigations Service Manager attended the meeting and provided Members with options for potential review topics relating to Policing.
Reference was made to School Police Officers that were assigned to schools in the Borough and the Committee expressed an interest in finding out more about this partnership and what the School Police Officers role was. It was agreed that this would be single meeting review to enable Members to gain an understanding about the role of these Police Officers and the difference they were making in terms of reducing crime and anti-social behaviour.
The Committee was informed that the Council, working in partnership with the Police, funded both Police Officers and equipment (CCTV vehicle) and the Committee agreed that this would be their next major review. The Committee would want to know what equipment the Council funded, was it effective, what influence, if any, did the Council have on its deployment.
Members also asked that the scope of the review should also include looking at the impact the free burglar alarms to the over 65s as had on crime levels within the Borough.
1. That the information provided by Council’s Anti Social Behaviour & Investigations Service Manager be noted
2. That a single meeting review take place on the role of School Police Officers and their success in reducing crime and anti-social behaviour in schools.
3. That this Committee’s next major review be on the equipment this Council funds for the Police to use within the Borough, and the effectiveness of it.
4. That officers prepare a draft scoping report for Members to discuss at their meeting on 28 March 2013.
Minutes: Noted. |
Additional documents: Minutes: Noted. |