Agenda and minutes

Petition Hearing - Cabinet Member for Planning and Transportation - Wednesday, 16th December, 2009 7.00 pm

Venue: Committee Room 3 - Civic Centre, High Street, Uxbridge UB8 1UW. View directions

Contact: Nikki Stubbs 

No. Item


To confirm that the business of the meeting will take place in public.


It was confirmed that the business of the meeting would take place in public.


To consider the report of the officers on the following petitions received.


Field End Road, Bridle Road Eastcote - Petition Requesting a Pedestrian Crossing pdf icon PDF 409 KB

Additional documents:


Field End Road and Bridle Road, Eastcote - Petition Requesting a Pedestrian Crossing


Concerns and suggestions raised at the meeting included the following:

·               The significant risks to parents and children posed by increased traffic flows

·               The risk to pedestrian welfare when crossing the busy road during peak times and rush hours

·               The heckling of elderly people by some motorists as they took longer to cross the busy road.

·               Parents did not allow their children to cross the road alone due to concerns over their welfare.

·               Designated pedestrian crossings would help keep Hillingdon residents safe.

·               Residents suggested two possible sites; one near St Lawrence Church (see as the first priority) and another near St. Thomas More Church, on the other side of the mini roundabout


Councillor Bruce Baker attended the meeting and spoke in support of the petitioners as Ward Councillor. The following issues were raised:

·               The general speed of traffic during rush hours.

·               Blind spots in the road made it difficult for pedestrians to cross the busy road.

·               Pedestrian crossings would slow the speed of vehicles travelling on the road.


The Cabinet Member listened to the issues and concerns raised and supported the comments made by the petitioners and the recommendations made by officers in the report.


Resolved  -


The Cabinet Member:


  1. Noted the petitioners request;


  1. Asked officers to undertake a classified vehicle volume and speed count at a location agreed with petitioners to assist in the development of a suitable proposal;


  1. Asked Officers to undertake a feasibility study for the provision of one or more pedestrian crossing(s) on or near the junction of Field End Road with Bridle Road and report back.


  1. Asked officers as part of the above exercise to liaise with the Metropolitan Police Traffic Division in determining the underlying causes of recent road safety issues of concern in this section of Field End Road and Bridle Road and report back.


Reasons for Recommendation


The petitioner’s request can be discussed in more detail to assist a study to determine the feasibility for a crossing at this location


Alternative Options Considered


None as the petitioner had made a specific request


Relevant Ward:

Eastcote and East Ruislip



Fulham Close, Hillingdon - Petition Requesting a Resident Parking Scheme pdf icon PDF 71 KB

Additional documents:


Fulham Close, Hillingdon - Petition Requesting a Resident Parking Scheme


Concerns and suggestions raised at the meeting included the following:

  • Residents of the cul-de-sac parked on the road which made it very difficult for emergency vehicles to travel down the crowded road
  • When the local Church was hosting events, the area would become very crowded with parked cars.


Councillor Sandra Jenkins attended the meeting and spoke as Ward Councillors. The following issues were raised:

·              The road in question was very narrow and small, leading to multiple parking problems.

·              To consider one road in isolation would not solve the problem, as it would be shifted to other roads


The Cabinet Member listened to the issues and concerns raised by the petitioners and supported the comments made by the petitioners.


Resolved  -


The Cabinet Member:


  1. Noted the concerns of petitioners regarding to parking in Fulham Close.


  1. Officers would discuss further with Ward Councillors the use of a wider feasibility study to decide if a scheme for Fulham Close can be added to the Council’s parking programme


Reasons for Recommendation

Although parking schemes are not generally considered for individual roads however, due to the isolated location of Fulham Close, the Cabinet Member decided to suggest a feasibility study to determine whether a scheme could be considered in advance of one over a wider area.


Alternative Options Considered


None as the residents have made a specific request for a Residents Parking Scheme.


Relevant Ward:




Meadow Close and Evelyn Avenue, Ruislip - Petition Objecting to Waiting Restrictions pdf icon PDF 101 KB

Additional documents:


Meadow Close and Evelyn Avenue, Ruislip - Petition Objecting to Waiting Restrictions


Councillor Bruce Baker attended the meeting and spoke in support of the petitioners as Ward Councillor. The following issues were raised:

  • The junction faces a 90 degree bend in the road, making it difficult for motorists to see oncoming traffic.
  • Parked cars around the junction obstruct the view of motorists.


The Cabinet Member listened to the issues and concerns raised.


