Venue: Committee Room 3a - Civic Centre, High Street, Uxbridge UB8 1UW. View directions
Contact: Nadia Williams
Note | No. | Item |
To confirm that the business of the meeting will take place in public |
To consider the report of the officer on the following petition received |
7pm |
Petition Against Harefield Schools Amalgamation Proposal PDF 94 KB Minutes: It was noted that a report was being reported to the Cabinet meeting on 24th September 2009 with the recommendations that Cabinet agree:
1) To reject the Statutory Proposal to amalgamate Harefield Infant and Junior schools at this time 2) That amalgamation be reconsidered at a later date should more suitable circumstances arise
In view of this development, Councillor Simmonds suggested that under the circumstances, petitioners may wish to take a few minutes to decide whether to proceed with the meeting.
The meeting re-convened after10 minutes and the petitioners agreed that in view of the welcomed announcement, there was no need to continue with the hearing. The following points were noted that:
· Petitioners were not against amalgamation of the schools, just that this was not the best time to proceed · Petitioners would like the opportunity of shaping the future of their schools and were keen to work closely with the Authority in the future · The Council would continue to ensure that residents and the schools continue to be engaged, so that when the time was right, the issue would be open to discussion · That there was no particular commitment except to explore the proposal when the opportunity arose
That the Cabinet Member for Education and Children’s Services notes the petition received and the views of the petitioners present at the Hearing.