Agenda and minutes

Petition Hearing - Cabinet Member for Planning and Transportation - Wednesday, 14th April, 2010 7.00 pm

Venue: Committee Room 4 - Civic Centre, High Street, Uxbridge UB8 1UW. View directions

Contact: Natasha Dogra 

No. Item


To confirm that the business of the meeting will take place in public.


It was confirmed that the business of the meeting would take place in public.


To consider the report of the officers on the following petitions received.


Columbia Avenue and Beech Avenue, Eastcote - Petition Requesting Parking Restrictions pdf icon PDF 65 KB

Additional documents:


Concerns and suggestions made at the meeting by the petitioners included the following:

  • The road in questions were very close to Eastcote tube station, and were therefore used by commuters to park their cars throughout the day
  • Commuters would rather park for free on surrounding streets than pay to use the car park
  • Acorn Hall Youth Centre held various events for young people and parking on the surrounding roads was an issue when events were being held in the youth centre
  • Due to inconsiderate parking it was difficult for emergency vehicles and larger vehicles to pass through the road with ease. Residents were concerned that should there be an emergency on the road the emergency vehicle would not be able to travel along the road which could be dangerous.
  • Residents against the proposed parking restrictions voiced their concerns that restrictions would not allow residents the freedom of parking on their own roads with ease.
  • Residents opposing the petition said it was their choice whether to park on the street or in their driveway and they would like to continue to enjoy this freedom.
  • The youth centre was only used in the evening and by this time any commuter traffic had gone.


Councillor Eddie Lavery and Councillor Michael White attended the meeting in expressed concerns about both cases put forward by residents:

  • Although the area is very close to the tube station only people who know about the alleyway leading to the station would park on the neighbouring streets.
  • There is no total consensus by the residents in this area and so a consultation should follow.
  • Parking restrictions may decrease the amount of parking available to residents at the moment. 


The Cabinet Member listened to the issues and concerns raised and informed residents that a feasibility study would need to be carried out to determine the next steps. However, no restrictions would be put in place until a consultation had taken place with residents.




The Cabinet Member:


(i) Took into consideration the petition request when reporting on the

objections received to the Council’s proposals for waiting restrictions in

Columbia Avenue.


(ii) Agreed to Investigate the feasibility to introduce a Parking Management Scheme in Columbia Avenue and Beech Avenue as requested and report back.


(iii) The outcome of the above points would be discussed with the Ward Councillors before any consultation took place with residents.

Reasons for recommendation

To address the residents concern with commuter parking in their road and to arrive at a suitable scheme which will be supported by the residents affected.


Alternative options considered

None at this stage.


Relevant Ward:





Thirlmere Gardens, Northwood - Petition Requesting the Introduction of "At Any Time" Waiting Restrictions pdf icon PDF 64 KB

Additional documents:


Concerns and suggestions made at the meeting by the petitioners included the following:

  • Residents raised their concerns that staff and visitors to the nearby hospital were using the surrounding roads to park rather than paying car park charges in the hospital.
  • Petitions thought “no waiting at any time” restrictions would be too extreme in this case.
  • Cars parking on the corners and in front of junctions were a hazard to traffic flowing through Thirlmere Gardens.
  • Emergency vehicles were unable to travel through Thirlmere Gardens when vehicles were erratically parked on the roads.



Councillor Richard Lewis and Councillor Carol Melvin attended the meeting in support of the petitioners and expressed concerns about:

  • Ward Councillors echoed the concerns voiced by the petitioners.
  • Ward Councillors requested that should a parking management scheme be introduced it should not exercised during the lunch time of hospital staff, as they could move their vehicles during this time.
  • The situation was becoming dangerous on Thirlmere Gardens
  • Ward Councillors requested that double yellow lines be put down as a short term solution while residents were consulted on the long term solution.


The Cabinet Member listened to the concerns of the petitioners and ward Councillors and informed petitioners that no solution would be imposed on the residents of Thirlmere Gardens. A consultation process would follow to ensure that the residents achieved the results they had hoped for.




The Cabinet Member:


1. Considered the petitioner’s request for the installation of “At any time” waiting restrictions on the main access carriageway to the residential sections of Thirlmere Gardens.


2. Asked officers to prepare options for an appropriate waiting restriction scheme in Thirlmere Gardens for consultation with residents and report back with the results.


3. Agreed to ask officers to paint double yellow lines where appropriate as a short term solution to the problem in Thirlmere Gardens.

Reasons for recommendation

To fully investigate the request from the petitioners who live in Thirlmere Gardens.

Alternative options considered


These can be derived as part of the feasibility study for the introduction of waiting restrictions in Thirlmere Gardens.


