Agenda and minutes

Petition Hearing - Cabinet Member for Planning and Transportation - Wednesday, 14th December, 2011 7.00 pm

Venue: Committee Room 3 - Civic Centre, High Street, Uxbridge UB8 1UW. View directions

Contact: Charles Francis 

Note No. Item


To confirm that the business of the meeting will take place in public.


Resolved – All items were considered in public.



Montague Road, Uxbridge - Petition Requesting Further Speed And Traffic Surveys pdf icon PDF 80 KB

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No Ward Councillors attended the meeting.


Concerns and suggestions raised at the meeting included the following:

  • The 24 hour independent speed and traffic classification survey which was undertaken at one location on Montague Road between its junctions with Grove Road and Iffley Close between 10th and 16th June 2010 had not, in the view of petitioners, yielded representative results.
  • The petitioner agreed that the red line marked on the enclosed map (in the Agenda) of Montague Road, was where the Council should locate the traffic and speed check survey tubes and for the survey to be repeated. This point was where traffic had to slow down, due to a junction (Grove Road), and also a chicane, which was caused because the residents parking changed here from one side of the road to the other. When drivers passed this chicane, they then accelerated again.
  • Montague Road also suffered from a mixture of unlawful, illegal and inconsiderate parking as well as from motorists performing u-turns in the road which posed a danger to road safety.


Councillor Burrows listened to the concerns of the petitioner and responded to the points raised:


Councillor Burrows established that the original independent speed and traffic classification survey had been conducted in the wrong location (according to the petitioner) and because this had prompted a petition there were good grounds to revisit the traffic survey. Cllr Burrows explained he would commission a further traffic survey and await the findings of the officer report which would be shared with ward councillors before a final decision was made.


Resolved –


That the Cabinet Member:


1.                  Meets and discusses with petitioners their concerns regarding rat-running and speeding on Montague Road.


2.                  That officers should commission further independent 24/7 speed and traffic surveys at locations agreed with the petitioners and report back to the Cabinet Member.






Knoll Crescent, Northwood - Petition Requesting Permission To Park On The Footway pdf icon PDF 73 KB

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No Ward Councillors attended the meeting.


Concerns and suggestions raised at the meeting included the following:


  • Knoll Crescent suffered from inconsiderate parking which blocked the road on a regular basis
  • Poor parking impeded ingress and exit to emergency vehicles
  • Poor parking impeded ingress and exit to refuse and home delivery vehicles on a regular basis
  • Poor parking impeded a special needs bus service for a Knoll Crescent resident
  • Lorries and delivery vehicles had mounted the pavement to gain access in the past which had resulted in the pavement outside number 76 being badly damaged. As a result, 11.5 metres of the pavement had needed to be resurfaced and British Telecom had been forced to replace the junction box for the road.
  • Knoll Crescent was often used by golfers playing at Haste Hill and this added to the congestion in the road.
  • The petitioner requested that legal authority be given for the parking of motor vehicles with wheels on the pavement of Knoll Crescent.    


Councillor Burrows listened to the concerns of the petitioner and responded to the points raised:


Councillor Burrows explained the Council had previously received a petition from residents living in the northern section of Knoll Crescent requesting permission to park with two wheels on the footway on one side of the road. Following a feasibility study, the Council carried out an informal consultation with residents in August 2011, which sought their views on a proposed footway parking scheme outside Nos. 35 – 83.


Although analysis of the consultation results indicated balanced views for and against the proposed footway parking scheme, the majority of directly affected residents were opposed to the proposal. Cllr Burrows explained that as a result, the Council had not progressed these proposals and had kept this section of Knoll Crescent under review.   


