Agenda and minutes

Social Services, Health and Housing Policy Overview Committee - Tuesday, 16th June, 2009 7.00 pm

Venue: Committee Room 4 - Civic Centre, High Street, Uxbridge UB8 1UW. View directions

Contact: Charles Francis 

No. Item


Apologies for Absence and to report the presence of any substitute Members





Declarations of Interest in matters coming before this meeting


Cllr Peter Kemp declared a personal interest in Item 7 – Update report on the Hillingdon Independent Living Centre (HILC)



To receive the minutes of the meeting held on 13 May 2009 (attached) pdf icon PDF 179 KB


13th May 2009 were agreed as an accurate record. It was noted that the wording of recommendations 1, 8 and 12 of the Private Rented Sector in Hillingdon -final report had been agreed by the Vice-Chairman in consultation with the Labour Lead by e-mail as agreed at Committee.



To confirm that the items of business marked Part I will be considered in Public and that the items marked Part II will be considered in private


It was agreed that all items of business were considered in public.



Support Choice and Independence - A Presentation on Transformation in Social Care - Oral Report


Support Choice and Independence – A Presentation on Transformation in Social Care


The Interim Deputy Director of Adult Social Care and the Interim Head of Transformation provided a presentation and short video on Support Choice and Independence / Transformation in Social Care.


The following points were noted:



  • The Transformation Agenda is the largest change to Social Care since the 1990’s.
  • Support, Choice and Independence aims to develop a universal offer to help people make the right choices for their specific needs through self directed support.
  • Self Directed Support (SDS) is a new system in which the person needing support is empowered to determine the support they need in contrast to the old system whereby professionals made all the decisions.


An New National Indicator 130

  • To be counted, the person must be getting a direct payment, or have a personal budget which meets the following criteria:
  • The person (or their representative) has been informed about a clear, upfront allocation of funding.
  • There is an agreed support plan making clear what outcomes can be achieved with the money.
  • The person (or their representative) can use the money in ways and at times of their choosing.


The Transformation Programme

  • This provides full support for customers to make the most of the system and find the right support options.
  • This provides real choice in the range of support options available and control in how they are received.
  • This helps people maintain independence and enjoy fuller lives.
  • Extended information and advice support for all.


Timescale for Self Directed Support

  • The Support, Choice and Independence programme will run over the next 2 years.
  • Two pilots are taking place in 2009.
  • The Authority is currently setting an ambitious target for implementing (SDS).



The Benefits of SDS

  • Greater choice in support and services to meet need.
  • Increased levels of independence.
  • Greater autonomy in decision making.
  • The promotion of equity.
  • Empowering customers.
  • The use of ‘individual budgets’.


Key Risks and Challenges

  • Carers needs as well as those of the citizen with the individual budget.
  • Positive risk taking and enablement.
  • Safeguarding.
  • Choice in support: the use of unregulated services and provision.
  • Commissioning and decommissioning.
  • Community resources and market development.
  • Performance rating and recording.
  • Financial forecasting.
  • Workforce.
  • Citizen engagement in the change process.
  • All Local Authorities at different stages in the process – no one has the answer.


In the course of discussions, Members raised a number of additional points. These included:

  • Whether the Council had the manpower to deliver the services anticipated under SDS.
  • Audit trails and those processes required to ensure money from individual budgets is not misspent.
  • Support Plans and concerns that these are reviewed regularly
  • For support plans to be effective they require sufficient financial resources and regular monitoring.


Resolved –

  1. That the information provided be noted.


  1. That officers be requested to provide a draft scoping report on Transforming Social Care to the next meeting covering the following issues:

                                 I.      Choice

                               II.      Commissioning

                              III.      Market Development

                           IV.      The right support / access to support

                             V.      Monitoring  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.


Adult Social Care, Health and Housing - Future Plans and Challenges (page 7) pdf icon PDF 138 KB


Adult Social Care, Health and Housing – Future Plans and Challenges


The Deputy Director ASCHH provided apologies on behalf of the Director ASCHH as he was unable to attend the meeting.


