Agenda and minutes

Venue: Committee Room 4 - Civic Centre, High Street, Uxbridge UB8 1UW. View directions

Contact: Nav Johal 

No. Item


Apologies for Absence and to report the presence of any substitute Members




Declarations of Interest in matters coming before this meeting


Councillor Peter Kemp declared an interest in relation to Item 5: HCIL



To receive the minutes of the meeting held on 25 March 2010 pdf icon PDF 164 KB


Agreed as an accurate record.



To confirm that the items of business marked in Part I will be considered in Public and that the items marked Part II will be considered in Private


It was agreed that all items of business were considered in public.



Draft Final Report: Hillingdon Centre of Independent Living


The Chairman introduced the report.  The final report would be going to Cabinet in June. Members and Officers made some minor amendments to the draft final report.


Resolved –

  1. That the Committee agreed the final report with amendments.
  2. That this report would go the Cabinet in June.


Valuing Employment Now - information report pdf icon PDF 88 KB


Sharon Townsend introduced the report on Valuing Employment Now. The Policy Overview Committee on 16th December 2009 requested an information report on the national strategy to improve employment prospects for adults with learning disabilities. The report provided an update on the Council’s response to the national strategy and the work undertaken to promote the employment of people with learning disabilities.


Members commented that 2 key elements needed to be included: job interviews and, writing CV’s and job applications. Officers commented that these elements were absolutely crucial and they were looking at ways around this. It was noted that people with learning disabilities could not always respond to the standard format for recruitment. They could find interviews difficult, and they were trying to move away from the standard recruitment process. Rather than interviewing candidates, try them out for a few days in the work place and then make a selection.


Members commented that there was very little guidance for those with special needs. Officers said that delivering results in employing more people with learning disabilities would take considerable time. This would involve a change in recruitment techniques. The Council were at the early stages of providing strategic thinking around this. This strategy was looking at assumptions and providing the guidance that had not been there in the past.


Members said that the Council needed to start looking at getting things right internally and it would take time to get there. People with learning disabilities should have the same opportunities as everyone else but in reality they do not have this.  Historically disability rights had been on the agenda, employees needed to build strategies but did not want to spend any money on this.


Members agreed that the way forward to achieve improvements in this was to embrace this issue as a Council and work on employing more people with learning disabilities within the organisation itself. The Council should work towards being a model of good practice and to be for guidance for other organisations.


Members commented that there should always be people working in job centres that are fully equipped to deal with people with special needs.


Officers were actively engaging with Human Resources on this issue. Members suggested that Corporate Services Policy Overview Committee could review or do a report on this area it related to recruitment. This could also be a potential topic for review for this Committee next year.


Resolved –

  1. That the Committee noted the report and questioned officers on the contents of the report.
  2. That the Committee supported the proposals to increase employment opportunities for people with disabilities.
  3. That the Committee agreed that the recommendations from this meeting should go to the Learning Disability Partnership Board.
  4. That the Committee requested that a report to go to Corporate Services Policy Overview Committee on Valuing Employment Now, with a view to review this.
  5. That this Committee could discuss at a future meeting whether this could be a potential topic for review.



Performance Review of the Local NHS Trusts pdf icon PDF 87 KB

Additional documents:


The Chairman introduced this report on the Care Quality Commission (CQC) on the performance of local NHS Trusts and the Trusts’ Quality Accounts.  This report went to External Services Scrutiny Committee, Councillors’ Peter Kemp and John Major were also in attendance. This event was now an annual event which looked at joined up working.


Members made suggestions that this could be a longer seminar/conference next year. That members from both committees to be invited to a half day event that discussed solely that item.  The Committee looked forward to being part of this event next year.


Resolved –

1.      That the Committee noted the report and questioned officers on the contents of the report.

2.      That the Committee endorsed the joint approach show by External Services Scrutiny Committee.

3.      That the Committee agreed that this item should be on the forward plan for both committees next year.



2009/10 Work Programme: Background report and Discussions pdf icon PDF 77 KB


The Chairman introduced this report. This was a standard item, and the Committee had reached the end of the year and work programme.


The Committee had some suggestions for the work programme for 2010/11 and recommended that a draft be prepared for the new committee.


Resolved –

1.      That the timetable of meetings and proposed work programme for 2009/10 be noted.

2.      That a work programme be drafted for the new committee in 2010/11.

3.      That the work programme to include an update report on Hillingdon Centre for Independent Living in April 2011.



Forward Plan pdf icon PDF 38 KB

Additional documents:


Members considered a condensed copy of the latest Forward Plan covering April 2010 to July 2010. This is a standard item.


Resolved -

  1. That the report be noted.



Chairman's Closing Remarks


The Chairman thanked the officers for their work, support and encouragement over the last 4 years. It had been a steep learning curve. The Chairman also thanked the Committee for their support and work over the years.


The Committee passed on their regards to Councillor Way who was standing down after 19years in the Council. He was a valued and fair colleague.



Councillors and meetings