Cllr Burrows noted he had received one letter of objection to the petition but went on to say the petition before him was from residents solely from the southern section of Knoll Crescent and represented 95% of all the relevant Knoll Crescent households. Given the overwhelming weight of the petition, Clllr Burrows explained he would instruct officer to contact refuse services and the London Fire Brigade to identify any issues they might have and to request the Fire Brigade conduct a ‘dummy-run’ to Knoll Crescent to place on record whether there were access issues to Knoll Crescent. Following these discussions the following decisions were made:


Resolved –


That the Cabinet Member:


1.         Meets with the petitioners and considers their request for a footway parking scheme in Knoll Crescent


2.         That officers add this request to the Council’s Footway Parking Programme for subsequent investigation and the development of possible options when resources permit





Little Road, Hayes - Petition Objecting To The Proposed Parking Management Scheme pdf icon PDF 66 KB

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Councillors Lynn Allen and Peter Curling attended the meeting and spoke as Ward Councillors.


Concerns and suggestions raised at the meeting included the following:


  • The petition objected to the proposed extension to the Hayes HY1 Parking Management Scheme in its present form
  • That residents of Austin Road and Silverdale Road would park their vehicles in Little Road due to the lack of off street parking available on both these roads.
  • Concerns about the continuous bay layout proposed and the anxiety that having parking spaces which ran adjacent to the rear of the numbered properties in Little Road could encourage anti-social behaviour and provide an opportunity for intruders to access their properties.
  • The restrictions along this kerb-line were said by petitioners to have originally been installed to provide access to the rear of these properties if required by the Fire Brigade
  • There were currently six car parks in close proximity to Little Road – in particular underground car parks beneath properties in Austin Road - which were not currently utilised. The petitioner requested these be opened up to assist with the problem of displaced parking.
  • Little Road suffered from commuter traffic to Hayes Town and commuters who used the road to park before using the train station
  • Residents would prefer Little Road to have its own independent scheme with longer hours of operation. Ideally this scheme would be a combination of the HY1 and HY3 schemes.
  • A further proposal from the petitioner included opening up full vehicular access to Silverdale Road from Little Road, although the petitioner accepted that this was outside the scope of the petition.


Councillor Burrows listed to the concerns of the petitioner and responded to the points raised:


Cllr Burrows recalled that a previous petition had been considered at a petition hearing in October 2009, similarly requesting a residents’ parking scheme only for the residents of Little Road. At the time, it was pointed out that one road in isolation would not be considered for a Parking Management Scheme as it was likely the problem would transfer into neighbouring roads. As a result, it was decided that neighbouring roads which may also suffer with all day non-residential parking, would be included in a subsequent consultation. 


This resulted in a proposal to extend “Zone HY1” of the Hayes Parking Management Scheme incorporating Austin Road, Blyth Road, Clarendon Road, Clayton Road, Little Road and Silverdale Road. Statutory consultation was held between 25th May - 15th June 2011 and a number of responses were received, including the petition being presently considered from residents of Little Road specifically objecting to the proposed scheme being extended to Austin Road and Silverdale Road as well as Little Road.


Cllr Burrows explained that in order for the rest of the scheme in Blyth Road, Clarendon Road and Clayton Road not to be delayed, the responses to the consultation from these roads would need to be included in a separate report to him which would be  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.



Coldharbour Lane - Petition Requesting A Residents Parking Scheme pdf icon PDF 67 KB

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Councillors Lynn Allen and Peter Curling attended the meeting and spoke as Ward Councillors.


Concerns and suggestions raised at the meeting included the following:


  • Coldharbour Lane currently suffered from severe parking problems.
  • Holiday makers regularly used Coldharbour Lane to park before taking a bus or public transport to the airport and cars were often left unattended for several weeks
  • Parking problems in Coldharbour Lane had been exacerbated by local traders which had encouraged shoppers to park in Coldharbour Lane.
  • Cars were often parked and advertised for sale for several weeks which meant they did not move during this period and took up valuable parking space.
  • There had been occasions when residents of Coldharbour Lane had approached motorists parking in the road and there had been abusive confrontations.
  • Referring to the public toilet located adjacent to 269 Coldharbour Lane, it was suggested that disabled parking provision should be made so that this could be used more readily without the need to search for a parking place elsewhere


Ward Councillors spoke in support of the petitioners and agreed that Coldharbour Lane did suffer from severe parking problems and would benefit from the introduction of a residents parking scheme.


