Agenda and minutes
Venue: Committee Room 5 - Civic Centre. View directions
Contact: Khalid Ahmed
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: None. |
Minutes of meeting held on 19 January 2011 Minutes: Agreed as an accurate record. |
Exclusion of Press and Public To confirm the items of business marked Part I will be considered in public and that the items marked Part II will be considered in private. Minutes: It was agreed that all items of business were considered in public. |
Budget Proposals 2011/12 - Comments from Policy Overview Committees Minutes: Members were reminded that as part of the Council’s Constitution, Policy Overview Committees had a role to review the Cabinet’s budget proposals which had been agreed at Cabinet on 16 December 2009. Each Policy Overview Committee had given consideration to budget proposals relating to the service areas within their remit and their comments were submitted to this Committee for comment and to be referred to Cabinet.
The comments made were as follows:
Residents’ & Environmental Services POC – 18 January 2011 (Planning, Environment and Community Services Group)
The Committee noted the budget projections and combined budget proposals put forward by the Planning, Environment & Community Services Group, within the context of the corporate budgetary position. There were no specific comments.
Corporate Services & Partnerships POC – 19 January 2011 (Finance & Business Services and Deputy Chief Executive’s Office Groups)
The Committee noted the budget projections put forward by Central Services. There were no specific comments.
Education & Children’s Services POC –26 January 2011 (Education & Children’s Services Group)
The Committee made the following comments on the Education and Children’s Services budget for consideration:-
“The Education & Children’s Services Group has taken the opportunity to completely rethink how it delivers its overall service to Hillingdon’s children and young people. It has applied a phased approach to developing a ‘core offer’ for services deemed essential, backed by an ‘additional offer’ of services which support the core services, as many of the core services do not, on their own, ensure child safety. Savings proposals have been developed on a service basis.”
Social Services, Health & Housing ... view the full minutes text for item 49. |
Skills and Knowledge Audit Minutes: At this Committee’s last meeting Members asked that an officer from HR be invited to their next meeting to provide an update on the progress made in relation to the Skills and Knowledge Audit, which was a recommendation of this Committee’s review into the impact of a Pandemic on the Council.
The Organisational Development Manager of HR attended the meeting and informed Members that as a result of Strategic HR writing to all staff of the Council, a number of key skills had been identified from the data collected. This data was held by Business Support Units and the Civil Protection Team and was securely stored in line with relevant data protection rules.
Reference was made to the limitations of the Council’s Resourcelink in relation to storing employees’ information such as skills and knowledge. A project initiation document was being developed for a Single Development Plan for a talent management system which would include skills and competency management. This would be a “self-service” system whereby staff could build up details on the skills and qualifications which they possessed. There were possibilities that the system could be linked to the Council’s performance management framework.
Members were informed that in light of the Council’s budgetary constraints, a strong business case would have to be developed for the implementation of the system at the present time. Details of progress on the implementation of this system would be reported back to this Committee.
Resolved –
1. That the information reported be noted and a further update be provided to the Committee if and when the system is to be implemented. |
Security Contract The Facilities Manager will provide Members with an oral update on this item. Minutes: The Facilities Manager attended the meeting and provided Members with the background to the recent tender process for the Council’s Security Contract. Members were informed that the contractor notifications had been sent out and there was now a ten day “cool off” period for any challenges to the decision on the successful tenderer.
Members were informed that the new contractor’s tender submission was superior to the other competitors in terms of cost and quality and also the new provider would be based in Uxbridge. Existing security staff would be transferred to the new provider under TUPE regulations and there would be no visible changes to the service. Reference was made to the profile of the security staff around the Civic Centre and Members were informed that it was likely that the security staff would have new distinctive uniforms which would improve their profile in the Civic Centre.
Discussion took place regarding the general security at the Civic Centre, particularly in relation to the safety of officers and Members when meeting with members of the public. Reference was made to some meeting rooms in the Civic Centre, from a personal security perspective, not being suitable for individuals (officers and Members) when meeting with members of the public.
Members asked that for the next meeting of the Committee a brief paper be prepared which provided details on the security measures which were in place in the Civic Centre.
Also for the next meeting a short review would take place which would look at the possible measures which could be introduced to ensure the safety of individuals when meeting with members of the public at the Civic Centre.
Resolved –
1. That the information reported be noted and officers be asked to prepare a report for the next meeting which provided details on the security measures which were in place at the Civic Centre.
2. That a review takes place at the next meeting which looks at how security measures could be improved for officers and Members, when meeting members of the public in the Civic Centre. |
Additional documents: Minutes: Noted.
Members asked that consideration be given to a Members’ Seminar on the Anti-Fraud Strategy which was to be considered by Cabinet on 17 March 2011. This would be taken forward. |
Additional documents: Minutes: Noted.
Discussion took place regarding the Localism Bill and it was agreed that consideration be given to a possible review on aspects of this, in the next Municipal Year. |