Venue: Committee Room 3 - Civic Centre, High Street, Uxbridge UB8 1UW. View directions
Contact: Ainsley Gilbert Democratic Services Officer 01895 250692
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest in matters coming before this meeting Minutes: Councillor John Riley declared a Non-Pecuniary Interest in Agenda Item 6 as he was a resident of Bury Street. He remained in the room and took part in discussions. |
To confirm that the business of the meeting will take place in public. Minutes: All items were to be considered in public. |
To consider the report of the officers on the following petitions received. Please note that individual petitions may overrun their time slots. Although individual petitions may start later than advertised, they will not start any earlier than the advertised time. Minutes: The petitions were considered, as set out in the agenda. |
Petition Requesting Permit Holder Parking in a Section of Hill Lane, Ruislip Additional documents: Minutes: Councillors Corthorne, Crowe, and Riley, attended as Ward Councillors.
Concerns and suggestions from petitioners included the following:
· That residents had misunderstood a previous consultation on a residents permit parking scheme, and a large number now were in favour of such a scheme. · That parking by non residents, such as commuters, residents of nearby houses seeking to avoid other parking restrictions, businesses, and golfers, was reducing the space available for those who lived in the unrestricted section of Hill Lane. There was a particular concern that carers for elderly residents could not park near to the houses of their clients. · That displacement, leading to further pressure, would occur following the implementation of a residents permit scheme in Manor Waye. · That obstructive parking, caused by a high level of parking pressure, was creating difficulty for buses in passing along the road, causing vehicle crossovers to be blocked, and making the road less safe, possibly due to poor sight lines.
Councillor Corthorne said that he supported the officers recommendations. He said that consideration would need to be given to parking provision for local shops in the area, and that it would be helpful if the scheme could be implemented as soon as possible to save a prolonged period of parking difficulty being caused by displacement form Manor Waye. Councillors Crowe and Riley said that they concurred with Councillor Corthorne's comments.
Councillor Burrows listened to the petitioners concerns, and noted the difficulty of dealing with parking issues.
RESOLVED: That the Cabinet Member:
1. Considered the request for permit holder parking in a section of Hill Lane, Ruislip.
2. Approved that informal consultation be carried out with the residents of the unrestricted section of Hill Lane, Ruislip to see if the majority would support permit holder only parking.
Additional documents: Minutes: Councillors Corthorne, Crowe, and Riley, attended as Ward Councillors.
Concerns and suggestions from petitioners included the following:
· That residents had, over the years, had their access to on street parking restricted due to the introduction of yellow lines on Ducks Hill Road. · That there was now great pressure on parking space in nearby roads caused by new housing developments, the general increase in car ownership, and the changing nature of local businesses, and the popularity of Ruislip Lido, which was a particular problem in the summer months. · That residents and their visitors, as a result of the above, were finding it difficult to park near to their homes. Particular concern was expressed for those who were visited regularly by carers. · Residents suggested that either a lay-by, with build outs, or pavement parking, could be installed. It was noted that such schemes had been introduced at similar locations in the Borough. · Residents felt that objections regarding sight lines, speed limits, and the safety of a pedestrian crossing could be resolved relatively easily.
The petitioners also handed a pack of documents and photographs, containing further details, to Steve Austin, Traffic, Parking, Road Safety and School Travel Team Manager.
Councillor Corthorne commented that it would be helpful if Ward Councillors would be able to see the petitioners' detailed proposals. He noted that previously the police and bus operators had objected to similar proposals and that they would be meeting with their representatives soon, and hoped that they could be persuaded that a workable scheme was possible.
Councillor Crowe noted that it had been very difficult to get the existing disabled bay installed, and said that the issue was difficult to resolve. Councillor Crowe commented that he would be keen to look at any proposals the petitioners had, but noted the likely objections to any scheme.
Councillor Riley agreed that the sightlines at the junction of Reservoir Road and Ducks Hill Road were good, and as a result did not feel that the objections were justified. Councillor Riley reported that he would be willing to look at all options, but noted the difficulty of the location.
Councillor Burrows thanked the petitioners for the excellent pack of information they had submitted.
RESOLVED: That the Cabinet Member:
1. Considered the request for parking facilities for Pages Cottages and 1 Reservoir Road, Ruislip.
2. Instructs officers to share the petitioners detailed pack with Ward Councillors and relevant outside agencies.
3. Instructs officers to keep this request on record and undertake an informal consultation on options to address non-residential parking if residents of the area indicate support. |
Additional documents: Minutes: Councillors Corthorne, Crowe, and Riley, attended as Ward Councillors. Councillors Dann, Denys, and Haggar were unable to attend the meeting, due to other commitments.