Councillor Burrows listened to the concerns of the petitioner and responded to the points raised:


Councillor Burrows noted residents had previously submitted a petition requesting residents’ parking which was heard in December 2008.  When this was considered, the decision was made for this section of Coldharbour Lane, Hayes be added to the Council’s Parking Programme so that statutory consultation could be carried out on a detailed design. 


A statutory consultation was carried out in February 2010 on a detailed design and stemming from this consultation two responses were received. It was noted that one resident had indicated support for a scheme whilst the other resident requested the current parking arrangements to remain unchanged. 


Cllr Burrows explained these responses were shared with local Ward Councillors and their considered view at the time was as there was no overall consensus, no further action should be taken due to the low number and split responses.


As a result, the Cabinet Member deferred a decision on the proposed parking scheme and asked officers to keep the area under review and report back if further support was received from residents. To avoid this from re-occurring, Cllr Burrows urged the petitioner to ensure residents responded to the future consultation.


It was noted that the petition submitted showed that residents (in this section of Coldharbour Lane) now supported the principle of a residents parking scheme by their homes.  Following further discussions with the petitioners the following decisions were taken:


That the Cabinet Member;


Resolved –


1.                              Meets and discusses with petitioners their concerns with parking in Coldharbour Lane, Hayes.


2.                  Subject to the outcome of the discussions with petitioners, approves the request  for a ‘resident only parking’ scheme for the northern end of Coldharbour Lane, Hayes be added to the Council’s Parking Programme so that as resources  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7.



New Broadway And Uxbridge Road, Hayes - Petition Requesting 'Stop & Shop' Scheme pdf icon PDF 78 KB

Additional documents:


Councillors Pat Jackson and Wayne Bridges attended the meeting and spoke as Ward Councillors. Councillor Neil Fife also attended the meeting and was allowed to speak at the discretion of the Cabinet Member.


Concerns and suggestions raised at the meeting included the following:

  • A stop and shop scheme was needed as there was insufficient parking for the shopping parade
  • A stop and shop scheme would help to stimulate trade for the shop keepers on the parade
  • The stop and shop parking scheme could be located  on the island between New Broadway and Uxbridge Road
  • Over zealous parking attendants meant that customers had received parking tickets on a regular basis and had dissuaded people from using the parade.


Ward Councillors spoke in support of the petitioners and agreed that New Broadway and Uxbridge Road, Hayes required a ‘Stop and Shop’ scheme to stimulate retail trade on the shopping parade.


Councillor Burrows listened to the concerns of the petitioner and responded to the points raised:


Cllr Burrows noted that the petition waseffectively asking the Council to install a “Stop & Shop” parking scheme. He explained the Council’s policy for the introduction of controlled parking schemes meant that they had to be  supported by the majority of those who respond to the consultation and from the petition submitted, it appeared that most of the business occupiers and their customers had signed the petition. However, he noted that none of the residents above the shops had signed the petition and the Council had a statutory obligation to ensure these residents had had an opportunity to express their views.


Cllr Burrows explained that the new petition illustrated there was increased concern with uncontrolled parking in the service road in front of New Broadway Parade and that business occupiers would like a ‘Stop & Shop’ scheme similar to those implemented in other shopping parades.


It was noted a covering letter attached to the petition had suggested that the pay & display parking bays could be installed entirely on the pavement opposite the shops on the centre island as petitioners had noticed that this area was rarely used by pedestrians. However, investigations by officers had established that a number of utility company inspection covers and other street furniture on the island existed which might affect what parking could take place. On the basis of these discussions the following decisions were made

That the Cabinet Member:


1.                  Meets with petitioners and discusses their concerns about the parking situation in New Broadway Parade, Uxbridge Road.


2.         Subject to (1), asks officers to add the request to the future Parking Scheme Programme and when resources permit to carry out informal consultation with business occupiers and residents of New Broadway to establish if there is sufficient support for the consideration of a “Stop & Shop” scheme.