Venue: Committee Room 4 - Civic Centre, High Street, Uxbridge UB8 1UW. View directions
Contact: Charles Francis
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence and to report the presence of any substitute Members Minutes: None
Declarations of Interest in matters coming before this meeting Minutes: Cllr Peter Kemp declared a personal interest in Item 7 – Update report on the Hillingdon Independent Living Centre (HILC)
To receive the minutes of the meeting held on 13 May 2009 (attached) Minutes: 13th May 2009 were agreed as an accurate record. It was noted that the wording of recommendations 1, 8 and 12 of the Private Rented Sector in Hillingdon -final report had been agreed by the Vice-Chairman in consultation with the Labour Lead by e-mail as agreed at Committee.
To confirm that the items of business marked Part I will be considered in Public and that the items marked Part II will be considered in private Minutes: It was agreed that all items of business were considered in public.
Support Choice and Independence - A Presentation on Transformation in Social Care - Oral Report Minutes: Support Choice and Independence – A Presentation on Transformation in Social Care
The Interim Deputy Director of Adult Social Care and the Interim Head of Transformation provided a presentation and short video on Support Choice and Independence / Transformation in Social Care.
The following points were noted:
An New National Indicator 130
The Transformation Programme
Timescale for Self Directed Support
The Benefits of SDS
Key Risks and Challenges
In the course of discussions, Members raised a number of additional points. These included:
Resolved –
I. Choice II. Commissioning III. Market Development IV. The right support / access to support V. Monitoring ... view the full minutes text for item 5. |
Adult Social Care, Health and Housing - Future Plans and Challenges (page 7) Minutes: Adult Social Care, Health and Housing – Future Plans and Challenges
The Deputy Director ASCHH provided apologies on behalf of the Director ASCHH as he was unable to attend the meeting.
The Deputy Director and Interim Deputy Director ASCHH gave a presentation that outlined the future plans and challenges facing the directorate, including:
Issues highlighted in the written report included:
· The demographic pressures : an ageing population and in particular those with learning disabilities · Demand for housing, pressures from clients, families and government to provide people with a better standard of living. · Achieving value for money. · Potential pressures from adverse changes to the housing benefit regime · Government pressures, including the changes to the national performance framework for Local Government. · Recruitment and retention · Demand for affordable housing · Customer engagement: using customer feedback and involvement to shape service delivery · Restructuring – ensuring the structures are in place to deliver excellent services · Heathrow: robust dialogue with Government to reduce the costs falling on Hillingdon’s residents.
The Chairman thanked officers for their joint presentation.
In the course of discussions Members raised a number of additional issues. These included:
Update report on the Hillingdon Independent Living Centre (page 21) Minutes: Update report on the Hillingdon Independent Living Centre
The Joint Commissioning Service Manager provided a report on the Hillingdon Independent Living Centre, now known as the Hillingdon Centre for Independent Living (HCIL).
The following points were noted:
Current Position
In the course of discussions, Members raised a number of additional points. These included:
Resolved –
Cabinet Forward Plan (page 23) Additional documents: Minutes: Cabinet Forward Plan
The Committee noted that 291 – Disabled People’s Planwould be considered by 16th July 2009 Cabinet.
Resolved – 1. That Cabinet Item 291 – Disabled People’s Plan be considered at the next meeting
Work programme and meeting dates in 2009/10 (page 31) Minutes: Work Programme and meeting dates in 2009/10
The Committee discussed possible topics for their major reviews and requested officers to provide a draft scoping report on the Transformation Agenda to the next meeting. The Committee agreed to defer the selection of the second major review topic until later in the year.
The timetable of meetings and draft work programme was discussed. At the request of the Chairman and with the agreement of the Committee, the 6th October meeting was moved to 14th October 2009.