Agenda and minutes

Petition Hearing - Cabinet Member for Planning and Transportation - Wednesday, 16th April, 2014 7.00 pm

Venue: Committee Room 3 - Civic Centre, High Street, Uxbridge UB8 1UW. View directions

Contact: Nadia Williams  01895 277655

No. Item


To confirm that the business of the meeting will take place in public.


It was confirmed that this item would be considered in public.


Petition Requesting an Extension to the Ruislip Gardens parking Management Scheme pdf icon PDF 87 KB

Additional documents:


Concerns, comments and suggestions raised by the petition organiser at the meeting included the following:


·         The petition organiser stated that he was a member of the Ruislip Gardens Residents' Association (RGRA) and was attending the meeting as a representative of the RGRA, which was in support of the petition 

·         The petitioner organiser advised that this issue had been listed as a standard item on the RGRA's agenda in the last 2 years

·         Had raised the petition in order to request a residents' parking scheme at the bottom ends of Clifford Road and Bedford Road

·         Residents parking scheme had been introduced at the top Clifford Road and Bedford Road, which were nearest to the tube station

·         Moved into property 6 years and parking was not an issue at the time but had become a problem since the introduction of the 'pay and display' parking scheme around the area

·         The parking problems could be associated to the restrictions around the tube station, as commuters were being forced to find parking in surrounding areas

·         From a small survey conducted of vehicles parked in a stretch in Clifford Road over several days, it was found that 63% of the cars and commercial vehicles parked belonged to commuters

·         No longer had a vested interest, as had now sold property but was representing residents who had signed the petition

·         At the top end of the roads close to the parking zone, all side parking spaces were taken and 89-90% of homes had off-road parking, whilst their visitors parked at the far end of the road

·         There had been an on-going problem with commercial vans, where up to 3 vans could be parked at any one time on the road. A complaint had been lodged to the company

·         The issue of parking outside the flats was relentless and further compounded by long term parking in the area and people living in the flats were at a disadvantage because they were not able to have drive ways or off-road parking

·         Daily commuters have been noted to park vehicles on a 30 metres stretch along Clifford Road and last weekend observed a convoy of 3 to 4 cars parked on the road, drivers of the other cars then boarded one car and drove off

·          An abandoned vehicle reported 7 days ago had not been removed  

·         The tube station also attracted other commuters such as QPR fans and Westfield shoppers/staff

·         Nos 102 to 112 Clifford Road was the first place where kerb side parking was available and the with parking restriction ending at 6pm, this had meant that residents were unable to even park in the evenings

·         Requested some protection for residents living near Ruislip Gardens tube Station

·         Parking was also an issue of concern for school children, as the vans could hamper the visibility of children which could be a hazard to them

·         Neighbours with young children and people working shifts until 11pm often found parking problem to be detrimental, as they would feel the impact of not being  ...  view the full minutes text for item 41.