Venue: Committee Room 5 - Civic Centre. View directions
Contact: Charles Francis 01895 556454
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence and to report the presence of any substitute Members Minutes: None |
Declarations of Interest in matters coming before this meeting Minutes: Cllr Peter Kemp declared a personal interest as a Director of CNWL.
To receive the minutes of the previous meeting - to follow Minutes: The minutes of 8 December 2011 would be considered at the next meeting.
To confirm that the items of business marked in Part I will be considered in Public and that the items marked Part II will be considered in Private Minutes: All items were considered in public.
Budget Proposals for Adult Social Care, Health and Housing Services 2012/13 Minutes: The report set out the draft revenue budget and capital programme of Adult Social Care, Health and Housing (ASCH&H) for 2012/13, along with indicative projections for the medium term. Members were informed that the Council was looking to make significant savings of around £17.8m, on top of the £26.2m delivered in 2011/12. It was noted that the final funding settlement for 2012/13 had not yet been announced and the budget had therefore been drafted on an estimated cut in funding of £9.2m, partially offset by a further central Government grant of £2.8m enabling a freeze in Council Tax in 2012/13. The Committee was informed that the Department faced an almost unique challenge within the Authority, given that the vast majority of its budgetary spend was pre-determined by external demand which could not be easily reduced. As such, the challenge for the Department was to achieve the same outcomes at less cost by either re-designing existing services or by providing more cost effective services coupled with a preventative strategy that deflects an individual’s demand to a later date or eliminates it altogether. The Department’s Medium Term Financial Forecast (MTFF) for the current year was the start of this journey in which the provision of extra care housing, telecareline service and reablement play key parts in enabling this change to be successful. The key issues were:
The Department faced a number of service pressures including:
a. TeleCareLine service, charges to remain unchanged for all service levels b. Meals service, charges to remain unchanged c. DFG agency fee, increase the fee we charge to administer, carry out and monitor the works for major disabled facility adaptations from 15% to 16.5%, the first increase since April 2005
Points raised by Members were:
Adult Social Care Local Account 2010/11 Additional documents:
Minutes: The Performance and Intelligence Manager SCHH introduced the report.
The following points were noted:
Resolved –
1. That the report be noted
Major Reviews in 2011/12 - First Review draft report Minutes: The Democratic Services officer introduced the draft report and reviewed the evidence the Committee had received.
Following discussions, the following points were noted:
(Rec1)That Cabinet be requested to recognise the difference that personalisation is making to individuals lives within the borough.
(Rec6) That Officers be requested to ensure that market co-ordination is incorporated into existing officer roles to develop the commissioning marketplace so there is no additional cost implication.
(Rec 7) That Cabinet request Children and Families and Adult Social care officers undergo training and development in order to promote a culture of service users choice that enables responsible, supported and shared decision-making so that reasonable, every day risks, can be taken with confidence, to achieve positive outcomes for the service user. This positive risk taking within a supported framework of safeguarding will introduce a cultural change to the way the Authority has previously viewed safeguarding concerns
(Rec 11) That Cabinet be requested to acknowledge the valuable work conducted by carers and that their essential contribution to the development of the personalisation agenda will be facilitated by a) a separate carer’s assessment and b) separate targeted advice for carers.
That the final report included further comments on the following topics:
Resolved –
Major Reviews in 2011/12 - Second Review - verbal report Minutes: The Committee had further discussions about possible topics for their second major review in 2011/12. Officers explained that further information gathering was required before the Tenancy Strategy could be developed and population flows were suggested as a possible area of work which would add value to the development of the Strategy.
Resolved –
Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee considered the Forward Plan from January 2011 to March 2012 and decided to comment on the following Cabinet reports as follows:
The Committee is impressed by the thoroughness of the consultation undertaken and notes the very positive feedback received from people who use personal budgets. The Committee recognise that service users will require support and guidance whilst undergoing the personalisation process and this may need to be a gradual process.
The Committee notes that libraries and the calendar of activities will play a significant role in assisting people to make informed choices about the care they receive.
The Committee notes that a variety of different circumstances are faced by service users and so a blanket approach to travel plans to access the proposed Queen’s Walk Day Centre will be inappropriate. The Committee welcomes the news that the Council will assess travel requirements on a case by case basis to ensure that every service user will have appropriate transport arrangements which will be integrated into the individual’s support plan.
The Committee notes that this Consultation has been as thorough as that in Item 5.
The Committee recognise the concerns raised in the Consultation and that Officers have made full responses. The Committee understands that such changes will, inevitably, result in anxiety for Service User's and Carers but have been reassured that Officers have a sound grasp of the issues and that they will be supporting Service User's and Carers through the process.
Cabinet will note that the Committee has recently conducted a review of Personalisation and Disabilities with Reference to Transition and the learning during the course of the review has been used to inform the consultation process.
The Committee will be presenting its final report to Cabinet in the near future.
The Committee notes the protection of adults at risk is a critical activity of the Council and a key partnership area of work with health services and the voluntary sector.
The Committee notes the review of the functioning of the adult board and the resulting closer working between the Board and the statutory children’s safeguarding Board, with one independent chair covering both Boards and congratulates officers on this integrated approach.
Resolved –
That the above comments be presented to 26 January 2012 Cabinet.
Minutes: Work Programme 2011/12 (Agenda Item 10 )
Reference was made to the work programme and timetable of meetings.
Resolved –
1. That the report be noted.