Agenda and minutes

Petition Hearing - Cabinet Member for Planning and Transportation - Monday, 28th May, 2012 9.30 am

Venue: Belmore Children's Centre, Owen Road, Hayes.

Contact: Natasha Dogra 

No. Item


To confirm that the business of the meeting will take place in public.


This was confirmed.


Petition requesting traffic calming measures on Owen Road, Hayes. pdf icon PDF 94 KB

Additional documents:


The concerns, comments and suggestions raised at the meeting by the petitioners included the following:


·     Cars were being parked on the pavements

·     Children were being let out of cars by parents waiting in the middle of the roads

·     Cars were mounting the pavements to pass vehicles in the street

·     Children were unable to gain access to and from the gates due to parked cars blocking the entrance

·     Drivers were parking on the yellow lines

·     Traffic would build up due to cars stopping in the road to let school children out

·     Railings along the road could be extended to stop children from running into the street and stop parents from parking on the pavements

·     Children could be encouraged to walk or cycle to school

·     Owen Road could be a ‘pedestrian only’ zone

·     Safety cameras could be positioned along the road.


Councillor Keith Burrows listened to the concerns of the petitioners and responded by thanking the children, staff and parents for all of their input.  Cllr Burrows said he was impressed with the amount of preparation work the children had put into the petition hearing, along with the lead petitioner and other parents. He noted their concerns and moved the following recommendations.


Resolved -


The Cabinet Member:


1. Notes the petitioners’ request and meets with pupils to discuss in greater detail their particular safety concerns for the school community on their journey to and from school;


2. Asks officers from the Road Safety and School Travel Team to undertake feasibility studies on options to address road safety concerns and report back to him on possible options;


3. Instructs officers to liaise with the Police and local Safer

Neighbourhoods teams and Civil Enforcement Officers to investigate and if appropriate undertake some local enforcement.


4. Instructs Officers to undertaken a traffic volume and speed survey and report the outcome to the Cabinet Member for Planning, Transportation & Recycling.