Resolved -


The Cabinet Member:


1.      Noted the petition objecting to the waiting restrictions on the junction of Meadow Close and Evelyn Avenue


2.      Noted concerns regarding the waiting restrictions on the junction of Meadow Close and Evelyn Avenue


3.      Confirmed the need for ‘at any time’ waiting restrictions on the junction of Meadow Close and Evelyn Avenue for 10 metres from each respective kerb line.


4.      Asked officered to keep under review the parking issues on Evelyn Avenue on the bend south-west of the junction with Meadow Close


Reasons for Recommendation


A local Ward Councillor, on behalf of local residents, requested the proposed waiting restrictions to prohibit obstructive parking on the junction of Meadow Close and Evelyn Avenue. Section 243 of The Highway Code recommends that vehicles should not park within 10 metres of a junction.


Alternative Options Considered

The Cabinet Member could decide to remove or alter the length of the waiting restrictions.


Relevant Ward:

Eastcote and East Ruislip



Windsor Avenue, Hillingdon East - Petition Requesting Road Safety Measures pdf icon PDF 85 KB

Additional documents:


Windsor Avenue, Hillingdon East - Petition Requesting Road Safety Measures


Councillor Tim Barker attended the meeting and spoke in support of the petitioners as Ward Councillor. The following issues were raised:

  • Parents were hesitant about letting their children walk done the road alone.
  • A log book kept at Oak Farm School was used by parents to recorded traffic incidents, involving incidents of drivers disobeying the Highway Code.
  • Cars were parked on drop kerbs which obstructed traffic.


The Cabinet Member listened to the issues and concerns raised.


Resolved -


The Cabinet Member:


  1. Noted the petition.


  1. Asked Officers to submit a bid to Transport for London for funding to install Oak Farm School’s Travel Plan.


  1. Asked Officers to investigate other measures that residents have requested in Windsor Avenue that are outside Oak Farm School’s Travel Plan.


  1. Asked Officers to contact the Safer Neighbourhoods Teams regarding the behaviour of drivers on Windsor Avenue.


Reasons for Recommendation


It was clear there are concerns with traffic on Windsor Avenue particularly during school starting and finishing times.  The school had produced a Travel Plan which is eligible to be funded by Transport for London.  Outside of this plan petitioners also raise issues which can be considered for funding for inclusion in the Council’s Road Safety programme.


Alternative Options Considered



Relevant Ward:

Hillingdon East



Field End Road, Ruislip - Petition Regarding the Speed of Vehicles pdf icon PDF 98 KB

Additional documents:


Field End Road, Ruislip - Petition Regarding the Speed of Vehicles


Concerns and suggestions raised at the meeting included the following:

  • Following an incident with her son and a lorry driver failing to stop at the pedestrian crossing, the petitioner felt the crossing needed to be highlighted to traffic.
  • Lorry drivers were unable to see the crossing due to trees forming a blind spot.
  • If the crossing was highlighted, it would make it easier for traffic to slow down in advance.
  • Many residents of Field End Road echoed the concerns raised by the petitioner.
  • As the road was recently resurfaced vehicles are able to move at a faster speed down the road.


Councillor Allan Kauffman attended the meeting and spoke in support of the petitioners as Ward Councillor. The following issues were raised:

  • The pedestrian crossing needed to be lit up to warn drivers of the crossing before they approached it


The Cabinet Member listened to the issues and concerns raised and the following points were raised

  • The Cabinet Member reassured the petitioner that concerns were normal of any parents protecting their child.
  • Hillingdon’s road safety was improving with cameras being placed in poles and lollipops to stop dangerous driving.
  • A speed survey over a 10 day period would determine the speed of motorists down the road.


Resolved -


The Cabinet Member:

 Noted the petition request


 Met with and listened to the petitioners’ concerns regarding  speeding issues on Field End Road


 Asked Officers to carry out an independent speed survey on Field End Road at a location agreed with the petitioners and to report back to the Cabinet Member. 


 Instructed officers to add Field End Road to future Phases of the Vehicle Activated Signs (VAS) Programme


 Instructed officers to consult with the Safer Neighbourhoods Team regarding the issue of speed.


6. Further following the outcome of the Speed Survey Officers were to discuss the result with the Cabinet Member of Planning and Transportation to discuss further possible safety measures within the area.


Reasons for Recommendation


To investigate in further detail concerns of the petitioners.


Alternative Options Considered



Relevant Ward:

Cavendish and South Ruislip