The Deputy Director and Interim Deputy Director ASCHH gave a presentation that outlined the future plans and challenges facing the directorate, including:

  • Budget and Finance
  • Culture Change and Communication
  • Transforming Adult Social Care
  • Commissioning and Procurement
  • Information and Communication Technology
  • Inspection and Audit


Issues highlighted in the written report included:


·        The demographic pressures : an ageing population and in particular those with learning disabilities

·        Demand for housing, pressures from clients, families and government to provide people with a better standard of living.

·        Achieving value for money.

·        Potential pressures from adverse changes to the housing benefit regime

·        Government pressures, including the changes to the national performance framework for Local Government.

·        Recruitment and retention

·        Demand for affordable housing

·        Customer engagement: using customer feedback and involvement to shape service delivery

·        Restructuring – ensuring the structures are in place to deliver excellent services

·        Heathrow: robust dialogue with Government to reduce the costs falling on Hillingdon’s residents.


The Chairman thanked officers for their joint presentation.


In the course of discussions Members raised a number of additional issues. These included:

  • The supply of affordable housing and its role as a key mechanism to deliver change across the Borough.
  • The challenge of managing needs and resources.
  • Work force retention and the importance of workforce planning to deliver services in the future.
  • The pressures to reduce the numbers living in temporary accommodation by 50% by 2010.
  •  The reduction in the number of placements in nursing care and the impact that out of Borough nursing provision had on families.
  • The Directorate’s Improvement Plan and the importance of choice but that a mechanism needs to be put in place to assist those users who are unable to make the right choices for themselves.



  1. That the aims and challenges facing the Adult Social Care, Health and Housing be noted.



Update report on the Hillingdon Independent Living Centre (page 21) pdf icon PDF 46 KB


Update report on the Hillingdon Independent Living Centre


The Joint Commissioning Service Manager provided a report on the Hillingdon Independent Living Centre, now known as the Hillingdon Centre for Independent Living (HCIL).


The following points were noted:



  • By 2010 every locality will need a Centre for Independent Living in place to conform with Government Policy.
  • In 2007/08 ASCHH engaged a consultant to develop costed options for a centre in Hillingdon. Resource issues have delayed immediate implementation.


Current Position

  • A stakeholder group has been formed to lead on the development of HCIL. A specification has been developed which sets out a model of provision and those requirements for developing the services over the next 3 years.
  • Partnership working between Hillingdon Community Health and the Disablement Association of  Hillingdon
  • HILC has been rebranded HCIL.
  • HCIL will be a lunched officially in September 2009.
  • Discussions are ongoing to determine what services and support grants are required.
  • The scope for the development of HCIL is limited by the size of the premises and its location.


In the course of discussions, Members raised a number of additional points. These included:

  • The size of the premises and whether there were opportunities arising from the Transformation agenda to look at larger sites for HCIL
  • The balance of costs and opportunities of rebranding of HILC to HCIL.




Resolved –

  1. That Cabinet Item 291 – Disabled People’s Plan be considered at the next meeting


  1. That officers be requested to provide a further update on HCIL in 4 months time (October 2009).



Cabinet Forward Plan (page 23) pdf icon PDF 38 KB

Additional documents:


Cabinet Forward Plan


The Committee noted that 291 – Disabled People’s Planwould be considered by 16th July 2009 Cabinet.


Resolved –

1.      That Cabinet Item 291 – Disabled People’s Plan be considered at the next meeting



Work programme and meeting dates in 2009/10 (page 31) pdf icon PDF 75 KB


Work Programme and meeting dates in 2009/10


The Committee discussed possible topics for their major reviews and requested officers to provide a draft scoping report on the Transformation Agenda to the next meeting. The Committee agreed to defer the selection of the second major review topic until later in the year.


The timetable of meetings and draft work programme was discussed. At the request of the Chairman and with the agreement of the Committee, the 6th October meeting was moved to 14th October 2009.



  1. That the timetable of meetings and proposed draft work programme for 2009/10 be noted.


  1. That officers be requested to provide a draft scoping report on Transforming Social Care to the next meeting.


  1. That the decision to select a second major review topic be deferred until later in the year.


  1. That the date of the October meeting be moved from 6th to 14th October 2009.