Venue: Committee Room 5 - Civic Centre. View directions
Contact: Khalid Ahmed 01895 250833
No. | Item |
Minutes of Meeting held on 17 September 2013 Minutes: |
Exclusion of Press and Public To confirm the items of business marked Part I will be considered in public and that the items marked Part II will be considered in private. Minutes: It was agreed that all items of business would be considered in public. |
Major Review 2013/14 - Reducing our Carbon Footprint Additional documents:
Minutes: Members were provided with presentations on the following areas:-
Reducing the Carbon Footprint of Housing in Hillingdon
The Council’s Energy Efficiency Officer provided Members with details of what the Council was doing in relation to reducing the Carbon Footprint of Housing in the Borough.
The key drivers to reduce domestic carbon emissions were: • Home Energy Conservation Act (1995) – refreshed guidance issued to LA’s • Green Deal • Energy Company Obligation • Report by Climate Change Committee – ‘Climate Local’ • New Fuel Poverty Strategy & definition
The Committee was made aware of a Fuel Poverty Project which the Council worked in partnership with energy providers on.The Council had bid for £106,500 funding from the Department of Energy and Climate Change.
Reference was made to the Energy Company Obligation (ECO), which was a new Government led energy savings scheme which was funded by energy suppliers. There was an Energy Company Obligation of £327,000 with a minimum target of achieving 120 heating measures, 10 solid wall insulations, 60 loft and cavity wall insulation and 5 hard to treat cavity wall insulations.
The main purpose of ECO was to reduce the amount of carbon emissions and to help reduce fuel poverty.
With ECO, Energy Companies were obligated in three ways: • Home Heating Cost Reduction Obligation (HHRCO) – This would fund boiler replacements for those on certain benefits but was only for private sector housing. The Council would be looking at finding additional funding for this. • Carbon Emission Reduction Obligation (CERO) – This focused on solid wall or hard-to-treat cavity wall insulation and applied to all tenures. This amounted to around £8-10k per property. • Carbon Savings Community Obligation (CSCO) – This focused on loft and cavity wall insulation within 15% of the most deprived Lower Super Output areas in the Borough, and applied to all tenures.
The Committee was made aware of other initiatives which included:
Work Programme 2013/14 Minutes: |
Additional documents: Minutes: Civic Centre Air Handling Units Replacement for Cabinet in January 2014 – Contents of this report to be noted as part of the Committee’s review into Reduction of the Council’s Carbon Footprint.