Venue: Committee Room 6 - Civic Centre, High Street, Uxbridge UB8 1UW. View directions
Contact: Gill Brice
No. | Item |
To confirm that the business of the meeting will take place in public Minutes: It was confirmed that the meeting would take place in public. |
To consider the report of the officers on the following petitions received |
Councillors Routledge, Gilham, George Cooper, Judith Cooper and Paul Harmsworth attended the meeting as Ward Councillors. Concerns and suggestions raised by the first petitioner at the meeting included the following:
· Possible expansion had been discussed since December 2008 and continued through to 2009.
· Expansion of Hermitage and St Mary’s · Primary School at Uxbridge High · Building of a school on Hillingdon House Farm as this would be at neutral cost. · Bringing forward the building of a school on RAF Uxbridge.
· It was not true that the Local Authority had worked closely with the school. · Plans had not been shown to the school prior to them being submitted to the planning department and were a fait accompli when presented to the Head Teachers. · A 2 storey building had been proposed by the school to reduce the footprint of the building but this had not been taken forward. · Assurances had been given that the boundary for the Children’s Centre would be moved as too much of the playing field had been taken up. · The Schools do not currently share play space. · Traffic problems currently exist in the area if site extended this would exacerbate the situation in the surrounding residential area. · Could the slip road and green at the front of the school be included in the school site? · The ethos of the school with every child being known made the school a happy place and may affect their development. · A letter sent to officers in March 2010 had not yet been replied to, can the Cabinet Member ask officers to respond. · There were insufficient toilet and kitchen facilities in the schools and the DFE regulated the number required. · Not convinced that ... view the full minutes text for item 3. |