Relevant Ward:





Minterne Waye, Hayes - Petition Objecting to Proposed Waiting Restrictions pdf icon PDF 62 KB

Additional documents:


Concerns and suggestions made at the meeting by the petitioners included the following:

  • The introduction of double yellow lines on the corner and past the junction would lead to limited parking available for residents.
  • The road is used by elderly people and by children walking home from school – the introduction of double yellow lines would allow traffic to drive at a high speed around the bend in the road as there would be no traffic parked on either side of the road. This could potentially be dangerous to the pedestrians.
  • The introduction of the double yellow lines would mean residents would be parking further away from their houses and would have trouble carrying their shopping in from their cars.
  • Petitioners believed the premium of car parking was incorporated into the price of their house; losing their car parking space would devalue their properties.


The Cabinet Member listened to the issues and concerns informed petitioners that the Council had to abide by the Highway Code which stated that traffic should not be parked on bends in the road or opposite from road junctions.




The Cabinet Member:


1. Discussed with petitioners their concerns with the loss of parking around the bend in Minterne Waye where waiting restrictions are proposed.


2. Asked officers to take the petition into consideration when preparing the formal report on representations received from statutory consultation on the proposals which will be submitted to the Cabinet Member for a decision on whether the proposals proceed to implementation.


3. Asked officers to undertake further investigation by revisiting the area to determine whether traffic was parked on the bend in the road on Minterne Waye, Hayes prior to preparing the final report.

Reasons for recommendation

The Council is required to consider all objections to proposed Traffic Regulation Orders. Following the Cabinet Members discussion with petitioners their comments can be included in the formal report to the Cabinet Member detailing all representations received from statutory consultation.

Alternative options considered

These may rise from the Cabinet Members discussions with petitioners.


Relevant Ward:




Bury Street, Ruislip - Petition Requesting Parking Restrictions pdf icon PDF 75 KB

Additional documents:


Concerns and suggestions made at the meeting by the petitioners included the following:

  • Petitioners have given a lot of thought to the introduction of parking controls that would help traffic flow and the access to off-street parking.
  • Public events in the Manor Farm site meant parking in the surrounding roads was very erratic and inconsiderate when the site was in use.
  • Due to erratic parking behaviour emergency vehicles and larger vehicles had to mount the kerb to manoeuvre around the parked cars.
  • Petitioners were finding it difficult to reverse out of their driveways as their line of vision was blocked due to parked cars.


Councillor Bruce Baker and Councillor John Riley attended the meeting in support of the petitioners and expressed concerns about:

  • The need for double yellow lines in an area where parking needed to be restricted.
  • Ward Councillors were very aware of the congestion of traffic down Bury Street and were grateful to petitioners for creating a concise plan with their recommendations clearly expressed.


The Cabinet Member listened to the issues and concerns raised and thanked the petitioners for their recommendations for double yellow lines on certain parts of Bury Street.




The Cabinet Member:


1. Considered the petitioner’s request for the introduction of parking controls in Bury Street between Pinn Way and High Street, Ruislip.


2. Asked officers to carryout a feasibility study based on the petitioners suggestions for parking controls and report back.


3. Based on the outcome of the above two points, officers were directed to discuss the report with Ward Councillors prior to any implementation or consultation with residents.

Reasons for recommendation

It would appear the petitioners have given some thought to the introduction of parking controls that would help traffic flow and the egress/access to off-street parking. The suggestions put forward can be investigated in detail and reported back to the Cabinet Member on the feasibility.


Alternative options considered

None at this stage, as the petitioners have put forward their suggestions for parking controls. However, further options may emerge during the petition hearing with the Cabinet Member.


Relevant Ward:



Wyteleaf Close, Ruislip - Petition Requesting to Park on the Footway pdf icon PDF 62 KB

Additional documents:


Councillors Philip Corthorne, Brian Crowe and John Riley attended the meeting in support of the petitioners and expressed concerns about:

  • The amount of space available on the footpath for passing members of the public.


The Cabinet Member listened to the concerns raised by the Ward Councillors.




The Cabinet Member:


1. Considered the petition request and discusses with residents their concern with parking in Wyteleaf Close.


2. Approves Wyteleaf Close for the introduction of a Footway Parking Exemption Scheme subject to a further report following consultation with local residents on a detailed scheme layout.

Reasons for recommendation

To allow the Cabinet Member to discuss with petitioners in detail their concern with parking in Wyteleaf Close.

Alternative options considered

None as the petitioners have made a specific request for parking on the footway.


Relevant Ward:

West Ruislip.