Concerns and suggestions from petitioners included the following: · The safety of the zebra crossing on Bury Street, near to its junction with Pinn Way was being compromised by the excessive speed of cars, poor sightlines, and insufficient signage. · That the crossing was used by pupils of both Bishop Winningham-Ingram Church of England Primary School, and Whiteheath Infant and Junior Schools. · That there had previously been a school crossing patrol at the site, which was listed as active on the Council's website, but was not staffed. · That there had been an accident on 24th September 2014, and there had also been a large number of 'near misses' at the crossing.
Councillor Crowe informed the Petition Hearing that he sympathised with the petitioners' aims. Reference was made to recommendation three of the report, and said that repeated use of vehicle activated signs would be a worthwhile measure. Councillor Riley commented that he would like to see the crossing patrol restored, but noted that the major problem was poor visibility of the crossing.
Councillor Riley requested that this crossing should be investigated as a priority, as it was used by schools. Councillor Corthorne supported Councillor Crowe's comments, and noted that he had spoken to the headteacher at Bishop Winningham-Ingram Church of England Primary School, Mrs Westbrook, and she had raised concerns about the crossing with him.
Councillor Riley commented that that more signage would be helpful.
RESOLVED: That the Cabinet Member:
1. Considered the request for measures to improve pedestrian safety on Bury Street near the junction with Pinn Way.
2. Instructs officers to add the petitioners’ request to the Council’s Road Safety Programme for further investigation including the installation of Zebrite Belisha Beacons.
3. Instructs officers to investigate the feasibility of adding Bury Street to the Council’s Vehicle Activated Signs Programme.
4. Instructs officers to undertake classified traffic volume and speed survey(s) at location(s) to be agreed with the petitioners and the relevant Ward Members.
5. Instructs officers to update the cabinet member on the status of the school crossing patrol at the site, and the accuracy of the Council's website.
6. Instructs officers to review current signage in the area, considering especially the approaches to the crossing.
7. Instructs officers to commission an independent safety audit of the crossing, following the completion of all other resolutions. |
Petition Requesting Parking Management Scheme in Fairey Avenue, Hayes Additional documents: Minutes: Concerns and suggestions from petitioners included the following: · That commuter parking by those using Hayes and Harlington Station, and the use of the road by nearby businesses, made it difficult for residents to park in their road, whilst holidaymaker parking exacerbated the problem in the summer months, with cars being left for weeks on end. · That the prevalence of resident permit parking in nearby roads had led to displacement of commuters onto Fairey Avenue. · The new crossrail service, new supermarket, and further housing developments, would add further demand for parking. · That the road was being used by those involved in anti-social behaviour and the selling of illegal drugs. · That parking places in the road were not adequately marked.
Councillors Dhillon, Lakhmana, and Morse were unable to attend, however, they had sent a representation to Councillor Burrows, in support of the petitioner's request. This was read out in their absence.
RESOLVED: That the Cabinet Member:
1. Considered petitioners concerns about parking in Fairey Avenue, Hayes.
2. Instructs officers to add Fairey Avenue to the extensive parking scheme programme.
3. Instructs officers to report Anti-Social Behaviour issues to the Council's Anti-Social Behaviour Investigation Team, and the Metropolitan Police's Pinkwell Safer Neighbourhood Team. |
Petition Requesting Parking Management Scheme in Westcott Way, Uxbridge Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Burles attended as a Ward Councillor. Councillor Cooper had sent her apologies due to another engagement. Councillor Burrows explained that he was both the Cabinet Member for Planning, Transportation, and Recycling, and a Ward Councillor for Uxbridge South.
Concerns and suggestions from petitioners included the following: · That commuters and businesses were regularly parking in the road, and this was leading to a problem for local residents. · That obstructive parking, caused by a high level of parking pressure, was forcing residents to walk down the road, rather than along the pavement, and regularly causing difficulties for larger vehicles such as rubbish lorries and a school transport bus, as well as potentially for fire engines.
Councillor Burles said that Westcott Way and Bettles Close were now surrounded by the Uxbridge South Parking Management Scheme. He felt that a permit scheme was therefore inevitable, and said that he hoped a good scheme for residents could be implemented.
Councillor Burrows reported that the roads had not previously been included in the parking management scheme, but thought that too many non-residents now used the road for the status quo to be sustainable.
RESOLVED: That the Cabinet Member:
1. Considered petitioners concerns about parking in Westcott Way, Uxbridge.
2. Instructs officers to add the request for a Parking Management Scheme in Wescott Way and Bettles Close to the Council’s future parking scheme programme for further investigation and more detailed consultation with residents when resources permit.
3. Instructs officers to speak to refuse teams to establish the issues they encountered whilst collecting from Westcott Way. |